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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. A lot of guys I know say the same about Canadian Club....but I love CC so !@#$ them.
  2. When I was studying for the bar (ironically) I worked at the Park Country Club tending bar. I made countless "Old Fashioneds" and never understood the attraction. But they were using Maker's Mark and other top shelf stuff. Howard Simon liked it...so did Gugny and TRBJ.
  3. Is that tequila? Never had it.
  4. Dear Abbey: I am currently being held captive in a room that has nothing in it other than a metal chair, a lightbulb, a plastic switchblade comb, a pack of Hubba Bubba grape gum, 18 peanut M&M's, an old TV guide with Loni Anderson on the cover, 3 rusty door hinges, a roll of camoflauge duct tape and half eaten Stella Dora bread stick. There is a door with a lock and a guard outside. How do I escape? Much appreciated, Kidnapped in Kentucky
  5. I was trolled. I read the first 5 paragraphs, assumed it was real and posted the story. I am no Woodward and Bernstein.
  6. So you're saying two "franchise QB's" get to the Superbowl?
  7. Except for the ginger....Dalton has no soul.
  8. No excuse for this. I will check my sources next time. In the interim, let's change this thread to a new topic: favorite drink (not beer or wine). Mine is: Manhattan. 2 parts Canadian Club, 1 part sweet vermouth, bitters, cherry juice, a cherry and twist of lemon. On the rocks.
  9. Are you here till Thursday? Should I try the veal?
  10. ****. Sorry. Sounded real.
  11. http://nbc.com.co/vince-gilligan-announces-breaking-bad-season-6-begins-shooting-december-2015-walt-did-not-die/ Very pumped about this. I didn't think Walt would just lay there at the end without some kind of continuation. He didn't die. This will be great.
  12. Can't believe "Sammy's Hammy" isn't on the list. !@#$in ridiculous.
  13. This is the exact kind of "outside the box" thinking that Championships are made of (Bellicheat has Jamie Collins high jump the center on a field goal, the ineligible receiver play, etc.) Grafting new limbs on star athletes will occur in the next 20 years mark my word. Want to thank the OP for introducing this subject. When LeBron's 3 meter arms are no longer use to him, why not re-attach them to a guy like Sammy. He won't even have to jump for a ball. I can see Sports Science have a few episodes on this subject.
  14. You're both correct, how's that?
  15. I'm just throwing this out there...BUT: Is it possible that EJ hacked his Instatweet account and did this to Sammy??
  16. *sarcasm button on* No, you are absolutely wrong!! We need to Tweet, Facebook and Instagram him that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, that he is a gamer, that he should keep posting his thoughts about fans and their jobs, that he put "those fans" in their place, that he should keep "speaking the truth"...in other words, we should coddle him and reward him for his comments. *sarcasm button off*
  17. I guess he deleted the comment from his Instagram account...So now we can go back to giving him praise.
  18. Mallett or Tebow??? Hmmmmm, this is like having the little angel on my left shoulder and the little devil on my right. I'd have to go with Tebow.
  19. So now there are levels of fandom? I'll say this - I don't converse with players on Twitter and I doubt any of them read this board. I don't have Instagram. But his statement, though intended for certain douchey fans, comes off as misdirected, arrogant and elitist. Grow up Sammy...or grow a pair. You're not at Clemson anymore.
  20. Holy crap have you ever seen what people say about EJ??? Talk about a professional, level headed kid. EJ has tremendous class and hasn't called out fans for their comments.
  21. Maybe it's the people that put duct tape over their Fitzpatrick jerseys and wrote "Watkins" with a Sharpie. That's like taking food outta' his kid's mouth. I'm "gone" get me one of those.
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