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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. I am a proud Canadian and Bills fan and I will tell you the truth.


    If the bills where a playoff team it would change nothing because of the following,


    1) ticket prices are through the roof


    2) the drinking laws in Canada are way to strick for tail gaiting


    3) coperate Canada has its paws in the tail gaiting and charging to get into event and beer tents and again krazy prices for beer.


    Finally the NFL expierience is void without tailgating, fans go to party, BQ, to lite fires in barrels and drink the beer they bring and move from trailer to bus and not worry about drinking areas.


    Roger's made a major mis caculation thinking they could rip off canadians and not even get the real expierience


    at that my friends is the truth and the reason the NFL never comes to Canada, personally if the bills move to TO, I will never go to another NFL game.




    Great post.


    It's a similar experience up in Seattle, and it hurts the gameday experience.


    As an aside, it goes to show: people don't like drunken belligerent tailgaters sometimes, but the fact is those screaming puking fans help provide a bigtime competitive advantage to the home team.

  2. Lindell choked it against KC. Why can't we put the blame where it goes? Why are kickers immune from being accused of choking? Seems painfully obvious. He made the kick once and had it long enough the second time and doinked it. If that ain't a choke, I don't know what is.


    Kickers aren't immune. You just don't understand probability I guess. What do you think the chances are that Lindell, a kicker known for his short accuracy and not the longball, hits a 50+ yarder in an unfamiliar stadium in that wind? I'd say maybe 25% tops. It's not a choke when it's a longshot to begin with. You don't buy a lotto ticket and lose and call it a choke.


    The Bills were driving to seal the victory and Fitzpatrick's interception gave the Chiefs new life. It was an awful pick. Just like he always does, he got nervous and air mailed it with horrible inaccuracy.


    Whatever, I don't want to rehash this, it was already settled in another thread.


    If you can't admit that Fitzpatrick has trouble with the game on the line, then you are blind to reality. You can point the finger at other people, and others also screw up, but that doesn't somehow absolve Fitzpatrick.


    The point of the thread is to discuss whether he can "fix" it, or if he will always be like this.

  3. Fitz choked it against KC, too. Lindell's kick was a very low percentage kick, but the Bills were going to seal the victory over KC when Fitzpatrick struck again.


    Anyways, yes, the Bills have lots of bad players. They screw up all the time. No one is denying that.


    Fitzpatrick has a knack for saving his biggest and most costly screw ups for when the game is on the line, though. He seems to do it every week, and QB is the position where that sort of choking hurts you the most.

  4. No one wanted Fewell. If you say you wanted Fewell as your top choice, you are a liar.


    Everyone wanted Cowher or Shanahan or Gruden or someone good. We could have had Schottenheimer.


    Instead we got crusty old Chan. That's Buffalo.

  5. Why are you an idiot?


    If you don't think Fred Jackson is good, then you are an idiot.


    The entire world is full of idiots and understands that 30yo retreads are not top running backs, and only Bills loyalists are savvy enough to see the truth.


    Also if you don't see how his mediocre kick return yardage and mediocre rushing yardage combined equals MOST EPIC SEASON EVAR then you are also an idiot.

  6. You've answered your own question by bolding 9 QBs. In this century 5 of those 9 bolded QBs have won 8 of the 10 Super Bowls. The reason others & me are SO dead set on a QB, if his name is Andrew Luck, with our top pick instead of another positional player is we want the Bills to win the Super Bowl.

    Now if Luck doesn't come out, or if we don't have the #1 pick, I'm not dead set on drafting just any QB. But to pass on a special QB because you like Fitzpatrick's stats is just nuts. If Buddy ever passed on Luck a lot of Bills fans would revolt (ie stop going to games etc). I'd be very tempted to join them if they chose Fitzpatrick over Luck.


    Edit: I just looked and 38 of the 44 Super Bowls have been won by franchise QBs. It makes me even more dead set on getting the franchise QB because you don't draft for next season only when you're picking a QB, you're drafting the QB for the next decade.


    Nice post, you owned OP hard.

  7. Yes, it is blatantly obvious if you stop and look at things that Wilson doesn't care about winning, but just wants money.


    He would have the team play all 16 games on the road if they paid him enough.


    The only reason he cares about winning is that the hope of winning helps sell tickets.


    A lot of fans realize this, but many are so blinded by their unconditional, doglike love that they don't even consider this. Many will say these obvious statements are "trolling" even, they are so desperate to avoid the truth.

  8. Oh my god, I saw the same observation in 1969 when Larry Felser said O.J. should be switched to WR.


    Well, OJ went on to become the leagues best RB.


    I don't think you should try to compare Spiller to Simpson - that's really a little bit silly.


    It's already clear he will never live up to his high draft status, I'm just hopeful they can do something with him that actually allows him to contribute to the team.


    Right now as a running back, he seems like he is more of a liability than an asset. He can't run inside and can't pass block, so it's hard to even put him on the field.

  9. Just to clarify, not just for you but everyone, the +1 essentially means "me too". You're saying that you are one more person who agrees with that point. +1,000,000 would indicate that there are 1,000,000 other people with you all of whom just told you they agree with that post.



  10. CJ Spiller is not a running back. CJ Spiller is a wide receiver hybrid.


    Think about Percy Harvin. He was a hybrid in college, and was run oriented as he had more rushing yards and touchdowns than receiving in each of his college seasons. In the NFL he is used almost exclusively as a receiver. In college he was listed as 5'11" and 195 pounds (sound familiar?). Now that he is accepted as a receiver he is listed as 185 pounds.


    Spiller is explosive in space, but is just not a bruising between the tackles sort of guy. He needs to be used as more of a slot receiver hybrid.


    He will never be a normal #1 type receiver, and that's not the goal.


    He can catch short screens, run checkdown routes and short to intermediate crossing routes. He can carry the ball on reverses and end arounds. In shotgun sets he can motion from the slot to the backfield and run a sweep.


    CJ Spiller has potential as the next Percy Harvin. As a traditional running back, it's not really there.

  11. It seems pretty clear at this point that Fitzpatrick is capable of playing well for periods of time, but when the game is on the line he has a tendency to make costly mistakes that lose football games.


    It's a mental barrier. Some people are clutch, some aren't - that's life.


    Do you think this is something he can overcome, or do you think it will plague him throughout the rest of his career?

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