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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Rex Ryan as a call? Lol lol
  2. I will not scream at my TV...I will not scream at my TV....I will not....
  3. I just called the number but the message said their lines were down and we should revert to hand signals.
  4. This is yet another example of why Peligula shouldn't have bought the Bills. The scheduling of events is disconcerting. The NFL had the right idea in precluding owners in the same city from owning more than one professional team. Not sure how Terry and Kim got around that requirement.
  5. I'm working feverishly and will report back on the significance of these digits.
  6. 168 rushing and 45 penalties = 213 total.
  7. No threat. Bet they wished they had Tyrod right about now.
  8. Anyone want to bake some brownies for MDH??
  9. Not bad grasshopper...not bad at all.
  10. See? That's why I knew you bid 1745 (as opposed to 1722 which involved a whole other set of factors Beerball wouldn't understand). Anyway, TRBJ is currently studying history textbooks during his captivity and, once emaciated and free, he will be able to discuss other historical facts with all of us.
  11. We can play this on a continuous loop at the Bake Sale. Nice find. Nanker's toenail cake status: So far DC Tom is highest bidder at $17.45 (he chose this bid because in 1745 the Prussian empire did something important that I'm sure he'll explain later)
  12. http://espn.go.com/blog/baltimore-ravens/post/_/id/23761/john-harbaugh-giving-out-effort-stickers-to-motivate-ravens I wonder if there are any stickers that would help our team? Hmmmm
  13. We need to raise awareness for Phuc Dat and all the other Biches out there.
  14. My form of Numerology is akin to FanDuel and DraftKings. I interpret data and provide guidance. Similar to a Farmer's Almanac, but without the ads for organic seeds and tubs that have a swinging door.
  15. Mead - Here ya go. 11-22-15 (Sunday). I've been saving this one for you. A special day indeed. Here's where the magic happens. Probably the only day you will ever have a "Duality of Numbers" so watch how this works: Add the digits for 11 (1+1) and the digits for the day ((2+2) and what do you get? Yep....6. Now add the digits for the year....1+5.....ahem, yep, another 6. Now add the "duality of numbers" (6+6) and if the sum matches the last digit of the month (1) and the first digit of the day (2) then you have achieved full duality of numbers. So play 6-23-28-31-44 and Powerball Number 19
  16. Rex goes through 12 different headsets and gets an endorsement deal with "Gorilla Glue".... Last headset explodes on the turf when Rex slams it down and says "!@#$ yeah" 20 times into the camera Big night for Jerry Hughes and Preston Brown Karlos gets the TD he needs to set the record. Bills win 28-24
  17. No need for WiFi. No need for a data plan. No need for speakers loud enough to reach you in the field. No electricity needed. Hire your own minstrels.
  18. When I think of the word "Scurvy" this gal is what I imagine it looks like. scur·vy ˈskərvē/ noun 1. a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds, which particularly affected poorly nourished sailors until the end of the 18th century.
  19. FOXBORO — Gene Steratore will work as the referee for Monday’s Bills-Patriots game, according to Footballzebras.com. This will be the first Patriots game for Steratore since Nov. 24, 2013, when he worked the New England-Denver contest at Gillette Stadium. (Earlier that same season, he worked as the referee for Patriots-Bengals in Cincinnati, a game distinguished for a few things, including the fact that there were no penalties called on New England that afternoon.) http://itiswhatitis.weei.com/sports/...ills-patriots/
  20. Which was the worst part of our last game against the Pats: We drove down the field in about four minutes with a nice mix of throws and runs. Scored and it looked like the day was ours. Then BB adjusted and all hell broke loose. We need to adjust on the fly like he does....Rex will earn his salary in this game (same with Thurm and G-Ro)
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