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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Is able to put an entire turkey leg in his mouth.
  2. Is a renowned tattoo artist who excels at characters from The Love Boat. Once inked Gopher on @ExiledInIllinois‘s left butt cheek.
  3. What hidden talent does the previous poster have? You can start with me.
  4. I understand it’s a penalty. Didn’t mean to imply it wasn’t or shouldn’t be...but he’s not ***** footing his way around the goal crease. And I’ve seen plenty of instances where a guy gets cross checked in the back that aren’t called. It’s often subjective and depends on game flow IMO.
  5. Here’s an idea: Have your kid go to school, learn something that interests them, and if you can help them financially to attain some semblance of success, good work Mom and Dad.
  6. Love seeing Montour knock guys down in front of our goal. Such a capricious call (cross check)...that goes on all the time.
  7. If a Ziploc bag is permeable, concrete and steel would have more voids than a Ziploc bag. Air go, water should seep through a concrete or steel lock just as water seeps through a Ziploc bag. Explain.
  8. ***** blind leading the blind. I can script these games: play hard, get lead, play cute, lose brain, press, lose game.
  9. “***** you all you ***** #### suckers” produced by NDBUFFCUSE
  10. Thanks 26CB. Surprised you didn’t link a Tweet for the answer. Now @ExiledInIllinois can simply search Exiledpedia for the answer. Reportisimo
  11. @ExiledInIllinois Why do radio and tv stations start with a “W” (WGR, WBEN, WKBW, etc)? Does the “W” signify Worldly, Whites, Wasp, Wall???
  12. Be thankful he didn’t call you a “cottager”.
  13. 8th round and no earlier!!
  14. Shows how much you know...25 minus 21 equals 4!! How the hell do you expect us to score another 4 points every week?? Answer: Two safeties. #defense
  15. Yeah. Ok. Show me the link where you said this. ?
  16. You mean you didn’t research the smoker for five months and ask your friends 300 questions before buying it? What kind of madness is this?? @Gugny @Cripple Creek @CountryCletus
  17. Have a nice 60 day vacation. You are now reported for asking a question @ExiledInIllinois will answer with 11 paragraphs, pie charts and links from “Asian Carp Fishing News”. May God have mercy on your soul.
  18. My God man! The minute you introduced the term “engineers” you invited @ExiledInIllinois to go on a five paragraph diatribe about the Army Corps of Engineers and his service to this country. Keep it together man!!
  19. Not at @ExiledInIllinois‘s lock...he lets them through without a batting an eye. Too busy doing his Word Jumble.
  20. I just heard “Let it Be” by The Beatles tonight. There’s a line where McCartney sings “...and though they maybe farted, there is still a chance that they will see”. Can anyone explain the inspiration for this stanza? In the video, Yoko is sipping wine next to John on the floor. Maybe she let one rip?
  21. @ExiledInIllinois is frantically searching Carpopedia for answers. Judging by the delay, I think you stumped him.
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