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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. I have...and it was an idiotic and dishonest comment
  2. same with The Wasp There are plans for an Ant-Man film in the works....and I would imagine The Wasp would be a part of that
  3. You're right...it's not a sequal, it's a sequel....there are some things they changed in this film's history that happened in Hulk, but there are also some things that put it in the same continuity as well...he was on the run at the end of the last movie...that's where he is at the start of this one...I'm sure there's more as well
  4. ...and your point? It's called a sequel http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sequel
  5. maybe he could be real inventive and use a metal filing cabinet oops...nevermind
  6. Wanna bet? http://www.buffalobills.com/facility/SeatingChart.jsp $240.00 "The Rock Pile Section" Club Level Scoreboard End Zone
  7. We have 3 more games this season after that game...including a home game...how on Earth would the Miami game be a make-it-or-break-it game?
  8. Where in my post did I even imply he did have enough time? He's unproven...simple as that. He showed some poise...but also showed a propensity of staring down his receivers.
  9. listing the worst 5....we must've been #6 cause neither JP nor Trent have proven themselves
  10. Kevin Hardy is coming out of retirement?
  11. How did he knock him out of the game? Montana retired 2 years before that..after the 94-95 season http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/M/MontJo01.htm Bruce helped knock Montana out of a game...but it was the AFC Title game January 15, 1994...with the help of Hansen and Wright
  12. Well, I can't be sure but I think pretty much all of them do usually. I don't usually hang out for that long...have a beer or two waiting for traffic to die out..go talk to a couple of the Bandettes a bit...then take off. But on the occasions I have hung around, I've seen Johnny, Steenhuis, Darris and Richie, Billy Dee, White, Bucktooth, and Speedy...but there are probably more that I just didn't see
  13. ok...gotcha I think that was probably why they did it, though...to encourage people to go to Pearl Street rather than have them stick around in the Arena like that. That's the point of making Pearl Street the official post-game party for the Bandits..definitely have to be paying the Bandits something for that designation...whether it be free food and drinks for the team or whatever
  14. when the team fires you halfway through your first season, being fair to that team is rather idiotic. Sounds like you'd prefer he went around in life with a "kick me" sign on his back
  15. should've gone to Pearl Street...that's where the Bandits and Bandettes went
  16. LET'S GO BANDITS!! That was beyond amazing...and my voice is gonna be shot for another day at least!!
  17. Richie maybe...Johnny wants to play at least another 2 years from what I've heard
  18. Take a look at his blog entries last week on the Bandits http://www.news4forum.com/sports/ and yeah, we do know who's gonna win....they don't wear plaid Let's Go Bandits!!
  19. We can't have everyone happy about the Bandits win Saturday night, can we?
  20. Yeah, I remember the paintings...wish they hadn't done away with them. I can understand the need for making more room for new inductees, but I liked the general feel of the room the way it was before
  21. Thanks for pointing out the plaque I was talking about in your pics, Lori. I guess we'll see what things look like in the HOF next August when Bruce gets inducted. I do have to wonder who decides what team(s) a player gets listed with...why Joe D got listed with 2 teams and Lofton only with the Packers. Funny thing is....the memorabilia in the Hall's Momento's room for Lofton....is a ball he caught while with the Bills. Still, the gift shop recognized Lofton with both Bills and Packers. Each inductee in 2003 had TShirts in the primary color of the team they played for. Lofton had both a blue and a green. I can't be sure of Joe D...whether he had a brown one in addition to the blue.
  22. Check the Enshrinees Momentos Room at the Hall itself...online doesn't tell you anything...as I already stated he already did. His name isn't listed on the Bills wall in the Enshrinees Momentos Room....or at least it wasn't back in August
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