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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. A couple things I’ve seen from the renderings: * Why aren’t the cocktail servers in tuxedos and/or short dresses? * I don’t see any fur linings on the seats for added warmth, why not? * I understand we can’t have Marlboro as a sponsor on signs anymore, but why don’t they have Grey Poupon or Jaguar as sponsors surrounding the Jumbotron? * Is there a reason why they don’t show individual tv screens on each seat back? * Can’t they design more legroom for fans? I would buy season tix if I could recline a little bit and kick my boots off. The design is vanilla. We need to improve it much more to attract real football fans.
  2. Imagine if he has student loans forgiven by the NFL?
  3. I wonder how Lamar did on the cognition test. Certainly, his demand for bigger money than Watson, Mahomes and Allen is justified.
  4. Can’t wait to see Mrs. Poyer in a Dolphins bikini.
  5. I have that much more respect and appreciation for Josh Allen who understood he is a valued commodity, was paid commensurate with his success and still left meat on the bone that allows us to build a team around him. Lamar is on drugs...or another GM is on drugs who signs him to that type of money.
  6. Roger Saffold said all the players were tired. No shocker.
  7. Balls bounce in different ways.
  8. Happy Birthday!!! The day of automated/robotic water monitoring fast approaches! Have a day off…on me.
  9. I would love to have him on the Bills…if HGH was legal. Unfortunately, his college dominance was a facade while he juiced up. Here come the injuries and Bosworth style collapse in three years.
  10. Jessica Pegula has to be one of the strongest young ladies ever. To go through that with her Mom/family and still successfully play tennis over the last 10 months. Get well Kim! Can't wait to see you cheering on your daughter, your Sabres and Bills.
  11. Many good ones already mentioned. This one fit the cinematography perfectly. (Partial to the locale in Upstate NY)
  12. Yeah. 8-4!! That’s a winning record. And guess what? When the Varsity coach gets fired in a few years, Phil will move up to that position. And then with 2-3 years of success, he may coach JuCo, etc. The fact remains, creative play calling and design starts at the lowest levels of football and trickles up! I bet your son is a great player…would he rather learn more creative plays from Leslie Frasier or Phil?
  13. With all due respect to your son (he may be intelligent and agile), my buddy (Phil) took 17 boys age 15-18 from all walks of life and made them into a rough bunch who went 8-4 JV. The point being, creative use of resources and new game planning will trickle “up” to the College and, ultimately, NFL level if we leave this resource untapped. (Geoff Saturday, for example). Why not take a look at non-traditional coaches to light a spark? I mean, Phil works with people every day…he can interact with professional players.
  14. There’s a lot of really fast kids playing LB in my area. Same at the RB position. I’ve seen a four man wishbone at the Modified level. Imagine an RPO with four options in the NFL? Dayum. As I said, NFL garners ideas from college. Why not go to the foundational root of good ideas at the local level? My buddy coaches in the next town over and we chat about ways to isolate the bigger kids vs. less talented kids. We run film and take notes. This isn’t rocket science. Just need some new ideas.
  15. Should we be looking for sharp/unique play callers at the JV/Modified level? It’s a copy cat league and there’s a lot of really smart guys coaching in my area. Some of the same old “cover 2” BS is stale. Maybe it’s best to look locally or in smaller towns. Get the coaching talent before it sprouts into an SEC position. Just a thought.
  16. Sources: If Hall gets the job in Baltimore, Kelvin Benjamin is a likely replacement as Bills WR Coach.
  17. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. - BBF (Borrowed from M. Scott) (Further credit to J. Eichel)
  18. Wow. I listened to Beane’s press conf and could have made the same predictions. Amazing news Joe B!! Can’t wait for your “expert” draft analysis where you copy/paste evaluations from 30 other real experts nationwide.
  19. https://www.washington.edu/counseling/2020/06/08/the-stages-of-grief-accepting-the-unacceptable/ The five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Where the hell are you guys in this study? It seems some have accepted, while others are still at denial/anger. What can I do to comfort you as a result of this loss?
  20. His Mom and brother were smiling on their way into the game. The grieving process is getting shorter and shorter.
  21. Tremaine can chase more money elsewhere...he's used to chasing things.
  22. Happy Bird-day!!
  23. I would rather listen to an @ExiledInIllinois 12 hour lecture series re. the Lake Ontario Watershed than hear that grating voice ever again.
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