Need help figuring this out. We have Direct TV at our house. We have 4 tv’s set up on it. So we pay for the main Genie box and three mini Genies. The satellite dish is installed on the side of our old garage. The old garage is what I’m currently renovating (insulating, pine t&g walls, heat, etc). My plan is to make it into a shop. I have an extra tv that I want to hang on the wall so I can watch Bills games, hockey etc while I’m out there puttering around.
1) Can I split the Direct TV signal/cable right off the satellite dish and bring it into the garage/shop?
2) Do I have to order another mini Genie to receive the signal and use remote control?
3) Do I have to have a DTV guy come out and do this for me or can I handle it myself?
I don’t understand Firestick or Sling or any of that stuff. Dealing with Direct TV here.