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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Get a pair of running shoes...it’s not too late. Congrats!!!!!
  2. I remember back in 2015 on the Buffalo Bills Message Board when we would wish each other Happy Thanksgiving....and then ***** got real.
  3. NDBUFFCUSE = $&?!/%#*%^ $&%+%# %#!?*! $&@!? WDWHTPFBNCAWATAMUOSWSWDHTWTPS = Why Do We Have To Pay For Buffalo News Content and Why Aren’t The Articles Mixed Up On Stadium Wall So We Don’t Have to Wade Through Paid Sites.
  4. Niiice. I forgot “KTT”. Kick the Tires
  5. WDFPBAWNAFOKATBTB = We’re Down Forty Points But All We Need Are Four Onside Kicks and Six Bombs to Benjamin
  6. SITTRL is a common one. Like FTTIGTB (Frig This Team I’m Going to Bed)
  7. https://www.news10.com/news/national/many-teens-are-using-a-secret-text-language-that-parents-know-nothing-about/1609719927 I believe some of you have been using secret code words, acronyms and emojis to express an idea and it makes sense. But it we should have a thread that categorizes those acronyms and codes for others to reference as a learning tool. So, instead of writing out a long winded paragraph expressing your thoughts, use a short “code word” or acronym to save time. Feel free to add any others that I missed or might be helpful. “Acronyms” MISBN. = Moderator in Shoutbox, be nice. MMA = Moderator Moderating Argument OPOC = Original Poster on Crusade KBS = Kelvin Benjamin Sucks KBIFS = Kelvin Benjamin is Freaking Slow KBWTBAL = Kelvin Benjamin Wants to be a Leader TAGBFF = Tyrod and Gugny Best Friends Forever IHTTUWW = I Hate This Team Unless We Win GNOC = Get Naked on Camera (added this one since @TheRealBuffaloJoe uses it a lot) TDTRPOAGS = The Drum Team Really Puts on a Great Show MSBIBU = Mahomes Should Be in Bills Uniform WDWPOT = Why Did We Pass on Trubisky IMP = I Miss Peterman Feel free to add others I missed.
  8. “Mc” as in “ Irish” and “Dermatology” as in “Study of skin” Irish study of skin. What’s not to get?
  9. Go find it in the OTW archives. Pretty sure he’s due for another entry.
  10. She laughs at parts of me at times. It’s all good.
  11. Happy Birthday to both of you. Here....have a couple Warning Points!!
  12. We just returned home from Russia and she was still a little chilly. I figured a nice outside wood fire would be the answer. The wood I used was too dry. Not my fault.
  13. Haven’t met him face to face, but when I do, the first thing I’ll say to him is “I’ll have the Number 2 Value Meal with a Diet Coke...Super size it!!”
  14. Amazing game. Eichel has an amazing wrist shot. #1 star should be Hutton. Great team win.
  15. You guys can all laugh at me but my poor 31 yr old wife has a bruise on her butt.
  16. She’s ok (thanks for asking). I wasn’t familiar with the area so had no idea a cold front came through the previous week. The lake froze solid but she didn’t know and I didn’t tip my toe in....oops. All good.
  17. My poor wife. We laughed about it afterward. https://nypost.com/video/girl-bounces-off-ice-after-jumping-onto-frozen-lake-in-russia/
  18. . (Cell phones don’t allow you to go to last page. Had to get here quick to see what KB said. This guy is a piece of work)
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