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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. better hope you're doing that next year as well...since that's when this will take place Madden's going to NBC next fall..so the prime matchup will still have the most overrated analyst in the business...the major event will be SNF in 2006 instead of MNF, I believe...network TV and all
  2. Yeah..I know what you mean..some people still pester LOG occasionally about getting stealth mode back...I've been good though...just busy...rarely get a chance to check out boards other than the Zone...dropped by here only cause Mikey told me one of my group's moderators was back online...a few of us were thinking about hitting the Cincy game this season..then the schedule came out...out of 4 road trips I was eyeing, I'm only making one...San Diego How you been, man?
  3. Welcome back, Trendi...Valerie and I were talking about you this weekend
  4. I agree...and Erica Durance, I think, has been a good Lois Lane on Smallville as well
  5. She performs routines the best, makes practices, does the most community service. In short, being the best Jill of the year in the eyes of her squadmates
  6. 3rd year Jills squad member and 1st year captain Jamie was announced before the game yesterday as this year's representative to the Pro Bowl http://www.buffalobills.com/uploads/photo/...462F884AAFA.jpg http://www.buffalobills.com/uploads/photo/...1ABF0FB5F03.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid6...73/fc2925d2.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid1...7a/f5acd402.jpg I had the info before the Rams game but kept it to myself as inside info
  7. Oriental? I don't think I could clasify any of this year's Jills as oriental..last year we had Leah though
  8. It was Ty Law...last year...the opener
  9. I'll be flying out...bringing a bottle of Wisniowska with me for the bowling ball
  10. At the last game, only those of us in the driveway were able to be in line. Though Kenny and I are wondering when that'll change so that not even that will be allowed
  11. He's a member of all the major Bills boards..plays no favorites and has no time to post much. This is a special occasion
  12. no...we didn't...I kept looking around on eBay for tix in a good price range but had no real luck...then Kenny told me he didn't have one yet so we all figured we'd just get our 4 seats together.
  13. B) B) sold!!!
  14. Probably for 2 reasons Less notice More college football on than there was in Week 1
  15. I stay up in Buffalo the night before the Opener every year..and the cheapest place to stay with a decent location is the Motel 6 on Maple Road...only a few turns off the interstate, a few blocks from Duffs, and right next door to Hooters
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