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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Sounds like a great time! (Honestly, I’m bored silly but saw that no one responded to your thread so I’m hoping you’ll keep me up to date on what is being played and maybe post some video clips of the music)
  2. Not gone respond to original poster for fear of offending my TBD brethren; wife and I are sitting down to watch our DVR episodes of “The View”
  3. ^^^ Shaves his kitty named “Boodles”
  4. ^^^ Hangs out at the post office to read the latest posters re. potluck dinners and piano lessons.
  5. ^^^ Shhhhh, don't tell anyone but Seasons1992 drinks white zinfandel at tailgates.
  6. You're post is a nonseckwiter
  7. Let me guess, you spell it the old fashioned way? Ergo....that is so 50's
  8. Jamarcus Russell scored better than Brett Favre. Air go, Jamarcus > Brett Favre
  9. Many thanks to YOU for keeping the Sabres thread going and updated after 26CB left. Even though the season didn’t go as planned, your dedication to this thread is appreciated.
  10. Has the world’s largest collection of S&H Green Stamps and plans to cash them in on a new tent at Montgomery Ward this year.
  11. Those chemical engineers back in the 60’s would have never developed something toxic or hazardous to our health....RIP
  12. “Can’t burn because of stain and chemicals”. LOL LOL LOL LOL
  13. These kids have gone through a hell I can’t even imagine. Same for their parents, siblings and friends. I sometimes get upset with having to brush snow off my truck or warm beer. Puts so much in perspective. Hug your kids and tell them you love them.
  14. Can fold fabric softener sheets into the shape of his favorite Nickelodeon tv stars.
  15. I changed my mind...how about a recipe for vegetarian meatloaf?
  16. Tony Beets (Gold Rush) would have your head for that comment.
  17. Anyone have any good recipes for no-flour chocolate cake?
  18. Did you mean "clapboard" siding? I know you hold a clipboard all day checking off "Things to do" on your list but get with the federal program man!! As for your other improvements....why do you insist on changing things that obviously work naturally. * Fish used to roam our waters without borders until you decided to stop their natural migratory patterns with steel walls and valves/pumps. * Our rivers used to flow naturally along a pre-ordained path but you decided to stop that path and charge fees for law abiding citizens to transit through your concrete tub. This fella needs one tool: A small Kubota excavator and he could travel from village to village digging pools and houses for all his fellow tribesmen (and tribeswomen). That is all. He can keep the loin cloth and the "Buffalo Bills Superbowl Champions 1992" tshirt, but he needs an excavator.
  19. There was another thread about Tom Graham and Mike Rodak where people chimed in and said “it’s ok to disagree but don’t attack others for having a different opinion”. Sounds like you are bordering on attack mode simply because the numbers speak for themselves. And Inshould add, 90% of the experts agree that a 47% completion rate is not gonna cut the cheese (so to speak). But I suppose you guys know more than Ted Bruschi, John Clayton and Howard Simon (who are all experts on this stuff)?
  20. Numbers don’t lie fellas. It’s quite clear 48% accuracy won’t cut it in today’s NFL.
  21. Has memorized every health care billing code from Appendectomy to Zygoat Adoption.
  22. Looks like @plenzmd1 after a Sabres loss.
  23. Anyone who quotes the whole essay just to say “Too long” as a comment should be docked 100 rep points.
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