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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Very sad. Why the %#!& is a Blackhawk doing a training mission at night next to a busy airport? RIP
  2. I’m at peace. Joe Brady remains. Youth movement. Here we go.
  3. Why the $&!# would I do that??
  4. Ok. Just hoping McD shows something different to “out coach” the man he respects so much (because I honestly don’t think Reid respects our coach).
  5. I saw a couple plays the past few meeting where Reid kinda “rubs it in”: * Kelce lateral pass “throw back” last year around the time of the Nashville Mirace anniversary * Highlighting Xavier Worthy to kind of rub salt in our wounds * Other instances where he calls crazy plays just to showboat. Really hoping McDermott and Babich dial up some crazy chit that Reid won’t expect. Go Bills!!
  6. Days or inches don’t matter. If it stays another day, I’ll shellac it.
  7. I’ve had an erection for 3 1/2 days…so I got that goin for me - which is nice.
  8. I understand your argument and maybe he will be on the "hot seat" if we lose to KC....if he screws up and his decisions are directly attributable to the loss. But there are so many variables for that to happen. I don't think you can just say "if we lose to KC then McDermott is on the hot seat". If he makes numerous errors that result directly in a loss, then maybe Pegula questions his coaching. But we could lose in so may other ways: * Josh Allen driving down the field, 50 seconds left, we're down by 4 points, at the KC 23 yard line and Josh throws a horrible pass that is intercepted and run back for a TD. * Same scenario, and James Cook fumbles. Change of possession and Chiefs run out the clock. * Same scenario, Ray Davis bobbles pass, takes three steps and it's ruled completed pass and fumble. Under each of those examples, some folks might point back to a second quarter decision by McD and say "Seee, if he hadn't decided that, then we would have won". They will grasp onto any tangential decision to lay blame at a coach's feet, when the player may have simply made a mistake (fumble, INT, Pass Interference). The NFL is not perfect. The players aren't and the coaches aren't. The ball bounces funny and fate has a lot to do with the outcome. For the Bills, they have had a great season and I'm happy with where we are. I truly hope we win the Lombardi. My point is - you can't say McD is on the hot seat or somehow failed the team by losing to the Chiefs. I'd rather approach the game by enjoying the coverage, the in depth stories, and letting the game play out while appreciating what we have in this team not only this year, but for the next 10 years while Josh is playing for Buffalo. There's probably 29 other teams and fanbases that are envious of our team (players/QB, coaches and ownership). Go Bills.
  9. That is a great distinction. A fan can be both happy with the team overall and "disappointed" if we lose. Thank you.
  10. So, it seems this is a “fandom” competition. I don’t need to tell you about my age or devotion to this team to say I like what this season has brought. I “get it” (like you told the poster above). You are a better fan than me because anything short of a Super Bowl win for the next 10 years is unacceptable? There’s no defeatist mentality. I’m not hoping they lose. Saying I’m happy with this team win or lose does not make me less of a fan, it’s just an expression of appreciation for what we have. So enjoy it.
  11. If your happiness is defined by something you can’t control, I don’t know what to tell you. Just a different way of looking at things, I guess. It’s not like you’re sitting behind an XBox controller planning how you can win this for all of Bills Mafia. It’s out of your control. Go Bills!! Great team no matter what.
  12. Did you come up with 11,320 off the top of your head or have you kept Buffalo News/Courier Express calendars all these years just counting down the days?? If so, this thread applies to you. Stop devoting your life to a game where you can’t control the outcome. No matter how much you scream at the TV or write sternly worded letters to the commish. You are a speck of dust on the NFL ball sack. You can’t control the outcome. You just can’t. It doesn’t make you a better fan than me. I’ve suffered through this team (Hank Bullough, 2-14, Super Bowl losses, etc). I don’t enjoy being second best, but if it happens, it’s out of my (and your) control. Just enjoy the ride. Peace. 2015??? LOL. I suppose you don’t have predominantly gray hair like me. Stay positive brother!! Go Bills!!
  13. You understand that same hunger for a championship applies to not only Josh, but coaches, other players, front office, trainers, etc. A team. So please be gentle when pointing fingers at one person IF we come up short.
  14. Are you a psychologist by chance? If so, you just diagnosed my approach to the Bills. And I'm not even Bhuddist!!
  15. I don't think I said I'd be happy if they lost to KC or (if they make it to) the Superbowl. But I will enjoy watching the game as entertainment, hope for a win, and if we lose...well, we still have an f'ing amazing team that will continue to succeed next year. Our success is largely dependent upon a number of factors: players, coaches, weather and "how the ball bounces" (Fate). All must align to beat KC. I can say "we're due!!" all I want, but it doesn't change the fact only one team moves on. There is no "perfection" in the NFL. I have come to appreciate the games and the sport for what it is...entertainment. Go Bills!
  16. This may come as a shock to you, but...sometimes you don't get your own way.
  17. I respect that. Many will label this season a failure. I choose to think of this season as a huge success thus far. Winning vs KC would be icing on the cake, but I’m at peace if we lose. Just woke up this morning having a relaxed mindset (after watching this team since 1970’s).
  18. For a team that was projected to be second or third place in AFCEast. A team that lost veteran safeties, a stud WR, other departures. Win or lose vs KC, I’m at peace with our team. If we win, awesome. If we lose, it happens. Im very relaxed about this year’s team. Can only get better.
  19. Ridiculous. The coach has brought us more wins (regular and post season) than any other. Just stop.
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