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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. It was a very well-done show...I remember AFN carried it when I was in the UK. They had a piece on Carey Bender, the RB from Coe College...including an interview with Marv Levy. I brought it up with Bender at camp in Fredonia in 96
  2. maybe to the injured list...can the guy get through a season ever?
  3. can't forget Phil Hansen out in Canton...about a year after he retired...tried to talk him into coming back
  4. Bruce and Thurman a few times after games at the Big Tree Al Bemiller used to do security in my section Steve and Sarah Tasker in Canton in 2001 along with Metzelaars a bunch of old time players in 99...got invites to Billy Shaw's induction reception Anyone who saw the inductions that year may remember that he forgot to thank his wife...Eric Dickerson called him out on it...Pat, Billy's wife, stood up and shook her finger at Billy Thing is....he almost forgot her a second time that day...he was leaving the reception after we were all talking for a while...she was still talking with me, Al Bemiller, Denny Lynch, and a few other people Billy Shaw, for anyone who never met him, is in the dictionary under "class gentleman" Also..met JP and Coy Wire last year when they were judging the 1st round of Jills tryouts...and T-Mac and Stamer at the Jills Congratulatory Party
  5. Stefanie's bag didn't make it on the helicopter going from the 2nd to the 3rd bases of the day on Feb 28th. She got it back in time for the last performance of the tour. http://www.97rock.com/jillsiniraq.html
  6. Wade also didn't know how to handle his QBs. What's kinda sad about that is...JP and Holcomb weren't acting like children through the media the way Flutie and Johnson were. It's scary when Mularkey can do any aspect of his job better than someone else.
  7. Fined for making a line change=pathetic
  8. no kidding..TO in a big market like Dallas...Wade's in over his head
  9. Maybe you aren't aware of this, but anyone can put stuff up on Wikipedia. Hell, the guy who put that paragraph up can't even spell Donahoe...LOL. By a link, I meant a reputable news source, not someone's opinion. If someone posted on Wikipedia that the Earth was flat, would it make it so?
  10. Yeah...AJ Smith...whose buddy John Butler left after refusing to negotiate a contract extension (causing speculation that the Chargers and Butler had already been talking)...the same AJ Smith who wouldn't even interview for the GM job that Butler left in Buffalo.. Yeah...his word is worth a lot it's worth the toilet paper that I used a few hours ago Simple common sense should tell anyone that AJ was full of it
  11. You got a link? Considering that Ralph was behind a contract extension for Flutie that paid him more annually than Johnson was getting Rob's deal was 5 years, $25M=$5M per year Doug's deal was 4 years, $22M=$5.5M per year your assertion is kinda ridiculous. Ralph loved Flutie...Butler was the guy behind the RJ deal, not Ralph. Flutie was already under contract in 99...the 2nd year of a 2 year, $575K contract Think logically...Ralph pushed for a deal that dramatically increased Flutie's salary but he wanted him benched? Give me a break, already. No...and I've been asking for one for years everytime someone makes that ridiculous assertion. All we know is that Ralph approved the switch...everything else is mere conjecture....some of it conceived out of blind love for the diminutive one and hatred for Ralph. Here's my take: Flutie struggled mightily in the middle parts of the season : fact...poor decision-making, poor throws, held onto the ball and ran for a few yards rather than throw to wide open WRs either due to a need to hog the spotlight or due to the fact that his arm was like a wet noodle Considering that Ralph had been the one who pushed for that deal, it was obvious to Wade that Ralph would get upset if he were benched. When the defense helped ensure our spot in the playoffs, Wade made the switch, under the guise of giving Flutie a rest. Johnson performed well that day and Wade received permission from Ralph to make the switch. Of course the timing sucked...not only because we were in the playoffs but also because Flutie had started playing better the previous few games before the benching. I've yet to find anyone willing to try to refute that with anything factual
  12. Jauron's only had 1 season Think about this...if Wade had been here, we would've had a repeat of 2005 with all the QB jerking around
  13. not nice to lie to someone.....
  14. Why, oh why couldn't these eight knockouts have visited when I was in the service? and why does any mention of the Jills have to include such a ridiculous response? I dare say the Jills have the hottest NFL Cheerleader around
  15. Section 113, row 3, seat 13 and row 4, seat 14 Those are the first two single seats right next to the Zamboni entrance and where the Bandettes dance during the game action. For me, and the work I do, those are the best seats in the Arena
  16. damn...I'm paying $192 for my pair of Bandits seasons
  17. I've seen them on 2 different tours..and they were awesome both times. No reason this tour should be any different
  18. I don't think it was just a promise..I remember reading somewhere that the promise was placed in his 2006 contract so we couldn't go back on it if we wanted to
  19. THat's the first I've heard of it. I'm betting Hall of Famers like Marv Levy and Jim Kelly never heard it either bingo...Andre will get it...and deservedly so...it just might not be this year. The HOF is notoriously slow admitting WRs. It's likely been decades since the last WR got in on his first ballot...and the only one I see getting in like that in the future is Jerry Rice
  20. Yeah..he disliked him so much that he gave him a big contract after 98 and he was still under contract with a cheap deal for 99 Damn...I wish someone disliked me that much. Couple things The defense won a lot of those games in 99...Flutie cost us a few and came close to costing us more. He struggled mightily during the 99 season. He started working his way out of it at the end of the season, however. But with nothing to play for, Wade felt comfortable putting RJ in for that Indy game...he played well, Wade was given the OK, not the order, to make the switch. Sorry to spoil a reason to hate the owner of the Bills, but making false accusations of the man is rather pathetic, IMO. Ralph was a big fan of Flutie..but after seeing that we had another QB who actually could play well (at least for a game), he gave his blessing, not order, to make the switch. I've yet to see a single solitary report that he ordered the switch...just a bunch of people in love with the midget who hate Ralph for allowing Wade to make a switch that might've been a good switch to make...a month earlier...but wasn't made because Wade wasn't going to piss off the boss by benching the guy who "saved the franchise" a year earlier and was rewarded handsomely by Ralph.
  21. It's not just you. JP doesn't have to be a Hall of Famer...just needs to play well Anyway, I don't think any proof has been offered as to why JP can't be a HOF QB. There's no quota that we can't exceed or anything
  22. I refuse to vote. the Cavalier Girls didn't nominate Hayley to possibly go
  23. http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20...y_pinto_guy.php
  24. It won't happen for Monday nights and here's why. As much of a hassle as it is for a switch to Sunday nights, it would be a hell of a lot bigger problem to move one to Monday night. People from out of town will frequently stay in the host city the night before and the night after, unless they're in driving distance...so a switch to SNF isn't deemed to be that big a change, usually (although personally, I can work the day after a 1pm start...but a later start, especially a SNF game, I need to take Monday off..I schedule vacation days following every home game, though...especially those that could be affected by flex scheduling) For a Monday game, people would have to get a hotel room for an extra night (and within 12 days of the switch date, rooms could be harder to come by) as well as take 2 days off of work.
  25. When the team was playing like crap, the Jills were the only reason to go into the stadium Yeah...but you're straight...and not blind...we've got hotties galore They have to pay for the calendar trip..at a discount, but still pricey. The Puerto Rico trip cost each girl that went $600...for airfare and lodging...so if you add in spending money and stuff, they each had to fork out a grand.
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