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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. Ralph has no intention of moving the team. However, if Jim Kelly's group doesn't get the team after his passing, it's anybody's guess
  2. absolutely...a few twists to the storyline in addition to seeing more of Tru and Harrison's dad
  3. bingo...but we need to get him a big extension so we don't have to worry about him for a while
  4. The 2009 Buffalo Bills: Hey, at least Bruce got into the Hall this year
  5. Yeah...Jack was a character that was easy to hate too...then the Last Good Day episode happened (season 2, episode 5) and I couldn't hate him as much
  6. Tru Calling...only aired one season on Fox....they had 6 more episodes filmed before the final plug was pulled....Fox eventually aired them
  7. are you on crack? proof that Yale should be booted from the Ivy League
  8. They're Aqua! They're Coral! They give each other oral!!
  9. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=u...e&uid=10143 A great way to clean the crap from a troll off the boards
  10. might take a passing interest in Cleveland but never spend another dime on the NFL...about all I'd do is check the standings every once in a while
  11. Thank you for that idiotic post. You obviously know nothing about the economic situation in Buffalo. It's already in bad shape and losing the team will only make things worse and force even more people to leave the area. There are lots of people whose livelihoods depend on the Bills directly and indirectly. Those people will have to leave the area looking for work. Then there will be even more people hurting because goods and services won't get bought and more businesses will close. Cleveland was already on its way back up when they lost the Browns. A few more years and they would've had the new stadium that Modell was demanding. I'm not as aware of what the economic situations were like in the other citier you mentioned when they lost their teams although the fact that each of them had at least 2 other major sports teams to help lessen the blow of losing an NFL team for a time makes one think that it wasn't as major an impact that losing the Bills would be to Western NY. You're not gonna get Ralph to sell the team nor does he have any intention of moving it but if we have enough fairweather fans abandoning the team, then there might be a better chance of an owner buying the team after Ralph passes who will love it...and it could be decades before the NFL thinks of looking at Buffalo again, if ever.
  12. wanna bet? I think a lot of us would be placing bets on how long it'd be before he got into trouble again
  13. more so '94, you mean
  14. Buffalo's trying to make Chippewa street safer...then you wanna bring in a douchebag who brings guns into clubs illegally?
  15. facts aren't facts if they're lies...let's get that straight right now...his problem is simple...he reads defenses too slowly for the NFL...has nothing to do with his throws...he's great at the deep ball and at least average at short-to-medium range passes
  16. if you're gonna quote me, stick to the topic
  17. not to mention lying about the guy something I watched pretty closely in camp when I went this year...anyone saying he has zero touch on short passes is so full of it, their breath smells like crap
  18. Whether or not his overall performance as an NFL QB is bad or not, JP had a very solid history against the Jets before this month...which is what I was saying Not gonna touch your first two points because they are pretty accurate but I've seen him do a lot better on short throws than you give him credit for...both in games from time to time and at camp. It's not his strength but he has shown the ability to do it.
  19. so they take one bad performance and use that to outweigh all the solid performances that he had against them?
  20. If you're gonna be smoking something that strong, you should share with the rest of us
  21. I wonder how much better our DE's would look if our best DE wasn't out most of the season, though. It's not like any of us expected Kelsay and Denney to be top level DEs
  22. sorry, but I know better...unless you can provide a link, all you're doing is acting like a child "JP's gay waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa"
  23. Then you have stupid posts like that...they only prove that kids still in grammar school shouldn't be posting on here. Grow up
  24. Nice idea behind the thread, Steve....just a shame that too many people have such a pathological hatred for someone who did his best which wasn't good enough, unfortunately. Hopefully he can do well elsewhere but even if he doesn't, maybe the fans will treat him better. He tried hard and was a classy guy from beginning to end
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