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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. Yes, you are naive. Just google about what the Bills were like in the 1970s.


    They were lucky to bring in Bill Polian as GM and he made the team good for a while. Then Ralph fired him for petty personal reasons and Polian went on to great success elsewhere and the Bills went back to being a joke.

  2. People that don't recognize that a QB is the most important position on the team, BY FAR, are just not very knowledgeable about today's NFL.


    The fact is that if you already have a good line, you probably won't go 0-16 and get a chance at a top QB. So you have to take your shot on a QB when you can, and then build around him.


    No one thinks drafting Sam Bradford will turn the team around on day one, but it will give them a chance for the future. If you stay with Fitzpatrick/Brohm, you have absolutely no hope to ever go to a Super Bowl - the most you could ever hope for is a playoff run.

  3. Everyone wants to believe that Chan is some offensive mastermind and a good coach. Let's look at his career:


    Steelers OC

    In 1996 and 1997 he was the Steelers OC. He has some success there, but Cowher was the head coach. He had Jerome Bettis in his prime and a great offensive line. This was a long time ago, but his time in Pittsburgh was considered a success.


    Cowboys HC

    He took over a team with Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Emmit Smith, Deion Sanders, etc. HE NEVER EVEN WON A PLAYOFF GAME. He did make the playoffs twice, but other coaches were able to get much, much more out of that roster. He was quickly fired after two disappointing seasons. His time as a head coach in Dallas can only be described as a complete and utter failure.


    Georgia Tech HC

    He won some games at Georgia Tech. However, he never defeated Tech's biggest rival, the University of Georgia, never won the ACC, never went to a BCS bowl, never won more than 9 games, and never finished in the top 25. Eventually he was once again fired for his poor performance.


    Chiefs OC

    In 2008 he was the Chiefs OC and ran an offense that was among the worst in the league. In 2009, he was fired from the Chiefs for his poor coaching just before the start of the season. It was right at the same time that the Bills fired Turk Schoenert. Looks like the undefeated Chiefs are now better off without him. Another resounding failure.




    So we can see that Chan was never any good as a head coach, and got lucky one time for a couple seasons FIFTEEN years ago in Pittsburgh, where he had an all time great head coach, and premier running back and offensive line to work with.


    If he has such a great offensive mind, why is that he could never get back into the NFL after he was exposed as a sham in Dallas? Finally the lowly Chiefs gave him a chance, and he couldn't even cut it there.


    The Bills just couldn't land a real coach. A good coach like Shanahan or Cowher would never dream of associating themselves with such a terrible front office and owner. It's sad but that's life.


    The fact is he has always been and always will be a mediocre offensive coordinator, and a below average head coach.

  4. I respectfully disagree, Brohm was a top rated QB, all he really lacks is playing time and perhaps some confidence.


    Drafting yet another highly rated QB makes no sense to me until Brohm proves he is NOT the guy.




    Ya man, Brohm all the way! He might be good!


    You know who else they should get? ME! You haven't seen enough of me play to know I'm not good, either! Put me in, coach!

  5. Just give it another 10 years guys, be patient!


    If you complain they might move the team, so just shut up and take it.


    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, so if you wait long enough they will probably have a few good seasons again someday!


    Probably not in the next five years, but what's the rush?

  6. I respect the fact that he tries hard.


    However, that DOES NOT mean he is any good whatsoever as an NFL QB.


    He is a decent backup in this league, and that's all he will ever amount to. If you think anything else for a second, you have literally no clue about evaluating talent, you are just sort of praying and hoping he magically gets good at this stage in his life.


    The guy does have some heart at least, though.

  7. Whether or not Owens will catch 100 balls for 1500 yards is irrelevant. What is absolutely proven is that he was head-to-head a better player than Lee Evans.


    Which is sad, really. A street free agent that no other teams wanted was better than your 10 million dollar man.


    And, he actually cares whether his teams win or lose, which is something Lee Evans will never do.


    This is all spot on.


    HE obviously still has some gas in the tank. He will have a nice little season in Cincinnati. Even though he is in his decline, he might still get more yards this season than Lee Evans ever got/will get in his best season.


    I think it's pretty safe to say he's better than Steve Johnson, too.

  8. Like it isn't 100% obvious that we'll be flopping back and forth between Fitzpatrick and Brohm for the rest of the season.


    Who cares. Until the Bills draft a real quarterback and hire a real coach, we are fail.


    Hey, all they need is a little hard work and they will be right back in the Super Bowl!

  9. Chan Gailey before the season: I believe in toughness and discipline. We've not been where we've needed to be in the last few years. And we've got to get back there. And I only know one way to accomplish that, and that's hard work.


    Chan Gailey yesterday after the game: We're a bad football team.




    You know what's hard work? Digging ditches.


    But that won't make you any better at playing football, Chan.


    It won't magically make the coaches any good or the players any good.


    I'm so sick and tired of hearing this hard work mantra. How about the front office starts working hard to give us some actual talent and skill on our coaching staff on and on our roster.


    You just can't polish a turd.

  10. Last year the no-huddle offense was the big thing all through camp and the preseason. Then at the last minute the Bills trashed the no-huddle and the offensive coordinator. This year we've already cut our starting QB. Why not just go ahead and do the same with the 3-4?


    It's just not working. It doesn't look anything remotely similar to a good 3-4 defense like the Steelers, with lots of pressure coming from unpredictable spots. The personnel might just be better for a 4-3, anyways. Get Stroud and Williams over their more natural DT gaps. Get Kelsay back at DE. Just get some baseline level of competency in place.

  11. It's not so much that these fans are afraid of losing the team, it's more that they actually like the losing.


    There is a certain charm to the lovable loser identity, after all.


    Aww, those crazy Bills! How many different heartbreaking ways can they lose? How will they mess it up this time? They'll always give you a run for your money on a snowy December day up in Buffalo, though!

  12. He's under 6', he's too skinny, and he's got a weak arm.


    On the bright side he seems to command their offense, plays with poise, and can read a defense.


    He probably won't even come out this year. If he does, he rates to be a late round pick or undrafted.

  13. Look, it is a big money business. No one will argue otherwise. And lots of Americans enjoy it, and even love it, to be sure. But you have to see that like all sports, movies, plays, etc. it is just entertainment. Nothing more, and nothing less. If it somehow means more to you than things of substance, then I really don't know what to say.


    I'm not debating this.


    I'm saying it's okay to feel emotion regarding sport. Joy, despair, exhilaration, anger, etc. That is why we loves sports.


    You can go see a tearjerker movie and feel sad. That doesn't make you some fool that can't differentiate movies from real life, it makes you human. Sure, there are things far sadder that exist in the real world, but if I cry over the Lion King that doesn't mean I have no life perspective. ( Don't judge me, that movie has some sad parts! :) )


    The joy of victory, the agony of defeat. Embrace it.

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