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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. ^^^Dude looks like a lady!!!
  2. ^^^ Whenever we're together that's my home.
  3. ^^^ Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?
  4. @ShadyBillsFan
  5. “Delayed platform eye tracking” is an incorrect criteria? Humeral Ulnar bracket positioning is wrong? If so, I’d hate to be treated in your massage spa. Haters gone hate.
  6. I do this for a living too. Baseball and football take up 20 hours a day and I’ve seen numerous instances of baseball players suffering from Protracted Humeral Ulnar Collateral Kineological Syndrome. It’s ok if you haven’t run into that yet. You will. Just having a massage license doesn’t mean you can opine on sports mechanics as referenced in the OP. I know you help people but I do too....QB evaluations.
  7. I guess you haven’t watched a lot of football (or baseball for that matter). The abduction bracket (90 degrees between extension humerus and ulna) is a standard method for scouting QB mechanics. I noticed you didn’t even comment on the lateral target tracking which is criteria #2. I see you have a background in anatomy but fail to appreciate the outright stress put on the ligament plus laxity in the elbow compartment with the baseball style snap of his wrist (directly linked to “baseball elbow”). Getting excited for Mets home opener today. I’ll watch baseball from now until October. I suggest you do the same.
  8. Size doesn't matter...I said that above. He's short and stocky but his arm mechanics are faulty (dare I say "dangerous")
  9. Yeah. I said it. And I don't care about the fact that he's 5'8" tall. We all know shorter QB's have a decent chance at success (see Flutie, Tyrod and Brees) What I'm referring to here is "throwing mechanics". Let's all agree that Kyler is a natural baseball athlete. In fact, it's his first love. He chose football but baseball is in his blood; otherwise, there would be no uproar when he chose football. I've watched a lot of film on QB's each year (see my previous QB evaluation threads where I hone in on mechanics, velocity, accuracy, free line press speed and rapid eye momentum agility (all QB's are scored on these criteria). Here's what I see with Kyler Murray: 1) Floppy elbow 2) Pseudo side-arm 3) Snaps his wrist on release 4) Eye tracking and target transition is delayed 5) Baseball throwing style for infielders (pushes the ball rather than creating the traditional 90 degree bracket between humerus, ulna, forearm and bicep) With all this in mind, and given how much I read about and watch baseball (which is significant), there's one condition that no one considered when drafting a baseball player: "baseball elbow". It's the condition which many baseball players suffer from attributable to the snapping motion of ligaments within the elbow joint compartment typically requiring ice immersion therapy and then, surgery for compartment release. He's been throwing this way for so many years he'll never correct the faulty mechanics. He'll be on IR within the first two years and out of football in three years. Feel free to re-visit this link in 36 months. I told ya so.
  10. We have joy, we have fun we have Seasons in the sun.
  11. Dream on! Dream on! Dream on!
  12. Use one line from any song to express your thoughts re. the previous poster. I know, I know...you fellas are about to post “You are so beautiful to me”. Thx
  13. I agree...but Eichel needs to be in on the interview process. We have to make sure he’s happy with the selection.
  14. All the same experts on this board that loved Josh Rosen (who is being shipped out of Arizona after one year) are telling us we are moving up for Oliver. I’ll reserve judgment based on their whiff on last year’s QB projection. Don’t believe the hype. Beane giving away a 3rd and 4th round pick to move up 3 spots??? Think again.
  15. Big shout out to @Cripple Creek who had this story before anyone else. I respect @john wawrow and all he does but this is old news. @Cripple Creek has certain sources that, let’s just say, are closely related to OBD. Maybe it would make sense to use the search function before posting this type of redundant material. No offense @john wawrow
  16. Was thinking the same. Maybe the musician will give me and my buddies the green light. The parent is set in his ways.
  17. Did you comply with Copyright laws? If you don’t you may be arrested. How’s the concert. Was thinking of going to a blues jam at end of April. Should I go? The musician’s manager (parent) is kinda telling us to not attend.
  18. Really tough. So sorry to hear this but you’ll know when it’s time. As difficult as it is to do, it’s a bit of a relief to know they aren’t hurting anymore.
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