Reading this and thinking back to Rex's first visit to the stadium I remember how impressed he was with the locker room and weight room. Russ took him on the tour and didn't know the difference between a mediocre weight room and a modern treatment facility (weights, water tanks, massage, etc). I tend to think Rex let these guys condition themselves...treated them as peers/buddies rather than young men who need guidance and set goals in performance, diet, being a professional.
Confirms in my mind that Beane and McDermott (along with Terry and Kim) are doing things the right way. Classy team we have. Treat the players as professionals, give them everything they need to succeed and reach the post season. Ping pong tables and foosball are great in your apartment or house, but when you get to the stadium, it's time to work. They have players on the team who have adopted that mind set. Love it.