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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Nice try CC. Not clicking that link. Try this one. https://images.app.goo.gl/ro8jopVGToREqUZL6
  2. Threaded the needle!!! (Now we just need a few boats, deep water and sand to win a Championship. Another argument in favor of Lake Erie shoreline stadium).
  3. Even if his name is "Cheektowaga"?
  4. * Use more than 13 pieces of charcoal to grill steaks. * Don't pick up burning charcoal with your bare hands. * When providing a link to a Live Cam, make damn sure they aren't mechanized versions of animals. * Taste test lots of different types of peanut butter until you find one you like. * "I" before "E" except when spelling Exiled or Illinois. * If you are so drunk that you forget to close the freezer and lose all your food, just admit it and move on. * Turbo is NEVER wrong. * Putting hot sauce on your balls really burns (I haven't tried but heard stories about this). * "Richard Head" is interchangeable with "Idiot". * Water was meant to flow naturally through our nation. Don't F with the natural path of our inland waters. * Josh Allen has been in many cities in the USA. * When posting anything on TBD (whether it's in the Consumer Electronics Forum or the College Football board, always tag @Cripple Creek. He doesn't get a lot of notifications in his in-box, and this makes him feel involved. @Cripple Creek
  5. Your wife will come up with another plan. Please check back with us regularly to assure you are still alive and kicking.
  6. He gets ornery when people discuss sandwich coatings. Ever since the “Peanut Butter and Fluff incident of 1983” he hasn’t been the same.
  7. This rule comes from a guy that can suck tapioca off a trailer hitch
  8. I only buy fair trade, no kill, organic, non-GMO creamy peanut butter and slather it on Wonder bread.
  9. Do you get to carry water pistols or Super Soakers?
  10. Please stay on topic. We’re discussing metal straws, sea turtles and @ExiledInIllinois‘ love for filling his mouth with tapioca.
  11. THANK you!!!!
  12. You keep drinking that “bubble tea” Mr. Hip!! https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9276264/girl-100-bubble-tea-balls-in-body-five-days-constipation/amp/
  13. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5d2778dde4b02a5a5d57c428/amp @ExiledInIllinois @Gugny @Cripple Creek and even @Jauronimo are a bunch of tree-hugging, bleeding hearts who keep metal straws in their breast pocket. You go on saving those sea turtles but do so at your own risk.
  14. "Who the ***** is Josh Norman?"
  15. No one else can see this post besides me. I used the "Auto-Ban" function. The person who banned you can see your posts but no one else.
  16. @Gugny and @ExiledInIllinois are now on banned vacation. Hope you guys enjoy the 30 days away from the board. Maybe you two comedians should read the Terms of Service. Sighonara
  17. You're a little late. @mead107 already provided us with the link above.
  18. Taking bets on the following posts: $1 for "Should we kick the tires?" by post #12 $2 for "The cop can't arrest a guy for getting out of his car" by post #18 $5 for "Talent trumps character...sign him" by post #27
  19. Any bear sightings lately??
  20. Ok. Every one of your posts involves a frigged up driver who causes a major catastrophic accident. I’m not big into the “kid that breaks his teeth skateboarding” videos but have fun with these videos. Personally, I think they suck.
  21. RIP Mechanical Bear thread.
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