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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. You’re the problem. When you try to sneak in your wine coolers and favorite dilllldo, the security wastes time searching everyone. Just bring your essentials (lip gloss, spandex and napkins).
  2. I can hear the cries for help: "Save my house!!" or "Oh no, my BMW is on fire!! Save it!!" What about the bear habitat?? Has anyone even thought about the bear homes and vehicles??
  3. Only YOU can prevent forest fires.
  4. With all due respect, why the hell would I value the opinion of a vegetarian for wings or beef?? 😂
  5. Once again, you need to factor in the offense knows what they are doing. He defense plays reactionary. Especially CB. There can be no debate.
  6. Handing the ball off?? You kiddin’ me? Or trolling?
  7. Can’t a bear even go out for a morning jog anymore?
  8. Anyone who said “QB” is obviously not thinking straight. You’re saying Tom Brady plays the most difficult position in sports (dink, dunk, hand off, sneak) and Tre White doesn’t (trying to cover Speedsters, crossing routes, deep routes, keeping eye on RB’s, tackling TE’s and RB’s). You’re all out of your gourds.
  9. Now that’s a “rank” icon.
  10. Hibernation already?? No Bear updates.
  11. Not quite, but I see your point. The entire offensive unit has a distinct advantage over the defensive unit (that’s why shutouts are so rare in football). Defense is purely reactionary. Playing CB against the likes of Diggs, Metcalf, Hill has to be a mentally and physically exhausting position (not to mention keeping the RB and QB in sight in the event of a run). Complicated (mentally), but what about physically and instinctively?
  12. If I knew how to do a poll, I’d create one. But it seems QB or CB are (probably) the most physically and mentally taxing positions in football.
  13. Probably two different approaches: hardest mentally vs hardest physically. CB has to be most difficult “physically”
  14. That’s exactly my point. Thx. QB knows where he or she is going with the ball each play (Read 1,2,3 or handoff). No biggie. The CB has to be set for sprint along side, move laterally, react to handoff but watch for play action. It has to be the toughest position because it is all quick reflexes and reactionary, not to mention great physical skills (unlike Ben Whatsaburger).
  15. QB, RB, WR, OL, C, TE, DL, DE, LB, CB, S, LS, P or K? My opinion: CB
  16. Breida would make sense.
  17. I enjoyed his reporting. Too bad. Best of luck!!
  18. Signed up as “The Gabbagool” (my pseudo pseudonym)
  19. Good for him. National spotlight. No more “City Mattress” commercials.
  20. I won’t be attending. Have a great time everyone!
  21. If you’re a realtor in the WNY area, you’ll have very few visitors.
  22. Bearball alert!! (The Youtubes stealin’ my stuff)
  23. So, I should hold off on hating certain players until I hear the facts? I just read above we’re going to lose our only opportunity to win a Super Bowl because of these 6 or 7 players. I don’t know what to do. Help!!!
  24. Grizzlies pay better…but the black bears are less intimidating.
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