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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. Thanks for this post, it really made me laugh out loud. Particularly the cancer research part. You "suppose not"? :lol:

    Dude, at the end of the day it is only a game. Yes it is big business. Yes it involves obscene amounts of money. Yes people get (far too) invested emotionally. But a game it is, and always will be (unless it fully implodes and goes out of business).


    The Super Bowl is perhaps the single biggest annual event in all of America. The scale and magnitude of its spectacle can not be overstated.


    But yah, it's totally the same thing as playing some Scrabble.

  2. uforesircher -


    So you can read everyone else's posts just fine in normal sized font? :) How does that make any sense? You can just make everything bigger.


    I'm sorry you have a visual impairment, but I would think you would want to be able to easily read all posts and all text on your computer, not just the things you write. You should google "increasing windows font size" or "windows visual impairment" to help you with your disability.

  3. He has not been asked to do a lot in that offense, and has done a good job with ball security.


    The last two weeks he has some big plays, though, with three passing touchdowns in each of his last two games.


    Jets fans think he is truly coming in to this own, I think he just happened to have a couple good games.


    I don't think he will ever be an elite QB, but I think he is probably better than I thought he would be.

  4. There are lots of DUIs in the NFL every single season. No one gets suspended for them ever. Get a clue.


    22 players have gotten DUIs since 2009 when Rex took over. Not one of them got suspended.


    Here is the number of arrests, per team, in the AFC East since January 2009, when Rex Ryan was named coach of the Jets:


    Miami: 6

    Buffalo: 5

    New England: 1

    New York: 1



    I see this argument used here all the time - "Geez it's just a game, if it makes you angry don't watch it".


    That is absolutely ridiculous.


    Fans become emotionally invested in the teams they root for. That's why when something good happens, you scream and jump and high five and cheer and celebrate - because you are feeling very happy in that moment. You could just as easily say, "Why get so happy, it's just a game?". The fact is that sport evokes emotion, and a dramatic last second win or loss can take you to the height or the bottom of the emotional roller coaster. That is the whole reason people love sports.


    It's a billion dollar industry. Grown men line up just for a chance to dedicate their entire life to the sport. People are routinely moved to tears over the outcome of this silly "game". It's a big !@#$ing deal.


    Cancer Research?! Give me a break. Is it as important to the human race as cancer research? I suppose not, but the bottom line is people care WAY more about the latest football news than the latest medical research news, and people spend WAY more money being a fan than they do funding research. They spend more time talking about it at the water cooler. The list goes on. So yes, the reality is football is much more important to most people in their daily lives than "big picture" type of topics.


    You can take a nihilist approach and try to say "Oh, it doesn't matter what happens." You could say that about anything, though. Religion - who cares? Why get mad? But that is a far far cry from real life.


    Lastly, when a fan stops spending money and supporting his team because they are not doing well, he is characterized as a "fairweather" or "bandwagon" fan, and looked down upon. He is not a true supporter of the team, he was not their for the hard times, etc. If everyone spent their football dollars around here with their heads instead of their hearts, the team would have been gone a long time ago.


    So, yes, get angry! Give a damn about something in this world, and don't just be a lifeless robot.

  6. You basically did call me gay in the Kelsay thread, there is no point trying to lie about it or argue semantics.


    When you want to insult someone, and your first move is to call them gay - well, you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube.


    You apologized in the shoutbox, too.


    You are embarassing yourself, you should really just give it up.

  7. I didn't say anything about his attitude. I just said that the whole Twitter incident was really not a big deal.


    Since you are interested, though, I would say his tweet didn't really raise any real attitude red flags, it's just a guy that wants to play football that was upset he didn't make the team.


    No big deal.


    edit: btw, I don't really feel harassed. I think it's a sad reflection on you as a person that you have tried to insult me by calling me gay, and I think its flattering my posts are noteworthy enough that you have gone far out of your way to troll me in several different threads :)

  8. And of course, whether or not he has a bad attitude is completely dependent on the number of people following him on social networking websites.


    For the record, I don't think he has a bad attitude at all, but as with virtually all of your posts, logic and reason reside solely in " fantasyland".


    Why do you keep following me around and trolling me? Are you going to start calling me gay again?


    The number of Twitter followers is very relevant, because with such a low profile his comments never became a big topic in the media. The media would be the only reason his comments could be an issue - the team really isn't going to mind that he was upset he didn't make the team. Heck, if anything it shows he is a competitor and wants to succeed and doesn't feel good about failure.

  9. I don't hate Kelsay at all, but you seem to love him to an absolutely unhealthy degree. It's telling that you use the phrase "handful" when referring to your honey bear.


    Not that there's anything wrong with that.


    That's real cool to imply I'm into gay stuff with Kelsay.


    Is that really where you're at in life, so bigoted that you try to insult people by calling them gay?

  10. The Bills are trying to establish an identity on defense of having a top secondary. So far, the cornerbacks have played at a very high level and are holding up their end of the bargain - but what the heck are the safeties doing?


    Do you think Whitner will get a single interception this season? Do you think Byrd will get more than two this season?


    They are making their fair share of tackles, but have not yet really made a single big play this year.

  11. At the very least, I hope for your sake that he cups your balls. You certainly deserve it after all of your hard work.


    Hey, after he contributes another couple hundred tackles and a handful of sacks and interceptions to this organization, maybe you will go easy on the hatred.

  12. Any opinions on why the Bills aren't toying with the 3-4 that they are running? After all, the current system hasn't appeared to take off yet, so why not try to create a 'Bills" defense. Perhaps blitz 7 on 1st down to put teams on their heels since everyone is so in love with our secondary...Or put 8 in the box and drop 5-6 into coverage based on reads because we have the speed.


    Just seems we are running the milk toast version of the 3-4 with the wrong group of guys. Chan has the opportunity Gruden had in Tampa as far as carte blanch to install a unique scheme without fear of getting canned after 1 season. The Bills have shown a propensity of keeping bad coaches 2 or 3 seasons before realizing they don't belong so this is a prime spot to do something truly innovative.


    So, you want them to invent some sort of new defense? Or do you want them to just blitz sometimes?

  13. Dude seriously...How long have you been around here? You honestly think Folks on this site don't understand how NFL Contracts work? If you ever intend to have your side considered you gotta stop insulting the collective intelligence around here..Cause there may be a few meat-heads, but by and large there are some VERY knowledgeable NFL Fans on this Board who most definitely understand the ins and outs of Contracts, the Cap, etc...


    We understand...We still think it was a dumb Deal by a Team that seemingly is trying to set some kind of record for poor decisions...


    So what else do we not understand about the NFL and it's inner workings? B-)


    Do you understand they can just cut him two years down the road with almost no penalty? Do you understand how much Stroud and McGee are making? Do you understand that it takes some time to adjust from a 4-3 to a 3-4? Do you understand they have little chance of landing a top OLB in free agency? Would you prefer to spend one of the first two picks in the draft on an OLB rather than QB/OT?

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