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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. This is a great explanation. I used to really enjoy Mike and Mike in the morning on ESPN. Then Greenberg started getting ultra-political and the comedy faded. I won't even watch his new show (Get Up) because it is filled with political hot takes and Jalen Rose is another commentator with a political axe to grind.
  2. I may have to become a NASCAR fan NFL is full of political content NBA - absolutely MLB - Yeah, to a certain extent NCAA sports are now politicized Golf - Sometimes NHL - I've heard some Soccer - Maybe not, although the governing body has political motivations Shoot, car racing might be the only pure sport left.
  3. Kelso was a ball hawk...but tackled like Stephanie Gilmore (i.e. the half hearted, bend over and try to arm tackle the receiver or RB as they sped by)
  4. Sounded good guys. Virgil - Kelso used to be called Kazoo (there was a cartoon awhile back with a martian named Kazoo that had a big helmet).
  5. Another XBox 1 user!! Join the Call of Duty group where we post our user names so we can join in on games together....I've only played with Nervous Guy once or twice and keep trying to figure out how to create a group. Call of Duty WW2 is a great game though IMO (no planes)
  6. English teacher - check Nose ring - check $20 says she has a tramp stamp and drives a Volkwagen
  7. I can't attend this lunch but a few pieces of advice: 1) Don;t let mead buy the first round of drinks because he'll wave his finger in the air to the waitress and say "Hey honey...bring us a round of Michelob Ultra"...just order the IPA on draft. 2) Ask Turbo if he has an opinion on Nate Peterman 3) If Gugny and Levi are there, tell them The Beatles are overrated 4) Mead insists the little asian waitress undresses him with her eyes...just play along.
  8. I always liked that one too. Do you think our guys have a chance against their guys this season. I think their offense might be tough but our guys secondary could keep the score low.
  9. Reported!!! And don’t ever ask for my technical advice again.
  10. Does Epson sell 1 7/8” x 2” paper?
  11. You're over thinking this. Instead of taking the photo five feet away from the person, take about twenty steps back. That will make their face smaller in the picture. Then print the photos out and use scissors to cut out to the perfect size.
  12. Hope everyone is ok. Lesson: Avoid drafting TE's whose last name starts "H-E-R-N..."
  13. Yayyyyy. Millionaires are making a stand. Next time y’all start bitchin’ about “corporate executives” making money....think again. #capitalism
  14. So dickheads who make millions and don’t want to stand for the anthem but want to walk on the same carpet as JFK and Reagan?? Stay home knit wits.
  15. He earned the right to be in that house. He can make the rules.
  16. I was just going to suggest this.
  17. What was your favorite home game against an AFC West team between 1994 and 2003?
  18. This thread should be merged with the "high maintenance poster" thread. Unbelievable.
  19. www.podcast/subscribe/twobillsdrive/petermanthrew5picksspringbreakfund/autocollect
  20. Niiiiice. Count me in.
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