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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. You really should stand when the defense is on the field, especially on 3rd down, I wait til everyone ahead of me does so, though. Your voice projects more when you're up and if you're not yelling to help the defense, you should be sitting at home or something like a luxury box
  2. Must be the gates you chose. I normally go through Gate 1....it looked pretty bad when we were approaching the stadium...but some friends of mine from out of town were sitting in 139...supposed to enter through Gate 4...so we split the difference and went through Gates 2 and 3 and had no hold-ups at all
  3. 97Rock archives all their postgame interviews and there's also some stuff in Howard Simon's audio vault as well http://wgr550.com/Audio-Archive---The-Howa...on-Show/1271109 Might be some stuff in Schopp and the Bulldog's vault as well...but what Bills fan can stomach listening to that tool Schopp?
  4. last year when Peters was out
  5. now, now...maybe he's offering to buy you a Moorman jersey
  6. Yep...WUTV Ch 29 Fox
  7. Everett will be on the field at halftime receiving an award...so that wouldn't be a bad choice, IMO
  8. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=u...e&uid=10206 Best way of dealing with trolls
  9. Chippewa has a pretty good selection of bars...Bayou, Crocodile, SoHo, Quote, Bada Bing, Buckin Buffalo, and a lot of others. Bayou's a place I wanna check out one of these days soon...I know a couple of the waitresses there. In any event, if you're in the Chippewa area and can't find a bar you like, you're blind...lol
  10. I don't know...Taste of Buffalo WAS pretty packed. Took forever just to get about a block away
  11. no admission for the Taste of Buffalo...food tix are a bit pricey, though
  12. actually, I thought it was a dumb idea myself
  13. I was shaking my head at all those talking heads at the time. They needed help at DE..they had a solid RB...no one knew he was gonna fall apart when he did
  14. possibly because it's not the same girl There's a model with the same name as the sports reporter
  15. Matter of opinion...or maybe you should just see the optometrist. They're a bunch of knockouts....and there's a few of our rookies who really stand out, IMO. Anyway, they're more than just "eye candy"...at least to the people who don't think with the small head 24/7. They're ambassadors for the team as well as role models for young girls
  16. Nice shots, Jack...all right if I collect up the Jills shots and distribute them to the fans and the squad as a whole? You'll get proper credit of course
  17. a lack of financial stability=2001 season and a run of non-playoff years While Donahoe is primarily to blame for our current run of non-playoff years, I think it's naive to ignore the fact that Butler started us on this path with the way he overpaid for average players.
  18. agreed...especially considering there was speculation at the time of tampering...reports that Butler was talking with the Chargers...and it wasn't about a trade of players or draft picks or anything
  19. Not just one...it was Marcellus...the former Buffalo Bill. I don't think it's a case where other analysts and such think poorly of the Bills...but the small market size and the lack of playoffs in so long causes us to be overlooked a lot. Marcellus' history with the club helps make him more aware than other analysts Of course he also asked Bruce to call him afterwards...lol
  20. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/423377.html
  21. 2 days from now is the Bills first home game of the year
  22. On NFL Network. Only WKBW and some local channel in Indy have local broadcast rights.
  23. This poll looks incomplete. Where's the bowling ball shot? A day at the Ralph without a bowling ball shot just seems wrong
  24. ummm...while Donahoe deserves blame for a lot of stuff, Wade was let go on January 7, 2001...Donahoe was hired on the 10th. As I recall, technically Wade quit. He was given an ultimatum by Ralph. Fire Jones or else. Did Wade think Ralph was bluffing or did he actually think that Jones would keep his job if Wade left?
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