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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. I’ll wait for the “Kudos Fergy...you were right”. Rosenhaus is doing damage control now realizing Beane trolled the ever loving chit out of them. Sigh-yon-ara Bleached Hairlip. You’ve been Beaned!
  2. His taste in “Highlight Reel” music is not “process” material. I heard three or four references to “*****” and glorification of handguns (Glocks in particular). He must be a street punk. No thanks.
  3. So true. Isn’t it funny how some on TBD automatically believe the sports media narrative (ESPN, Shlopp and Bullpuppy, etc) that Buffalo failed again...when, in reality, Buffalo wasn’t about to pay AB’s outrageous demands and basically said “Best of luck”. Beane is a smart cookie.
  4. Because the Steelers disclosed that 8-10 teams were inquiring about AB...meaning 8-10 teams were willing to mortgage their future on a quitter with a bad hair lip. Air go, Beane solidified our position as the cap friendliest team in the NFL and all other teams are following suit. We were laughed at for cutting Sammy, Dareus, Glenn and letting Stephanie Gilmore walk. Beane created a model that all others are now trying to replicate (including the Steelers). The info he gleened from one simple phone call will pay huge dividends and the other teams are none the wiser.
  5. Sometimes the truth hurts. This whole ordeal will go down in history as the best non-signing in Bills history, not only by missing out on an arrogant diva, but based on the draft info and “team needs” Beane learned from his negotiations. Masterful
  6. Maybe they should re-make Spider-Man and Batman another 32 times? Haven’t been to the movies in 7 or 8 years
  7. Yes!! I don’t have a Kindle etc. Paperbacks at Walmart are $6-10. Pillars of the Earth was hard bound. Weighed a ton. Like having book in my hand rather than tablet.
  8. Any of Stephen Hunter’s Bob Lee Swagger books. Lee Childs is ok. Grisham is always a great read. Nelson Demille’s Gate House and Gold Coast was great. I really enjoy Ken Follett. Pillars of the Earth was amazing. So detailed and informative. Want to do more reading this summer.
  9. I knew if anyone could find the error it was you. I expect you will be sending a strongly worded email to the reporterette??
  10. Apparently, the old Asian carp snuck past your “wall”. I thought you were there to protect us from the Asian invasion. Read the article carefully. I think the journalist made a mistake. Can you find it? https://www.13abc.com/content/news/Asian-carp-larvae-found-in-Maumee-River-506819821.html
  11. Let me at ‘em!! I’ll tear them from limb to limb.
  12. I'm trying to find the video that shows how to escape when someone duct tapes your hands and feet behind a chair....but oh well. Can't find it. Have fun!!
  13. Burning a bridge implies that the "burnee" found out what the "burnor" did. Beane will never admit to trolling but you and I know that's exactly what he did.
  14. If anything he enhanced his reputation. I'm not saying he wrote on a billboard "I'M ABOUT TO TROLL THE STEELERS AND ANTONIO BROWN"...he simply took advantage of an opportunity to obtain information that helps our team. He had absolutely no intention of signing Antonio Brown...but the charade does two things: It makes the Bills look like a "player" in the NFL and (more importantly) it gives Beane a window into the vapid minds of his fellow GM's without giving away a single pizza roll in return. Poyer knows the NFL is a business just as much as Beane. It wouldn't surprise me to think Beane pulled Poyer aside today and said "Jordan, there was no way you were being dealt. I had to dangle a carrot and you were the best one we had. Go home and sleep well."
  15. None of them know the difference. The NFL is a business...and Beane commenced a hostile takeover and walked away unscathed....with great insider info to boot.
  16. ^^^ As a Cheektowaga native, prides himself on the largest collection of pink flamingos and Virgin Mary's in half bathtubs in WNY.
  17. Do I think Brandon Beane has the mental acuity to garner inside information by pretending to show interest in a pre-maddonna?? Yes I do!! He did it in a way very similar to the above dialogue but left all teams (including the Steelers) holding their breath (and balls) for a few days. When the story leaked, Beane decided he learned enough about the Steelers and the draft intentions/values of the other 6 teams, and closed the door with a humble and complimentary press release (i.e. There is no question AB is a terrific athlete and we are unable to go further...blah blah blah). He must have been peeing his khakis while drafting that one.
  18. You can laugh to yourself that Beane now has a handle on the intentions of about 6 or 7 other teams in the league. No one ever said "the process" was easy....but Beane succeeded in getting everything done he wanted in this little endeavor.
  19. Beane is the greatest GM we have ever had. Not because he "tried" to sign AB, but because he tested the waters with no intention of ever signing him. The sooner you admit it, the faster we can move on to other things. He dipped his toe in the water and got a reading of what other teams were doing....well played Beaner
  20. The trolling theory relies on one foundational element: Would McDermott or Beane actually want AB on this team and in this locker room? The answer is a resounding "NO!!!" All you fellas who believe Beane was actually interested in this "mouth with hands" need to reconsider what McDermott and Beane are forming here: A team...not a collection of divas (they went out the door with Sammy, The Tug Boat Captain, and Kelvin "8.62 40 yd dash" Benjamin). No one says he lost any credibility with other GM's in the league...as far as they know, Beane swung and missed. Beane played it perfectly ad sets himself up for free agency while other teams are scurrying like rats after Mardis Gras. Dude pulled the greatest troll job in history and all you guys can say is "We're losers" and "Ohhhh, AB doesn't like us" ? Grow up and follow the truth. Beane was masterful.
  21. Do you seriously think he would ever admit to doing this? Of course not...but it happened so we can enjoy it. Bravo Senor Beaner!
  22. Right off the bat, let's all agree, Brandon Beane is a brilliant fella. He never intended to acquire a quitter, headcase, me first WR like AB. Here's how it went down: 1) The Steelers knew we are in need of a WR. They set a deadline for teams to make offers by Friday. 2) Beane calls Steelers on Tuesday to ask "What are you looking for as compensation for the "highly respected" AB. The Steelers make some outrageous demand (ex. a 1st rounder this year and second rounder next year) 3) Beane says "Hmmm, that sounds pretty reasonable. Let me check with my owner and coach, etc" Beane hangs up the phone and laughs "This will be fun" 4) Steelers start talking to other teams but keep Beane in mind. They call Beane back "Have you thought any more about it?" Beane "Yeah, sure...how about first this year and a fourth next year?" Steelers "How about a first and third this year?" Beane "Let me call you back." He starts laughing again. No intention of signing AB whatsoever, but knows other teams are now being waved away by Steelers because they are about to get a sweet deal from Bills. 5) As the other teams walk away from negotiating, the Steelers start to get nervous...they give info to LaConjecture and RapReport. 6) Beane is busy eating a cob salad when the phone rings. Steelers: "Are we doing this?" Beane: "Who is this?" 7) Beane issues statement about what a great player AB is and, unfortunately, they were unable to get a deal done. Steelers are now left in a bad negotiating position because they spurned several other suitors. AB's price went down all thanks to Brandon Beane and the greatest "catfish" technique we will ever see.
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