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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. I guess I'll be holding the tv...you said @Gugny was coming over to trim the hedges and mulch the garden beds.
  2. Have a great day CGF!!
  3. 1) Stand near the back porch/house wall 2) Hold the tv up in front of your face 3) Turn the tv toward your friends who are watching football on the tv 4) Bring the tv down and rest it at halftime. 5) Follow steps 1-4 for second half. 6) Carry tv inside after game to avoid moisture and save your siding.
  4. I think my point was just made last night. Not sure ‘bout you fellas but I sure could use one or two more games to evaluate Albert J McCarron and Travarious Cadet. Me thinks Coach McClappyhands would say the same thing.
  5. “2018-2019 Buffalo Bills: Our Team Beats it Harder”
  6. Whoa!!! Where you been son? Haven’t seen you in years. Still driving that Smart car with the “Coexist” bumper sticker? I would have never thought you’d be in favor of the owners making more money (ya know...that whole “redistribution of wealth” thing).
  7. No no no. Before you or Hapless close this thread just think: if you and the Mrs. are looking to buy a vehicle, do you just look at one or two, or do you want to see every available option under every possible scenario? I would personally want to take a 80 mile test drive on five different vehicles before I chose an investment.
  8. That doesn’t address guys who have busted ribs and need to miss three games. Your argument fails...I’d bet good money that the guys on the lower end of the 90 player roster would love to play another one or two games to prove themselves. Hey, look at it this way, you don’t have to watch. Plus, all the veterans who you’re concerned about don’t even play. Was it 6? I didn’t realize that.
  9. None of us have a clue which players are ready for real games (when the real bullets fly). Many agree with me - that I still don’t have a handle on Austin Prohl or whether Chandler should stay or be replaced by Croom. Reilly busted a rib - I bet he wished he had another game to showcase his talents and become acclimated to NFL games. It makes sense to many of us and would, in fact, cut down on injuries as the older players’ bodies would become acclimated to contact after a long off season. Extend the Pre-season by one more week and let the coaches and GM’s do their jobs evaluating talent.
  10. I'll never get that :54 seconds back...ever. Thanks Joe B.
  11. Who would be stupid enough to trade away two first rounders for a player from that draft year?
  12. Joe B is a “really good sports guy with really cool insights”.
  13. Why, in the name of all that is sacred, does anyone give credence to Joe “that player is really good” Buscaglia? This thread (and all Joe B. articles) should be sent to the pit of misery.
  14. Too much information.
  15. I like it....get rid of two pre-season games.
  16. Enjoy your 30 day vacation. Bye Felicia! *Reported*
  17. She’s a smokeshow for a Mexican chick.
  18. When will Rosen come out with his own line of JR3 health shakes and HGH supplements? Judging by his physique and ability to rebound from injury, Rosen is definitely juicing.
  19. Bob’s widow, Mi Wan Yu, keeps texting me. Is it too early for me to “visit” her? Maybe I’ll hold off until after the burial. Ohhh, almost forgot - R.I.P. Bob.
  20. I learned my lesson. I read the first 100 news updates from Yolo and 26CB and then started getting charged $.07 per news article. Damn paywall. Those two are raking it in.
  21. I always said Tashard Choice had the most frequent flyer miles given the number of times he flew into (and out of) One Bills Drive....Palepoi now a close second.
  22. So I sent my 3 tix to Jwhaler and they are still awaiting his acceptance. No word if he is accepting them. He done disappeared. Did he accept your seats? I can withdraw my email tickets to him and donate to Boys Club if he did.
  23. Big deal. Call me when this guy can throw 5 INT’s in one half of football.
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