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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. "Where else would you rather be than right here, RIGHT NOW??!!" "Look it up, Thurman" "We can get it done, we can get it done, what's more...we GOTTA get it done"
  2. They haven't announced where the shuttle lots will be yet but they've been in various schools around Pittsford. As far as access, it's a lot more limited than it was at Fredonia...you can get a few waiting at the edge of the practice field but it's mostly a case where they have 3 players in an autograph tent after practice who'll sign for a while
  3. smart enough? That would've been a stupid move. First he figuratively quit on the Bills by deciding we were out of the playoff hunt when we weren't...then he literally quit the job instead of firing his butt buddy Ronnie Jones...so it wasn't even the Bills' choice for him to leave anyway...he quit and Ralph was right in trying to keep from paying him after that. Thanks for the laughter
  4. so you not only share Wade's love for an inept coach, but you're rooting for someone who quit on the Bills twice? ROFL!!
  5. we had good defensive coaches...#1 defense in the league in 99 Firing him wouldn't be a move to appease fickle fans..he coached the most pathetic special teams unit we've ever seen...you don't keep coaches on staff just because he's your buddy Now I've seen it all...someone who actually didn't want Jones fired I figured you had to be kidding because I never thought anyone would actually back Wade on keeping Ronnie Jones around
  6. You HAVE to be kidding
  7. Right year...generally referred to as the "Just Give It To Them" game...the official that threw the flag on the Hail Mary (Henry Jones received the penalty although if anyone was actually interfered with, it was Bills CB Thomas Smith) was Terry McCauley....who since got promoted to referee. The most glaringly bad call was the 4th down play that got converted even though Shawn Jefferson was clearly short and out of bounds and with 2 officials on the scene. I truly think that was the game where the Pats started getting away with cheating to win...with Robert Kraft paying off the officials...because no one could screw up that call without intentionally doing so
  8. pussification of the vampire genre comes from Twilight.....sparkling in daylight? C'mon...I'll put Angelus or Spike against any other vampire and the only one that could give them a fight would be Dracula The writing on Buffy was easily the best of its era...that's what made the show and outstanding and watchable for anyone. The movie was cute and campy but that's it for the positives. I had low expectations for the series because of the movie but after seeing a few episodes, I came away thoroughly impressed
  9. afternoon practices don't require tickets and it would be advisable to be at the parking lot no later than half an hour before practice to get on the bus to the campus...since you can't park at St John Fisher
  10. If these were recent happenings, I'd probably be able to find links easily But when you consider that Polian was fired over a decade and a half ago (long before I even had a computer) and Butler almost 10 years ago, it could take a while to find the links to back up the facts (not delusions but facts, jr)...not worth the time considering people would dispute the info even if it were written in the Bible considering how much hatred some people seem to have for Ralph...I have a lot more valuable uses for my time than that. So if you wanna keep worshipping Polian and thinking Butler had no fault in his firing, have at it if it makes you happy...after all, they do say ignorance is bliss
  11. Yeah, but the thread said regular season...I always go in predicting a 19-0 record overall I told Paul Peck that at the Taste of Buffalo last weekend when he said he thought we'd see 5-6 wins...he thought I was nuts until I told him my reasoning behind my 19-0 prediction
  12. understandable...it doesn't matter what party politicians come from, there will always be some level of incompetence
  13. I was referring to that airhead who seems to be George W Bush in a dress, Sarah Palin...the 2008 election Cheney's another psycho like McCain
  14. show me where I have I made reference to facts that people conveniently ignore because they make them look foolish
  15. more evidence of dishonesty with your ridiculous claim that I hero worship him. Let me just clue you in on something...speaking the truth about someone doesn't mean you worship that person. If you hero worship a person, you ignore their faults...which you even mention that I don't do. Do you even think about what you post or do you not care how ridiculous your posts look?
  16. Ralph gave Donahoe FULL control while he was here...or did you forget how signs were taken from fans late in Donahoe's last season? Ralph didn't approve of that and apologized for Donahoe's actions in regards to it when he fired him. Clements was never a lock down corner...he was always a gambling type of player...made big plays and gave them up as well. When I think lockdown corners who've played for Buffalo, the 1st name that comes to mind is Thomas Smith...QBs very rarely threw his way...Clements was the opposite
  17. Definitely belongs up there, IMO Some people just aren't able to grasp true writing genius...it was easily the most well-written show of its era, possibly of all time. People ignorantly think that since the show is about a girl, it's gotta something only girls would like...I didn't care for some of the storylines in Seasons 4 and 6, but the outstanding writing and creative genius of Joss Whedon reaches people of all ages...well, the ones who can appreciate storylines that make you think while still being entertaining.
  18. Ralph isn't the GM...he didn't make the calls to let Winfield and Clements get away...it was Donahoe who made the call in Winfield and Jauron who made the call as far as letting Nate get away....though the latter departure...was a smart move...San Fran WAY overpaid for him
  19. That's my realistic view as well...not that I'm totally sold on Brohm being the answer at QB...but I AM sold on it not being Trent
  20. 16-0 Reason? If you think your team is going to lose, why watch the games?
  21. so are you man enough to try picking fights with other people in your company like Polian did or are you just spouting off just to spout off?
  22. yep...look at the health care reform...has some good qualities in it and some bad ones as well. Instead of working together to make it a great package, Dems pushed it through while the Republicans just tried to defeat it instead of fix it
  23. Don't bother...many of us have been saying that the whole thread and he still doesn't seem to get it.
  24. You want me to find links from 9 1/2 years ago all because YOU didn't pay attention to the facts? Not opinions.....look up the term in a dictionary...I didn't say what I thought might've happened...I told you what DID happen...the only speculation I made was that Polian learned from his mistakes. I never said anything remotely resembling "Bill Polian sucks and Ralph Wilson rules" ...I even mentioned that Ralph gets too involved in some stuff sometimes...point is, Polian started some fights and the fact that he was known for having a bad temper supports those facts...I have a very low tolerance for dishonest people....and only a lowlife coward of a liar falsely accuses someone of saying something they never said from behind a keyboard Welcome to the ignore list...I don't deal with dishonest little cowards
  25. where do I tell you what people are thinking? Butler's wife wanting to leave? Everyone paying attention to what was going on knew that...Butler wanting to stick with just the scouting parts of the job? That was documented at the time...there were plenty of aspects of being a GM that Butler pawned off on other people. whose fault is it that you didn't pay attention to everything that went on? Judging by the fact you seem to think Polian did nothing wrong and that Ralph is the anti-Christ, you likely ignored every fact that backed up Ralph's actions couldn't be a case where he learned from his mistakes in Buffalo, could it? Nah...can't be...Saint Polian never was in the wrong
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