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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. So this is what the OP wants us to see on his “Bear Cam”. A guy in Nantucket or maybe the Outer Banks catching some Blues or Sea Trout? I thought the “wild bears” would be plentiful but allI see is some old codger looking to grab a quick dinner.
  2. Notice how OP keeps skirting the issue? He keeps posting that link to “bear cams” when we all know it’s a Peter Pan link.
  3. @ExiledInIllinois is the Forest Gump of TBD. No matter what happened in his life, it made an impact on how we deal with modern problems. Case #271: How to shiit in the woods.
  4. She has that look in her eye!!
  5. This is pretty much what I’ve been watching on OP’s link. I think he’s trolling us big time.
  6. Did the cocktail umbrella throw off the ABV?
  7. Absolutely. Apple sauce on potato pancakes. Outstanding.
  8. At the zoo...just like the Bear Cam thread.
  9. Leave it to PA to come up with a hair brained idea like this.
  10. Same Freezer Queen off Furman Blvd (right on the lake near Small Boat Harbor)? What did they do? Make freezers or just cold storage?
  11. Deerhead had a great fish fry!! Went there many times with grandparents as a little Fergy.
  12. You should “adopt” a Pit Bull (or two). Very cathartic. ...and no testing.
  13. Does anyone have a good recipe for fair trade, Keto, organic, vegetarian stuffed mushrooms??
  14. Loved Scharfs. Sauerbraten, liver dumpling soup, potato salad, great food. My Dad loves it (RIP). Been there at Schiller Park and WS many many times.
  15. If you would simply post video of “actual wild” bears in the woods/wild then we could contribute. As it stands, however, your links are fabricated (albeit intriguing) as they show the beauty of a domesticated zoo animal and/or an animatronic representation of a bear hunting for fish. Sad
  16. Careful with your use of “at” to end a sentence. @Gugny will swoop in and lay the smack down. He’s woke AF.
  17. Why the OP insists on pushing this agenda is beyond me. When (if) you do see a bear it is either a mechanical bear (like Disney) or a trained zoo animal. This thread is going to hell in a ham basket.
  18. Can someone please message me when the OP provides a link to a real-life, wild bear cam? Thx
  19. You seriously think that Bear is eyeing the apple?? My money’s on the little girl’s right femur or the Mom’s upper torso.
  20. At least it wasn't his spleen. https://www.scribd.com/document/51551922/Shah-s-Spleen-2011
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