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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. You guys remember Brandon O’Reilly? He was good.
  2. If it wasn’t long that would have been a 1st down. No need for a gentleman’s agreement in the first place.
  3. I have a full head of hair from left to right.
  4. You may think this is just a complaint or a “hot take” but this is a serious gripe - long hair/dreds/locks/corn rows etc do nothing but invite defenders to pull you down quick or interfere with your ability to concentrate on the game. . Here’s the data: 1) Chris Ivory was yanked down and unable to pick up a first down (which he could have attained if he had shorter hair). As I recall, that was a drive we needed. 2) Clowney was neutralized in this game and, in fact, jumped off sides a few times probably because his hair may have been in the way. 3) Ray Ray McCloud has really nice hair - but it didn’t help him concentrate on the kickoff or the lost punt. 4) Kelvin Benjamin??? One major league catch and 20 other drops or slow routes. He fails to block for fear of messin’ up his hair (or so it seems). I’m at wits end. Draftees next year should have manageable hair so the players don’t have to worry about it. They should concentrate on football.
  5. *This thread is no longer contributing to the conversation because even Hellen Keller knows Benjamin is a slug. Please re-title your thread to state “Kelvin Benjamin is a slug “. Thanks. * -
  6. We need to design “Gatekeeper” T-shirt’s for next year’s opener.
  7. Or they’re playing the old “I really can’t trade him for a third round pick...he’s too valuable. But for a second rounder? Give us a call”
  8. My daughter’s modified field hockey team is 4-1-1. This Tuesday they are home against a team that is 2-4 (currently on a three game losing streak). Bovada has the over/under at 1 1/2 goals. I’m taking the overs.
  9. Relates to Jallen because....well...it just does.
  10. I’m a little bit country
  11. I’d join you Mead but gonna smoke some ribs Sunday at home. Have fun and say Hi to PJ for me.
  12. Wild Bill Cody of course!! Excuse Mead’s grammar...he’s retired - but makes a mean Stromboli.
  13. Until the dog plants his foot in a raised portion of artificial turf that has a large amount of rubber pellets that causes his tib/fib to shoot sideways and disrupt his MCL for a five week Rehab. Doggie needs PT.
  14. I see your point, but this season and Eli’s rookie season are similar: Decent RB, above average WR’s (two) and a serviceable Oline. This is all better than what Jallen is working with. So Eli is cool yet Jallen is bad ?? I don’t buy it.
  15. Well done!! Well, the same issue rears its ugly head: what does/did Eli have as a rookie/now vs. Josh Allen. I gotta say, there’s a huuge difference.
  16. Pretty sure the media fawned over him in the early going this summer. Can provide links if needed. There are still Eli fans out there...can't say the NY media is calling for his head without them also noticing that OBJ and his crew have played less than stellar. Add the Oline to the mix and you have yourself a self-destructing ship. Split backs are wide outs in high school parlance (as I recall). Shady and Ivory are the bright spots on our team....our WR's (on the other hand) are reminiscent of those I used to watch on a chilly October Saturday in Western NY. Again, Manning is the "Pro Bowl, Superbowl winning QB" who continues to get the benefit of the doubt by those who say "Look at his Oline, look at his TE, etc" yet Josh Allen has no tools other than Shady. I'd wager that the Giants have $20 million invested in their Oline and WR's more than the Bills, but some are calling for Josh Allen to be thrown into the pit of misery?? And only after FOUR! (4!) (Quatro!) games? I rest my cases.
  17. He left his team on the field and gave up on them (can he hydrate on the sidelines?) Punching field goal nets, head butting tables on the sideline, ... This goes beyond arrogance...it borders on Vontae Davis Syndrome
  18. Culture trumps strategy.
  19. So you fellas think I'm dumb. Well take a look at the preseason projections of the so called "experts" who have the Giants either winning the NFC East or having a record of 10-6 or better. All based on the addition of Barkley, a solid WR corpse and an improved O Line. So from day one, Eli has been given the benefit of the doubt given the improved team. Yet Josh Allen has "Turnstile Trio" (Miller, Ducasse, Bodine), St. Francis High School JV split backs and a TE who averages a whopping 20 yards per game, yet he needs to sit?? This boy has fire in his belly, he's a wrecking machine and only wants to win. He needs to be unleashed.
  20. You’re missing the point. Guys need to chill out. Give Josh Allen OBJackass, Shepherd and a real TE and he might actually shut some people up.
  21. Funny how Eli Manning can look like absolute trash and the overwhelming majority give him a pass. This is despite his having a solid TE, Shepherd and the highest paid WR in the league (OBJackass). Yet, Josh Allen has a mishmash of WR’s, a suspect line and is starting his FOURTH game and some of the experts think he should sit. Sad
  22. You’ll need a better excuse than that...at least say something like “I don’t want to be seen in public with @mead107 “ or something.
  23. Ripe Tomato wings suck...and I want my free wings from @Turbosrrgood
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