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qdawg in philly

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Everything posted by qdawg in philly

  1. 4th and 1..... understand who you're playing and call a real !@#$ing play!!
  3. make mention of that to the other party as well man. Thanks!
  4. just think about it!!
  5. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT op!! And the mob, bookies, and owners are in on it!! We were 5.5 underdogs. Get the !@#$ out of here with that bull ****. They have two major injuries and we still lose. We bust the dolphins ass in the first game and now we lose by more than 5.5? Complete bull ****!! It's scripted! Here's two examples! How the !@#$ did the ravens win the year before? Oh cause Ray Lewis was retiring? Here's the REAL one. Katrina hits and the saints win the superbowl!! I don't know when our number will be called again, but it'll be set up for us to win!!
  6. EXACTLY!! I was going to post this after I read everything. That's exactly how I see it. Just don't think the wildcard is going to shake out for us. Of course I could be wrong. It's early but I just gotta bad feeling about it.
  7. completely understand where you're coming from Dan. However, I didn't feel we were losing but just trying to give the game away. I said this in a previous post. Hackett will cost us when it's all said and done.
  8. So did I!! Thought that comment was ridiculous.
  9. We can pull it out but our coaching doesn't give us a chance. If games are won in the trenches, how the hell do we pull this out? I'd have a lot more confidence if we had some real coaches. I like Bryce, but what it's he suppose to do with the weak oline. This coaching staff is a joke. And that's EXACTLY what this game is gonna boil down to. I'm really not a negative person but I have no confidence in this coaching staff.
  10. bandit, I don't understand. How is he very good? I'm sure I watch the same games you watch. What do you see? Imo, I think he's overrated.
  11. If I'm not mistaken, the eagles have one or two of their starters missing. They don't miss a beat because they have real coaches. It reminded me of Chad stepping in for Andy. He would barely miss a beat.
  12. LOL LITERALLY LOL. Thanks so much! That made my day LOL
  13. Maybe they need a new D.C. !! Pettine did a good job with them last year. Anybody think maybe the scheme has something to do with it?
  14. EXACTLY KOK!! This is b.s. and they do it every week. What the heck do they do at practice?
  15. CAN'T stand Brady!! He's such a B word!! Now he's all smiles and cheers cause they're winning. But last week he sat in the corner on the bench like a !@#$ing girl. He gave up. He quit!! I hate stuff like that. Why didn't he fight last week?? What a kitty!!
  16. you said it and I'm thinking it. Agree with you 100% 26!!
  17. Don't blame EJ. Blame the predictable oc. Run run pass
  18. This makes a lot of sense. That's exactly why I agree with Dan also. If the Bills don't succeed this year, imho, Hackett will have a lot to do with it.
  19. LOL, I usually suffer from "inaccuritis". You know when someone is wide open and EJ just has to miss. May I add, fellas, this is one of the funniest topics I've every read on TSW. I'm at work cracking up. It Really made my night!!
  20. And this Q, is the bottom line!! I was just talking about this with a co-worker.
  21. And I completely agree. I don't know what game everyone was watching, but yes he had plenty of time on several plays.sometimes he held the ball too long and other times not long enough.
  22. Everyone has made good points on how to beat the bolts. But one thing the Bills really have to do is play a physical brand of ball. They really have to match their intensity as well. Rivers really gets fired up. The bills have to stand in and go toe to toe with them.
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