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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Very sorry for your loss Chef. I’m hoping she left you her prized crockpot and toaster oven.
  2. Agreed. Rosen would command respect from the equipment guys and know his way around the facility. #mistake7
  3. I left my secret decoder ring in my purse. I think he was saying we are all weak minded men.
  4. (My best Matter2003 impersonation) "Father's Day? Father's Day? Let me guess, your wife made you impregnate her for the sole purpose of allowing your kids to buy you Old Spice and buy you a Wegman's carrot cake. She used you man. You don't know it yet, but she used you to gain leverage in the nuclear family making you a pawn in your own castle. Poor sucker!"
  5. I voted for Joe Cribbs because Ferguson, Cribbs, Butler were my favorites as a kid. Cribbs was a stud. Thurman and Freddie are extremely close seconds.
  6. *Shaking Magic 8 ball* "It is decidedly so"
  7. Matter2003...giving men a bad name since 2008.
  8. If the rookie camp goes good, I think we have a shot at winning the offseason.
  9. Was voted “Most Likely to Breathe” in high school.
  10. Little known fact: He genuinely likes to have a clean shaven look when sporting his Speedo at the LBGTQROF parade each August.
  11. Pretty sure Dez is still free agent. He’d make a good decoy.
  12. Neophyte? I'll have you know Memphis ribs have absolutely NO SAUCE on them whatsoever. Why you want to put sauce on a Memphis rib??
  13. “Stay bisexual my friends”
  14. Anyone have a really good Memphis style rib rub recipe? I’m looking for sweet with some heat.
  15. I saw a guy accumulate 1,380 reputation points in five months. Crazy stuff.
  16. Tashard Choice should be brought back pronto!! Send a message.
  17. This thread is yet another example of fans hearing something (“Rosen is the most NFL ready QB and should be considered #1 pick”) and taking it to heart. The head should have been cut off this serpent at page 1 but yet it lingers. By training camp, this craziness will reach page 100 with posters still asking if Dez will make it to practice.
  18. I have read about an affliction called “media induced pre-selection amorousity” which basically means if an expert on national or local talk shows uses the phrase “NFL ready”, “pinpoint accuracy”, “intelligent” or “tennis prodigy” you must declare that individual the exact person who should be selected by your team. The Rosenites will pound their chest and scream at the top of their lungs that we are wrong for trusting in the process. There is no known antidote to this affliction. We can only watch them collapse in a heap and whine about what might have been had we chosen the right person.
  19. Do you have another explanation why Bob Ross prefers white on his canvas? It’s clearly a sublanimal message with his choice of color. I read a lot of articles on this very topic at the coffee shop where I hang out.
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