* Use more than 13 pieces of charcoal to grill steaks.
* Don't pick up burning charcoal with your bare hands.
* When providing a link to a Live Cam, make damn sure they aren't mechanized versions of animals.
* Taste test lots of different types of peanut butter until you find one you like.
* "I" before "E" except when spelling Exiled or Illinois.
* If you are so drunk that you forget to close the freezer and lose all your food, just admit it and move on.
* Turbo is NEVER wrong.
* Putting hot sauce on your balls really burns (I haven't tried but heard stories about this).
* "Richard Head" is interchangeable with "Idiot".
* Water was meant to flow naturally through our nation. Don't F with the natural path of our inland waters.
* Josh Allen has been in many cities in the USA.
* When posting anything on TBD (whether it's in the Consumer Electronics Forum or the College Football board, always tag @Cripple Creek. He doesn't get a lot of notifications in his in-box, and this makes him feel involved.
@Cripple Creek