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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. It sounds as though he has a desk job (because he said he hits his feet on equipment under the desk). Just wondering if doctor said no more sitting at desk with his condition.
  2. What kind of work do you do?
  3. @Boyst will be opening the mail next week and find a life insurance quote from MetLife.
  4. Given the mortality rate of those with whom your girlfriend climbs, do you want to reconsider??
  5. So what you're saying is, when weather permits, if it's not too sunny or cold, or if you want to try climbing the monkey bars at the local playground, you might actually leave the safe confines of the "indoor climbing course"? Just admit it. You have no interest in "climbing" and you're doing this solely for the woman.
  6. THIS ^^^^
  7. So let me get this straight - you drive to a gym, put on sleek climbing shoes, put on a safety lanyard, sign a waiver and hold harmless agreement, and then pay the gym money in order to climb a tall, plastic, adult-sized McDonald's Playground with nifty composite footholds, all in the name of fitness? Try throwing hay for a few hours. Try hunting up the side of a mountain. (Where the heck is the thumbs down button on this thing?)
  8. His 10 catches for 200 yds (+/-) this season is definitely reason to extend him for another five years?
  9. We left the bread in the toaster too long. Burned to a crisp.
  10. You, sir, have been reported to the Big Guy!!
  11. Interestingly, there’s one QB noticeably absent from the league leaders. Ahem...Tommy Boy. Maybe they should look in the mirror.
  12. This is a great vehicle if you go on “walkabout” or have a hankering to hunt some elephant in Kenya.
  13. You thought I’d miss this dint ya?? Paybacks are a beyotch Lock Boy!!
  14. That’s a great vehicle if you have a micropenis.
  15. LAMRI (Look At My Regurgitated Information)
  16. I've seen a lot of guys pick themselves up when they are down....they get back on that horse and ride her again until she bucks you off. Peterman, despite his shortcomings as football player thus far, is a solid kid and a great teammate. Never once pointed a finger. Studied hard. Will help however needed. Maybe he's a career backup. That's fine. I'm happy for him. He'll never be quoted as saying some of the crap you hear from Jalen Ramsey.
  17. Why is there a huuuge dent on the side?
  18. Be prepared. Mrags and others will now unleash hell on you (I also bought a Tundra in 2008 and still driving it. 175k miles. Tires, brakes, oil changes. No “pain in the ass” problems like I used to have with GM)
  19. Beane is going rogue...creating a new position: offensive linebacker. Way to think outside the box *****!!
  20. Saints 12 Panthers 9 Brees 203 Newton 131 Oh, sorry. Another small sample size
  21. Any updates on the most pro-ready QB?
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