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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/more-41-000-people-signed-095135367.html
  2. All you guys posting maps only re-emphasizes the fact that the earth is relatively flat. Sure there’s so mountains and valleys, but we’re basically sitting on a big pizza pan and spinning slowly around the sun. Those maps pretty much prove it.
  3. I got a 98. A+ @Beerball and @ExiledInIllinois will probably consult WikiBears to beat me.
  4. I think the author’s article was hacked. Perhaps the editor was having fun and it accidentally went to press. “Reminding people not to push their friends down to escape from a bear” 😂
  5. This guy's got nothin' on The Great Carlini!! See also, Neal Pert's father's, dog groomer's, sister's aunt thread.
  6. Are we now posting RIP wishes for anyone who dies? I mean, Mr. Peart sounds like a nice guy, but he's the father of a famous person. RIP "The Great Carlini" (did magic shows at nursing homes). https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/buffalonews/name/carl-blessing-obituary?pid=198926871
  7. https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/tyrann-mathieu-le-veon-bell-092435710.html How many songs can we come up with for “Tyrod Matthew” or “Honey Weasel”?
  8. But federal workers know more than you and me. Ask Exiled.
  9. Now they’re hazing the grizz!! What is this, college?? Make it stop!! https://www.jhnewsandguide.com/news/environmental/local/togwotee-grizzly-family-to-be-heavily-hazed-for-two-weeks/article_83febc91-24b4-5a6e-b417-9f0242df118e.html @ExiledInIllinois @Beerball
  10. Beerball and Hapless?? That’s mean.
  11. Because “Doug Whaley set this team back and Kyle Orton belongs on the Wall” was too long of a name for the pedigree papers.
  12. Link? IMO, it doesn’t matter if he’s 10 pounds over or under, can he keep up? (Endurance)
  13. @Beerball Killing machines. Sickening. I hope you sleep well at night knowing these animals are eradicating elk populations. https://www.outdoorlife.com/adventure/grizzly-kill-caught-on-camera/
  14. If you claim to have a large brain, the grizz will enjoy it with a fine Chianti. Remember, I don’t have to outrun the Grizz, I just have to outrun you.
  15. What’s the deal with these intellectual types who have a “Book Shelter” outside their house? They leave their books in there inviting people to take them for free and read. So it’s basically a “LAMR” (Look At Me Read) trap so you can be impressed with their catalog of books. F%#! that!! I’ll read what I want and donate my books to the library.
  16. This is just getting out of hand. Control your damn goats!!! https://www.newsweek.com/canada-man-confronts-grizzly-bear-vineyard-farm-quadra-island-1598911?amp=1
  17. “What we have here, is a failure to communicate”
  18. Name droppers: “Hey Fergy, I met this great guy who you should hang with some time. He’s pretty cool and super intelligent”. Uhhh, yeah, I know him and he’s not that bright. Or “I had drinks with (insert name of self proclaimed famous/cool/affluent person)”. Great, I don’t like most people, and he’s on that list.
  19. Lock her up and throw away the key. Friggin’ do-gooder is messing with nature. Just like a certain lock tender we all know and love.
  20. Tommy Boy Wall Street The Godfather Shawshank Redemption Training Day It’s a Wonderful Life Platoon
  21. Are they scouting for “deers”? Please call Mario Williams
  22. Yeah. Then Julio and Cam would be on IR together for 7-8 weeks.
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