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Leonidas II

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Everything posted by Leonidas II

  1. Since they don't own the #32 pick this whole question is irrelevant. They do own the #17, #28, and the #33 picks though. I would trade it for all three, but Belichick isn't a fool, he's not going to go Mike Ditka all of a sudden. Also, when was the last time Belichick took a first round WR? You think he wants to have a replay of the Chad Jackson debacle? Unlike casual fans, Belichick doesn't put such a premium on "skill" position players. The entire AFC? Really??
  2. Matt Schaub is clearly a franchise QB, I don't know how anyone can dispute that. So is Donovan. Eli and Carson should be too, even though Carson had a ****ty season. I would also include Matt Ryan, although I think the jury is still out on Flacco (although everyone loves to lump them together since they were drafted in the same year and both led their respective teams to the playoffs as rookies).
  3. In your defense he looked REALLY bad against Washington in the pre-season. I didn't think he didn't have the athleticism, but he didn't have a clue as to what was going on at the time. I also wondered why he was playing ILB. I like the "man-up" post, though. I wish there was more of that around here.
  4. What did I win for the efforts? A lifetime ban. Sweet.
  5. We won't, but we should. Our LB's are the worst in the league. Even if he never regains the form he once had, is he not better than Kelsay, Torbor, Ellis, or Maybin?? Would he not at least start for our pathetic defense? Players don't like to go from the glamour of San Diego to the 'glamour' of Orchard Park, especially Merriman, but I'd approve of this move.
  6. Don't like to agree with you, but this is 100% accurate.
  7. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but weren't you one of those who said he would flourish in the 3-4 at OLB?
  8. Pitt over Cleveland
  9. There's the problem. Maybe they shouldn't be pushing an agenda. I try to avoid all the networks unless its election time. MSNBC is horribly biased in the other direction, I totally concede that. They weren't always, but they certainly are now. I will say that it doesn't affect their reporting to the extent that Fox lets its own blinders affect theirs. And to say Fox has "the least spin and bias" is an absolute joke. If you actually believe that, well, then there's nothing I can do to help you, you're already lost. My only question to you is, why, if they clearly have an agenda to push, do they keep claiming to be "fair and balanced," and that "we report, you decide"? The first amendment gives them the right to spew whatever nonsense they want, but it doesn't mean that people shouldn't be aware that it is just that: nonsense.
  10. I tried to objectively say the Jets were going to be good-to-very-good this year but just got handed a load of **** for even suggesting it. But as Napolian and his ugly mug said, "haters gonna hate." As much as I hate the term 'hater' more than just about anything, that pretty much sums it up. You weren't going to make many friends with this thread, but as with everything else on this forum there's no accountability regarding the Jets, Aaron Maybin, Chris Ellis, our record, our defense, etc. etc.
  11. But...but wait, Aaron Maybin is built for the 3-4! That's what I read here all summer at least. Where are those geniuses??
  12. Finally someone said what must be said. He's looked really, really bad. Maybe they should go with Whitner/Wilson instead of Byrd/Whitner at least on first and second downs to stem the tide of 200+ yards rushing every game, if maybe just for the time being. Having gaping holes at LB doesn't help of course...
  13. Just represent the school better. A few liberties are one thing, but you sound like a retard. Maybe you should retake English 1004.
  14. I don't agree with the OP, but what the hell are you rambling about? I don't know what a "Nanny State" is, but you sound like your typical angry, ill-informed, Fox News-watching redneck. Keep your politics to the appropriate forums.
  15. Jesus dude, have you ever taken an English class? Represent UConn a little better for crying out loud...
  16. Where are the geniuses who said "damn the experts" and 'boldly' predicted 8-10 wins this year?
  17. They could completely whiff and still have a better team than us for the next decade, don't kid yourself. Besides, they didn't just "dump" players, they let players go they weren't planning on re-signing anyway. Maroney was a complete bust for them and couldn't stay healthy. The pick from Carolina came from a stupid draft day trade by the Panthers and the Pats have the luxury of having extra picks. Seymour and Moss weren't going to re-sign, so they got great value for the aging stars.
  18. Look no further than our divisional counterparts. New England has two firsts, two seconds, two thirds, and two fourths this year. To make matters worse, their extra first is from Oakland, their extra second is from Carolina, their extra third is from Minnesota, and their extra fourth is from Denver. Oakland is a perennial bottom-feeder, that pick is guaranteed to be top ten or better; Carolina is 0-4 and not going anywhere this year, a potential top five pick in the second round; Minny got stronger with Moss, but is still equally likely to miss the playoffs as they are to make it; Denver...who knows with them.
  19. Well, a 4-2-5 is your standard nickel package, so...yeah. They haven't run a 5-2-4 (called just a 5-2, and I've only seen it in semi-pro ball and maybe high school), what you're talking about is their base 3-4 defense. Kelsay and Ellis are OLB's now, whether or not their hands are in the ground...and whether or not they can cover worth a damn. I think we've been watching different teams on draft days then...
  20. Napolian is right (it pains me to say it as I hate looking at Bill Polian's big ugly mug every time he posts). I don't know what Thoner is talking about. Kyle Williams is playing NT with Stroud and Edwards/Johnson playing DE and Kelsay and Ellis/Torbor playing OLB. Aaron Schobel might have dropped into coverage occasionally as a DE but Kelsay is frequently in coverage and has OLB responsibilities. Sorry, but the OP is just wrong on this. All that being said, they don't run the 3-4 (3-4, not 34 or 3/4) every time, but it's far more than 15% of the time. I've notice in nickel they seem to stick with the four man fronts, although I haven't paid attention to the exact personnel in those packages. I guess they could run a nickel 3-3-5 but I haven't seen it yet.
  21. Is it the labrum in his shoulder or in his hip? I just had the one on my hip repaired. The procedure isn't a big deal, but they put anchors in there and depending on how bad the tear is recovery can take awhile. Often times there is an underlying cause of the tear, such as a femoroacetabular impingement or a bone spur. If the underlying cause isn't addressed the labrum will just tear again when subjected to the force of playing professional football. Of course addressing the cause means an osteoplasty, which is more time recovering. If it's his hip it's very possible his season is over. Not something you want to grit your teeth and "man up" through, though, since the worse the tear gets the less likely they'll be able to repair it, and no labrum equates to a guaranteed hip replacement down the road.
  22. Well done. The lack of accountability on this board is startling most of the time.
  23. Well, you're half right. It's an obvious troll (although not obvious enough for some, apparently). It's pretty hilarious though. Almost everyone who has responded has gotten their panties in a bunch over it.
  24. What happened to that Tim Graham thread? Thanks for the ban, Lori - after deleting my posts first. At least you didn't make it personal. By the way, anyone notice Jason Peters today? Two penalties so far that I've seen...
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