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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. DraftSzN looks a lot like Beane. I think we found our leaker.
  2. Russell Brandon...let the 17 year clock start anew.
  3. 1)They gave up basically a late 2nd rounder for Tyrod. 2) We May Need to Resign Ourselves to Allen at 5 3) It has been reported often that the only QB to temp the Giants at 2 is Darnold. 4) Josh Rosen Responds to Character Concerns These are just some of the gems from our beloved board where many posters are (again) treating these players like chattel. "Hey boss...hey boss...does ya think we can get us Allen at 5 even though we don't quite know if he can recite the alphabet?" or "That Rosen boy...he done sure has a good arm, but he's a talkative fella. Best put him down a notch or two". And then there's Tyrod (back to Page 1). He was sold into QB'ing the Browns for a 3rd round pick and a sample size of dental floss. This league is getting ridiculous.
  4. Great question: The NFL sign ups should be based on questionnaires that high school and college kids fill out and submit. In those forms they will be asked questions such as "What are your plans post-football?" or "What was the last book you read and why?" They would then submit a 10 minute video where they create the best play they can imagine on a white board (or black board) to demonstrate ingenuity and scholarly ability. Then, they need to submit an affidavit that they can run three miles, do 100 situps and listen to directions from coaches. The affidavit can be notarized by any person able to do so but not within the state where they reside or from their college. Finally, they need to appear in an interview and explain why they should be selected to the NFL. If it is heartfelt and genuine, then they get to choose where they want to play (rather than being forced to play in a system or for a team that will make them uncomfortable). Pretty simple really.
  5. Here's a Tweet from Schefter Adam Schefter Verified @AdamSchefter 5m 5 minutes ago Rumors swirling that my head is made of Brillo pads...not detergent filled Brillo pads mind you, but the old style basic steel wool variety. Stay tuned.
  6. I'm currently watching a Netflix movie about a 1970's draft where players were actually asked to remove their shirts and turn around (spin) for the owners. Are you kidding me? I probably won't watch one minute of this fiasco tomorrow night and you know why? Because I will be putting myself in the same category of those who will come on here Friday morning and B word and moan about how they didn't get the "body" that they wanted for the team...not the person, or the personality or the brain that we needed, but the physical torso that would make our team better. #shallow So I created a few new signs with my daughters and my girl scout troop: One says "Keep your draft, we want real men" and another sign that reads "$1 or $1 million dollars...how much is your pride worth?" We'll be picketing tomorrow at 6pm in our neighborhood. Join us if you wish.
  7. Men and women join the military because they have a sense of pride in their country, they wish to serve and protect our nation. Young men are drafted into the NFL based solely on physical traits that perpetuate the idea that "this young fella has strong hips, he'll do just fine in the trenches of the offensive line" so the flips a quarter to the commissioner and walks off the stage with his new prize. Not only is it degrading, but it reinforces a generational stigma that we can bid and buy people to bleed for us based solely on their physical traits. It's a meat market I tell ya. I've already decided to make some posters and walk around my neighbor's house tomorrow night. He's having a big DRAFT Party (I told him it's nothing more than "A Human Trafficking Party"). So I have one poster that reads "Judging Bodies? Welcome to 1833" and another that reads "Give Me Liberty and Freedom from Human Auctions". I think my neighborhood will support me. Nothing you say will convince me otherwise. I appreciate your argument, just don't agree with it. The combine and the draft could be the most cruel and inhuman selection device I have ever encountered. Even Beauty pageants allow for a lengthy question and answer session where the woman's mind and intellect are put on full display. The NFL combine and draft are nothing more than gigantic Flea Markets where stuffy old men offer quarters and "picks" for the rights to human beings.
  8. I’ve seen better manners at our neighborhood butcher shop. At least the butcher talks to/about the meat and doesn’t just grade it. Pitiful what we have become as fans.
  9. Your posts are well thought out and persuasive. Still, the combine and the draft are nothing more than a talent show to assess and bid on the best physical specimens who can "get the work done that needs to get done" for a bunch of stuffy guys in suits. Money shouldn't even factor into the equation...it's a red heron.
  10. Game? Game? This is no longer a game played by men who smoke and drink beer on the bench. This is a business pure and simple. So when you see the limos, the red carpet, the dress suits and tie clips/cuff links, just hearken back to this thread and re-read what has been said. Cheer for one man's bench press and vertical jump over another man's. Watch their combine performances...."dance for me #5...dance!!". It's about as subhuman of an event as one can imagine.
  11. Is it so difficult to understand: If you scream at the tv that a certain young man doesn't have the physical tools to perform at the NFL level...or we shouldn't pick this guy over that guy, you are perpetuating what most of us have read about since third grade. Don't judge based on physical traits. Don't create an arena of meat trading.
  12. I respect you as an individual human being with an individual thought process, intelligence, dedication. But while you sit back, drink bottled water, snack on unsalted pecans shouting at the tv screen "We don't want him because he's too short!!" or "Pick that guy, his arm is really strong"...I'll read a book about how our ancestors did the same thing over 100 years ago and question whether we truly have advanced in our treatment of individuals. Do we judge them by looks/physical attributes or what they contribute to our society?
  13. What's the price tag for a human brain? What's the price tag for walking around with a walker at the age of 55? I think I made my point. While GM's and coaches huddle in a nice clean room trying to project which guy will last the longest, the rest of us try to argue why one player (say Tyrod) isn't worth a 2nd round pick but is definitely worth a 3rd round pick. When's the last time someone judged you based on your value as an abstract pick? I feel sorry for a guy like Tyrod. Used and sent on his way. Another reason why the combine is nothing more than a disgraceful exhibition of Choice, Prime or bottom shelf meat.
  14. Your comparison is faulty. We don't look at potential employees teeth or ask them to run a 40 down the hallway toward the break room. We judge them based on their minds. The NFL combine and draft is a glorified cattle stockyard which minimizes what these men (and hopefully women in a few years) bring to the table as individuals. I'd wager $100 to say that 95% of the current NFL players would play for free if the owners likewise took a huge paycut. They inherently love the game, the money only perpetuates the idea that these men are treated as chattel to trade, sell, buy and throw on the fire pit when done.
  15. I'm glad you brought this up. All we ever hear about is bloodlines and genetics. How many times have we heard an announcer say "Now here's a guy that plays a lot like Luke Kuechly"....that, in an of itself, is a slap in the face of each player's own individualized style as a player. If these men want to play the game for bragging rights, I'm ok with it, but to pay even one lousy nickel, you are perpetuating the idea of in dentured servitude which we have worked tirelessly to eradicate for well over 45 years.
  16. So just because they get a check, we are excused as a society from judging these young men for their muscle tone and ability to jump, rather than their minds?
  17. #property #assets #chattel
  18. Signed up for what? These young men are treated like chattel from Little Loop all the way through the combine. Fathers of players sit in a smokey room at a tavern and pick kids from the district. They have them over to their houses to "play football" but what they're really doing is scoping out speed, strength and agility under the guise of "fun and games". Little kids are "selected" based on their athleticism and are then carted from town to town so the coach can showcase what fine athletes he has found in his own district. You telling me little John or Saquon have even the slightest notion they are being put through a mini combine at the age of 9? They have no clue. Meanwhile, Coach Peterson (with his tight Bike shorts and whistle) starts making calls basically saying "I HAVE this kid that I FOUND and he'd be perfect for your needs". Then the kid gets the same treatment through high school, college and on to the gold standard of "property transfer"...the NFL. It's sickening when you think about it.
  19. While all y'all are salivating over who we'll "get" or who Beane will "select", all you're really doing is perpetuating the idea that we can judge, bargain shop and compare young men based on physical traits like hips, arms, chest, jumping ability, speed and agility. It's a meat market mentality and now we all sit in front of the screen and watch a Hollywood atmosphere (cameras, red carpets, interviews, fancy clothes) as young men (black, white, Fiji islands and latinos) get "selected" by "the man". I don't put Beane or Pegula in this category...they get a pass. But guys like Dorsey, Bellichick, Gettleman, Jerry Jones and coaches like Pete Carroll, Andy Reid and Mike Tomlin are choosing men who will be forced into service for a team or city for whom they may not wish to work. Next thing you know, they'll be checking the players teeth, or making them carry loads of bricks on their backs with some goofy reason like "we need to check the teeth because it helps us understand their hygiene practices" or "carrying bricks on their back is a sign of their ability to carry a team when they are down in the 4th quarter". I feel bad for these young men. They don't understand the symbolic nature of what they have gone through. The first thing that happens when they get "selected" is they put on a team hat....talk about branding. It's ridiculous. I probably won't even watch and I would suggest if you have even a rudimentary understanding of "human rights" you would do the same. Peace out!
  20. Its size, design and location point toward it being a sailing ship called the Lake Serpent, which sunk in 1829. The inscription on the bow of the boat reads as follows: I’m a whole different species im convince im not a human never was im more like a advance reptilian solar being I’m very powerful it’s kinda scares me
  21. Beane’s “I don’t know” answer was not in response to whether we are trading up, but rather, “How do you pronounce this reporter’s last name”. Honest mistake.
  22. Wtf?? This board was fun for awhile. Going downhill fast.
  23. Anyone have any good recipes for crab dip?
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