Could be - had to have been something that isn't in plain sight. Was it the right move to bench Edwards after two poor performances? Absolutely. Was it the right move to release him a week later? That's questionable. Yes he's a captain, yes he's been around 4 yrs (not a huge tenure but long enough to be a presence for a good deal of younger, hopefully up-and-coming players as well as veterans) - I think this is a huge morale hit to the locker room. This is a business with professionals not much different than your law firms, construction companies, and financial institutions. When the economy went down the tubes and business decisions were made to let some of the 'players' at the Corp I work at go, there was almost always a short meeting to let us know who was being let go and if need be, why. As impersonal as Trents release was for the players to find out via TV / Internet, I would view this as a lack of value for each and every one on the team. Does Trent have value on the field as a starting QB? No, but its hard to believe he lacks so much value as a 3rd QB and overall team player to warrant his release three games into the season - unless of course there's something about him we don't see and will probably never see. As a General Manager or Head Coach you are a leader - a leader in all aspects of the game, the business, whatever. How you treat your people has a profound effect on the results achieved on the project site, the conference room, or the football field. I don't know, just my take on the game as a business - I think its the right thing to do to communicate on something like this