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Everything posted by NaPolian8693

  1. I just want to the Bills to have long term success. I don't think Ryan Fitzpatrick is the guy to get us there. I hope we get the top draft pick and get our franchise QB and return to prominence.
  2. This week's MVP goes to Fritzpatrick for his key interception at the end of regulation. Honorable mentions to Todd Hailey for his timeout, and Moorman's shank to set up that final drive. Our guys really stepped up and dodged a bullet for the second week in a row in a close game. San Francisco suffered another victory, with Buffalo retaining sole possession of the top draft pick.
  3. I'd want the coach to just go ahead and play the backups. Just like as if they had locked up homefield advantage in the playoffs. I don't think this is very likely though, tbh. But I'm not the coach! I'm just a fan. And in that situation, as a fan, I would prefer to see them lose. Not because I like seeing them lose, but because I think the value gained from that one loss could translate into lots of wins down the road.
  4. No worries, I take that as a great compliment, not an insult
  5. So if it comes down to the last game of the season, and the Bills and the Panthers both have just one win, and the Bills hold the draft tiebreaker - you would honestly want them to go out there and compete their hardest and get a win? Even though it would mean losing the top draft pick?
  6. Maybe you are right. Perhaps there is a long and storied tradition of Pro Bowl QBs playing on last place teams. Oh wait...
  7. Oh Conrad. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know how important I am to you
  8. Well Marino has like twice as many yards and touchdowns as Kelly. Kelly does have almost as many interceptions, though.
  9. The thing about Pro Bowl QBs is that they win games no matter how crappy the rest of the team is. That is why they are by far the most valuable commodity in football.
  10. Fitzpatrick can have as many 4 TD games as he wants - he'll still just always be junky Ryan Fitzpatrick. Unfortunately, his little hot streak and the ensuing fan mania is going to cause the Bills to draft defense and miss their chance on a real franchise QB, locking up another 5 years of sub-mediocrity.
  11. They won't even take a quarterback. The fans have a love affair with "Fitz" now, so they'll just draft defense.
  12. It takes a brave, bold man to make a prediction that goes around the Bills around here. Just be prepared for a firestorm if your prediction doesn't turn out to be correct.
  13. This guy is talking about Whitner and Poz going to the Pro Bowl. If I made that statement people would be harassing me and calling me names. Where the heck is the troll police!?
  14. So by this logic, every team should spend their top draft pick on a backup running back, no matter how stable their current running back situation is. You never know when someone is going to get hurt!
  15. Number one pick, don't fool yourself. The Bills have had plenty of 7-9 seasons. Throwing a 4-12 on the pile doesn't help anything.
  16. No, Chan will definitely not be fired if the Bills go 0-16.
  17. How the heck are players all of a sudden going to start carrying other players around? This whole discussion is absurd. It's hard enough to tackle someone at all in the NFL, let alone securely grab a hold or someone and carry them around without them wriggling free and without tipping over.
  18. Everyone is desperate for Spiller to work out, so no one wants to call a spade a spade. That fumble was inexcusable, bottom line. Ball security is his number one priority there, and he failed at it - and it cost his team dearly. Playing hard is important, but so is playing smart.
  19. Man, you guys are really mean. There's really no need to name call like this. It's my opinion the Bills are better off losing out and getting the top draft pick. Maybe your opinion is different, that's fine - but don't act like I'm the only one that thinks like this, or that there is no merit to having the number one pick.
  20. If you think other teams aren't going to be looking QB after this season, you are mistaken.
  21. Maybin will come around soon just give him some time.
  22. Super sleuths - I am not MPL, but good try. Mods can do an IP check if they want, it's fine by me. You can be the charter member of my fan club though, Conrad! By associating yourself with me, perhaps someone will care about what you have to say someday.
  23. Perhaps you don't watch enough football to realize this, but running back is the easiest and most common position for a rookie to come in and be the starter and make a big impact right away.
  24. lol It's flattering you are awaiting all my posts with baited breath, but seriously - Get off my jock, kid.
  25. Quit trolling my threads please. This is a legitimate discussion topic. The line showed a marked improvement and that deserves to be discussed and analyzed.
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