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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. He'll be in as a Bill. I don't care what their website says, but players go in as a member of a certain team(s)...and the proof of that is in the Hall itself
  2. depends on who you ask. If it's "ugly" the way last night's game was....it'll be beautiful 1,2, 3, we want 4 Championships!!
  3. Marshawn's TD pass was a thing of beauty...I was munching on some wings while the replay was on and glanced up just as that play happened
  4. Cross the Titans off the list. Next up is Portland coming to town to get beat down like bitches in the NLL Champions Cup Final!!!
  5. LSI? Sorry, but I have to disagree...the only people who enjoy listening to obnoxious radio hosts like Dickerson and Schoop are either obnoxious themselves or masochists. I've never been able to stomach Dickerson and ever since Schoop took on Dickerson's style (or lack thereof), he's gotten less and less interesting to listen to.
  6. I hated that part *********spoiler********** Tony gets back from the press conference and finds Nick Fury waiting for him telling him he's not the only super hero around...and mentions the Avengers Initiative *********spoiler************
  7. They'll mail us an order form with details soon but what I heard was late May/early June
  8. Anyone who could've made it ...and didn't...should have their heads examined. There was so much to do and see there. Although, judging from the turnout, I'd say most people made it...that place was packed til after the bikini fashion show http://buffaloprocheer.blogspot.com/2008/0...-mens-show.html
  9. I think you're right.....I just have that feeling this is our year. Don't worry though...we'll get revenge on the Titans for ya
  10. That's an understatement. She's hot on TV...but beyond that in person
  11. I don't see how anyone would label that as a surprise cut. If not for Aaron Merz getting put on IR, Duke wouldn't have made the cut last year
  12. I don't know....I admittedly only heard him on rare occasions because WNSA didn't always come in that well where I am, but I thought he was at least decent back then. When he went to WGR, he got teamed up with Dickerson and it all went dowhill from there.
  13. also...Don't be afraid to bring up the only pro team in town who is in the playoffs every year...the NLL's Buffalo Bandits putting down the callers is something Schopp learned from Dickerson...God only knows how that idiot kept a spot on the air for so long. If Schopp sticks around, he has to be beaten upside the head so he forgets all the stupidity that Dickerson taught him
  14. and our first pick in 85 He had it planned to leave after the season long before the season ever started..there were rumors of tampering going on at the time...and Avion Black stuck for 2 seasons
  15. That's all right...if you get past the Titans, we'll swat the Swarm all over HSBC Arena
  16. They're screwed if he ever plays a down and shows a few flashes. They'll get their hopes set up and have them dashed just as quickly. He was so freakin inconsistent
  17. no...the Bills did win a pair of championships in the 60s...but the Bandits are the only team to win 3 league titles...all in the 90s. The next title to come to Buffalo will be in just a few weeks after the Bandits run the table through the playoffs and hoist the Champions Cup the weekend of May 16-18 Let's Go Bandits!! season ticket holder here
  18. He's probably still pissed that Jim Kelly made him look like an idiot by retiring. Mort was spreading rumors that Kelly wasn't going to retire, but that he was gonna go to Pissburgh and tutor and backup Kordell Stewart
  19. I agree. I'm only gonna be able to catch the first hour or so of coverage because of the 3pm start
  20. Well, next time you talk to him, tell him that the next time he's in Buffalo for a game, make sure to do another bowling ball shot happened back in October 04
  21. it's all based on voting. Must be someone sent in a ton of ballots ranking Avril as pretty high yeah...that would be the UK version...the US version is fhmonline.com
  22. Don't go off that list that's being quoted...it's not the current one This is the current list
  23. FHM still "publishes" online here in the US...and they're still in print in Britain
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