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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. He loved that tune.
  2. Any word on final arrangements?
  3. JWhaler will be posting pics to confirm he used tix and didn’t re-sell. Let’s hope he’s a man of his word or I’ll send Gugny after him. Have fun JWhaler!!
  4. There are many anti-anxiety drugs that also treat depression. In fact, anxiety is often a manifestation of depression. Zoloft for one.
  5. Ben Russ annual sales have nosedived since Tu-ROD's departure
  6. Could one of the mods please pin this thread? Thanks
  7. Just curious. Who Twitted that AJ’s collarbone was fractured on Saturday?? I need to know whose Tweets aren’t worth Sheets.
  8. #millennials #instantgratification https://studybreaks.com/culture/instant-gratification/
  9. Ball Dinger...this dude can critique our team all he wants, but until he crosses his legs or even puts a piece of paper in front of his package, he’s dead to me. He’s flaunting it and has lost all credibility.
  10. If there was a heart emoji I would give multiple pops on this post.
  11. Steve was within @Gugny many times.
  12. Those of you who wish to denigrate Steve and all his accomplishments can pound salt. The man was a visionary. Just stop.
  13. Is always about you? Shameful. Think of Steve’s website subscribers.
  14. This explains why his website was down for the last few days. #grieving
  15. I would wager to say 90% of the people who were infatuated with Rosen pre-draft had no idea why they liked him other than a media driven campaign that touted him as most “pro ready, intelligent, great footwork, blah blah blah”. It took off from there and everyone started spouting off the same attributes for Rosen. There’s one characteristic that was never assigned to him: willing to learn. He thinks he’s the smartest man on the field - and he very well may be - but that is not how a team leader acts. Give me a young guy with natural arm strength, fire in his belly and mental toughness any day.
  16. Can’t understand this. Don’t they know Nate O’Leary’s uncle is Jack Nicholson? I bet Jack would buy field-side seats for games like he does for the Lakers.
  17. Responding or chatting in the Shoutbox with @ExiledInIllinois is kinda like playing a video game. It takes awhile, his jabs are harmless and, in the end, you can laugh at your success. Most of us keep score and I think I am high scorer for the month of July.
  18. I was probably the first to scout Allen. Watched him a bunch when he played Pee Wee back in Firebox, CA. I also went to several high school games scouting him and the local punter. Fast forward to last October and you’ll see many of my posts where I brought his name up as the best QB in the draft - nay, a generation. All youz guys that laughed at me can suck it. I was the first to like him as a QB.
  19. Between Corey and Zay’s hands we could make grilled cheese sandwiches for the whole team. #teflon #nonstick
  20. Yeah. Joe B. is on par with GunnerBill, Kirby and bandit when it comes to football IQ. I particularly like it when Joe B. says things like “Josh Allen is a really good qb and has a cool arm” or “Harrison Phillips is a really hard worker”. (Edit: by the way, referencing Gunner, Kirby and bandit was a compliment in that Joe B. doesn’t know diddly squat).
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