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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Doesn't this thread kind of violate the "No advertising" rule here at TBD? Don't want to be a snitch, but...carry on.
  2. If I'm not mistaken, the tattoo over his right eyebrow says "Paul and Exiled Forever"
  3. I'm starting a Class Action Lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers. Here's the strategery: The USACOE intentionally and recklessly allowed Asian Carp through their gates as far west as Illinois. While the gatekeeper(s) were dozing and searching Consumer Reports for the latest and greatest 6 cylinder mini-trucks, the Asian Carp swam freely through the lock system. The Corps never installed anti-carp netting, chemical detractors to move the fish back or other readily available technology. As a result, the carp swam through the Ohio River Valley, through Lake Erie, over the Falls, into Ontario, along the St Lawrence Seaway and into the Atlantic. The Great Whites had a feast on Asian Carp when they first started this journey. The sharks would literally sit at the spillway and swallow carp as fast as they could locate them. As the Great Whites filled their bellies, they wanted more and more. Some of the carp took refuge under the bottom of fishing boats where the algae and barnacles create a natural environment of security and food. So, as a result of the Army Corps' negligence and recklessness, the Great Whites have turned to fishing boats (like my buddy's) to locate and devour Asian Carp. When the carp are eaten, the fishermen are next. This resulted in severe and significant, permanent, emotional distress for the fishermen and their families. Call 1-800-BYE-LOCK
  4. Fact: @mrags keeps an assortment of dull spoons in his fanny pack.
  5. Female dog? How about @Gugny
  6. If I’m screwing in a lightbulb, and my hand moves to the left to grasp the bulb with each turn, that’s lefty loosy, right?
  7. Maybe the Corps should start building some canals and locks in Kenya, Istanbul, Afghanistan....then we can monitor their pollution levels easier and maybe take over their ports, inland waters and economy in general?
  8. I thought it was called “climate change”?
  9. Will keep you and Jen in my thoughts and prayers. These stories hit home with many of us (with a spouse as teacher and loved ones who battled this !$&# disease). Stay strong brother!! I’ll visit the GoFundMe page today.
  10. Yet another “fancy” feature that will either a) be recalled for a defective spring latch, or b) corrode and require replacement after the warranty expires. I agree... nice feature, but I’ve been burned on these “new and improved” gizmos before. Give me a bare bones truck any day without all the bells and whistles. We’ll construct a shrine of burrito shells and LaBatts Light in your 1/2 parking space.
  11. So I have a question for all you truck buyers. You said above that the F150 has enough space to haul 3 kids in the back; but any mid sized sedan or SUV can haul people in the backseat. Do you require a truck with power for anything else? I use my Tundra to haul mulch in the bed, have a 14 ft trailer to haul my tractor with bucket and back blade to other sites. Also use my buddies dual trailer to get loads of lumber and haul heavier equipment. Many dirt roads in my area and in the Spring the truck gives me great traction when going here and there. Just curious what else you guys “haul” with your trucks other than people in the backseat.
  12. I always suspected @ExiledInIllinois had a troll account. The use of the word “flagship” is a dead giveaway.
  13. You’re new here aren’t ya? There is no such thing as a “brief” explanation when it comes to @ExiledInIllinois and the Corps.
  14. Have you ever gone over 55 mph on a thruway?? Same idea. Let a little more water through the gates. Those 80 yr old geriatrics will never know.
  15. You guys all hanging out in the Rock genre....Rogers and Hammerstein or Andrew Lloyd Weber for the win!! Amazing composers.
  16. Here’s an idea: Let the river flow! (Carly Simon). What can it hurt? If people weren’t smart enough to build back from the river, let Mom Nature run her course.
  17. Lol. He actually gave them all to me and I gave him some to take home. They were fabulous. Go to NE game this year. Will bring you a treat (No...not an energy drink)
  18. ^^^^^^ That entire explanation was copied and pasted from Wikipedia. Not my first day on the turnip truck.
  19. So water levels are rising in the lock/canal?? That happens when you close the gates and let the rainwater pour in. Have you ever filled a swimming pool? Same concept.
  20. @mead107 saved me one. ONE!!!
  21. I’m a “maybe” on the chick and a “Hell NO!” on the truck...looks like every other typical Ford truck broken down on the side of the road. @mrags @CountryCletus
  22. My wife likes those. Edit: I mean...chicks dig those.
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