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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. *Shaking my Magic 8 Ball* "It is decidedly so"
  2. Top page poster for Page 100...BOOM
  3. It's not a new concept (bouncing from wackjob to wackjob thinking their behavior will change). I feel the same way on here reading @DC Tom's and @Gugny's posts.
  4. Most correctional facilities have a "rec yard" that is at least 50 yards long. He'll get to 12,000 yards by 2026
  5. Will the Buffalo Bills store take trade ins on Lesean McCoy jerseys? If Kim Pegula is as smart as I hear, she'll let people trade them in and give $25 store credit.
  6. Where there's smoke....there's Martavus Bryant
  7. Can we quote you as a source?
  8. Bring back Tashard Choice take 4
  9. Real estate law, Landlord Tenant law, Fourth Amendment, Brady and Rosario material, and the Rules of Evidence all wrapped up in one little neat package.
  10. Anyone have any good North Carolina BBQ sauce recipes? I want something authentic. Thanks in advance.
  11. I’m pretty sure Ritchie only deals in high level government espionage. That’s why he keeps saying “g” in his post. Maybe Shady is a CIA operative as well.
  12. If it was exculpatory news he would leak it. Leads me to believe it’s the other
  13. I was just thinking/posting the exact same thing. Good stuff.
  14. Felony murder rule (someone dies by accident during the commission of a felony) and “transferred intent” (swinging your fist at one person and another person gets hit) may come into play here. Not saying anyone was murdered, but the same concept holds true. If Shady told a buddy “Go to my house and get my stuff” whatever they did and any injuries resulting therefrom as per his initial direction can be connected back to him. Kind of interesting to see what the end result is.
  15. Yeahhhhh. We have no idea. Maybe he abused her some other time. It's a sad story if true.
  16. Hashtags are now accusations? I was referring more to the body of the text (directly beating a dog and a child). Never made a direct accusation that Shady beat this woman in person. Either way, it's a frigged up situation.
  17. And Shady's public statement said "I had no direct contact with the people involved"....which is technically true.
  18. No. The original IG post said he was an animal for what he did...not that he beat her directly. What he allegedly did was arrange for the woman to be beaten. The accusation does not say Shady did it in person. We'll see what happens. But I gather the original IG post suggested he was behind the beating.
  19. So if he actually sent his posse to her place to rough her up, then he isn't lying when he said he's had no "direct contact" with the people involved. Well played Shady!!
  20. I can't get any updated information. I'm locked behind the Buffalo News paywall.
  21. So I guess Shady was paying attention during the Chris Carter "Welcome to the NFL, Lecture Series 101"??
  22. Ouch. He runs a charity and hosts an annual summer softball game. This can’t be real.
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