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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. So, do you want to draft Mark Ingram? The next Mike Williams at tackle?


    John Beck, Troy Smith, Brian Griese, Kerry Collins, Brodie Croyle, Chad Pennington, Tyler Thigpen, Kellen Clemens, Sage Rosenfels, Seneca Wallace, Billy Volek, Shaun Hill, Bruce Gradkowski, and Charlie Frye.


    Wow, what a sad day for this once proud organization, when the fans would be satisfied with bringing in one of these low budget retreads as the new QB of the future.

  2. Luck is the real deal. Protypical elite prospect, he's got it all. Very smart kid with a good mind for the game.


    Mallett is not a bad prospect, just not quite as good. He's a bigger guy with a huge arm, but doesn't read defenses quite as well and just doesn't quite have the same command of the game. He would translate to a Ben Roethlisberger type if he succeeds in the NFL.

  3. After one game the players went to the coach to complain? Interesting.


    The players wanted to give the new coaches and management the benefit of the doubt, and also give Trent the benefit of the doubt. His gutless actions were so alarming that the players were ready to mutiny. Gailey was going to risk losing the team if he stayed with Trent.

  4. The real reason the Edwards situation ended like this was because there was a big locker room issue. The team lost all confidence in him after he refused to throw the hail mary attempt at the end of the first game, and several players went to the coaching staff. The pressure on the coaching staff mounted until he was finally benched. He did not take it very well, and the whole situation was dangerously close to having a Whitner-type tweet about it and it becoming a circus. This is what I heard through a pretty reliable source.


    Chan and Buddy are not totally clueless. They liked this guy and wanted to give him a chance, and it's not like in two weeks they magically realized what all the fans have known for quite some time. They were handcuffed in this situation, and I say good for the players for stepping up and trying to create a winning mentality.

  5. Promo -


    Clausen will go on to have a better career than any current Bills QB. He did not have the advantage of working with the first team all throughout OTAs and training camp, like Bradford did. Even in his disastrous rookie debut, he did better than many of Trent's performances.


    Does Clausen struggling in his debut somehow validate the coaches starting the season with Edwards, or validate yet another poor Bills draft?

  6. Byrd just got a lot of fluke tipped ball interceptions last year. Everyone here knows he luckboxed his way to the Pro Bowl, people just are not ready to admit it. I mean, its been years and there are still lots of fans that think Whitner is a real good player. He will probably finish this season with one or two interceptions, with everyone making excuses about injury or pass rush or what have you.

  7. I'm sitting here trying to think of a response to this.. but, I don't honestly know where you're gong with that statement. I assume it's of the thinking that we shouldn't just be thankful for whatever lousy product Ralph throws on the field for us.


    Me personally, if I'm dying of thirst and all I'm offered is warm piss.. I'm gonna drink it.. and hope the next guy offers me water.


    Today's loss hasn't quenched my thirst.. but it'll keeping me pushing along.. hoping that drink of water isn't as far into the future as I once thought. :thumbsup:


    GO BILLS!!


    It's kind of weird that your first line of defense is to go straight to some made up fantasy about drinking urine...

  8. The defensive line contributes almost nothing. Williams make an occasional play but Edwards/Stroud are as invisible as our draft picks Troup/Carrington.


    The linebackers are way below average. They can't stop the run, and can't cover. Not much talent in that group.


    The safeties have been overhyped and played WAY below expectations. Whitner is a bust, and Byrd has not made one play this year.


    The cornerbacks actually are playing at a pretty high level, and McKelvin has been a very pleasant surprise.

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