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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Amen!!! Don’t ever tell Gubment workers how to do things. They look at you funny.
  2. This thread is bordering on "Attack Fergy and his nose picking". I feel somewhat violated.
  3. So why did this most recent "shock and awe" (shown above) yield thousands of pounds of Asian carp?? Maybe someone was asleep at the switch upstream to allow thousands and thousands of carp to enter Kentucky waters in the last 9 years??? Maybe...just maybe
  4. No, the question is "Where have you been for the last 10 years?" Mr. "Come on in Carp...the water's great!!" It's ok to admit the Kentuckians have the answer....as opposed to the USACOE
  5. These Kentucky rednecks don't screw around like you fellas in the "Corps". They don't buy government brand fish food and feed the little pests nor do they hand out coloring books entitled "Albert the Asian Carp Swims Upstream", and they certainly don't hand out baseball caps with an Asian Carp head on the front. These good ole boys put their minds to work and eradicated thousands of "foreigners" while providing sustenance for those less fortunate. I'd say they are teaching you a lesson but you're too bullheaded (see what I did there?) to take their advice. Oh, I forgot. You and your PETA friends may protest this method as painful for the carp. I'd gladly contribute to their electric bill to clean out waters of these pesky animals which you have single-handedly allowed to pollute our inland waters.
  6. Two words: Button pusher. He'd never think about shocking the fish and then selling them to reduce our national debt; it's much easier to open the gates wide, allow the invasion of a genetically modified creature, and then hold Congressional hearing to figure out how to control them. In the words of Ronald Reagan "The scariest phrase ever spoken is "I'm with the government and I'm here to help"
  7. The AV warriors in our class were great. The teacher couldn’t figure out why the projector wasn’t working, so @ShadyBillsFan walks over, puffs his chest out (so the pocket protector was in full view), says to the teacher “Step aside ma’am...I’ll handle this”. Ahhhh, the good old days.
  8. Brandon Reilly was kinda like Chris Hogan-light. If Hogan was “7-11” (always open), Reilly is “Dollar General” (limited hours with scratch and dent products).
  9. Leave it to Roscoe and Cletus in Kentucky to solve the Asian carp influx. A little backwoods ingenuity addresses the problem created by @ExiledInIllinois and his 10 hours per week brethren. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/videos/us/2019/07/31/asian-carp-shock-electric-fishing-orig-cl.cnn
  10. She has a good handle on that rod. Experienced.
  11. The fact that you have a 1998 Pontiac Fiero isn’t necessarily something to brag about.
  12. Good thing she took your interwebs privileges away because I was about to do the same. You are hereby “BLOCKED” from further references to my name or @Cripple Creek Do not take our name in vain. As for Disney kids , leave them alone you curmudgeon.
  13. What was your favorite play by Shady McCoy when he played against the Green Bay Packers north of the Mason Dixon line between 2016 - 2018 ?
  14. Don't you just park the Versa Note in one of those calf hutches?
  15. Drunk @Gugny Jets fan @Gugny a-hole @Gugny (3 out of 4 ain’t bad)
  16. "Get your hands off me...I'm the most NFL ready!!"
  17. Poo helps the NATIVE fish population thrive. You have singlehandedly eradicated our native fisheries in favor of flying carp. Thanks Exiled!!!
  18. I warned him, but you know how CC is. “I got this. I watched the bears at Brooks Falls”. Pshhhh
  19. Beane created the cap crisis? He also probably moved up 7 spots to draft Samuel Watkins?
  20. “A lot of people graduate from college in 7 years” ”Yeah, they’re called doctors”
  21. I was an NSA codebreaker back in the 90’s so I’ll take a crack at this one: ”Starting WR’s. (Stop). Brown (Stop). Beasley. (Stop). Jones. (Stop). Isaac McKittrick. (Stop). Foster. (Stop). All the rest should be traded to Carolina for Chris Hogan. (Stop). Hogan to CB. (Stop). Speed and shifty hips. (Stop). Destroy this message. More directions to follow. “
  22. Can anyone find a live Pit Bull cam?? I heard a pair of those lovely puppies tore through 20 cats at a shelter recently but can’t find the story.
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