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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. I can't see Peyton carrying himself like Leaf has under any circumstances...he carried himself well in college and has a good support system in a former NFL QB who played pretty well for the Saints...Peyton calls him "dad"
  2. While I think the WWE is a joke and McMahon is a clown, they're also in the right on this one..the NBA should've scheduled around it since the WWE already had the Arena booked
  3. You have a link showing that ? I won't hold my breath The outrage is not just towards the specifics of what he did, but the fact that he was in organized crime for over 6 years
  4. another internet tough guy who can't even read the posts on the board but can throw around personal attacks for the ignore list
  5. Arizona? I've never even been there...I think the heat or something is getting to you Not a question of thinking a lot of people want to see him tortured and put to death...it's a case where I know how to read and I've seen plenty of people say so (no, not here...the world does exist away from this site) He hasn't shown remorse for one thing and I'm not religious so what God does has no bearing on how I feel about that sicko some people just can't be reasoned with...when you have people putting words in the mouths of decent human beings and calling us extremists because we have issue with convicted criminals, they aren't worth the aggravation....some people are just too stupid and illiterate to get it
  6. He didn't kill 1 dog...he killed hundreds...and not just the ones he owned. No sane person can seriously defend someone who massacred his own dogs...but he also took family pets and tortured and killed them as well.
  7. careful now...that makes too much sense for some people
  8. exactly...even if he weren't scum, he'd be useless here QB...below average...he's average on his best days...I've got more faith in Fitzpatrick and Hamden to play the position than I would Vick...he never impressed me even before we found out what type of person he was RB...Marshawn, Action Jackson, Dominic Rhodes...maybe he could unseat Omon and be inactive most gamedays WR..Evans, TO, Reed, Parrish, Johnson, Hardy, Jenkins...we're more than set there TE?
  9. The Bills have already said they have no interest in this scumbag who was involved in organized crime for 6 years. He deserved a hell of a lot more than 2 years...there's a lot of people who would like to see him tortured and killed. Personally, I'm just sickened that people defend a criminal of his ilk
  10. Got the winning numbers for tomorrow's lotto drawing, too?
  11. The thing is...nothing is absolute...and it's beyond stupid to give up on a guy because he had a bad rookie season. There are countless players in the NFL today who would've been cut if their GMs had that lack of common sense...and I'd wager there's some players enshrined in Canton who never would've been because some moron would've cut them because their rookie season wasn't good
  12. A few things that will put your post in the running for the most stupid of the year Maybe you should start following whatever teams the prison system puts out. It's a moot point anyway...the Bills have no interest in this scumbag so maybe the people defending this scumbag should put together a league for him to play in and root for his team......cause that piece of sh-- won't play here
  13. So because the majority didn't pan out, Hardy has no chance of panning out You know, I was gonna make some sarcastic remark about how you and the others who seem to be giving up on Hardy should be NFL GMs because it's obvious that you're such geniuses...but then I realized someone might actually think I was serious and one of you would embarrass yourselves and try to get hired as a GM Unless a person has true psychic ability there is NO WAY of knowing if Hardy will pan out or not. You can throw up stats and charts and graphs till you're blue in the face but it won't change how things work in the real world
  14. The point he was making (which anyone with any common sense would plainly see)was that those other players struggled early and turned into great players....just like Hardy COULD do. No one is suggesting anything definitive except for the people writing him off. There are no stats or anything that suggest that a player will or will not succeed..only some that cite examples of other players who have or haven't succeeded
  15. I'm puzzled as to why he was able to commit that 2nd DWI..both people that I know who got DWIs had their licenses suspended for a year each...and neither one of them hurt anyone or killed anyone. I know different states have different laws and penalties but that's ridiculous that he was driving again so soon after the first DWI..especially when it ended in a death.
  16. -some people have been trying to insinuate that a lot of us are putting dogs above humans -regarding Stevens, I guess I just didn't pay a lot of attention to what happened...I remember he did something that only a scumbag would do but wasn't sure what. Reading that article, he ranks up there in the list of all-time scumbags right with Vick and Phillips -Little was an idiot who made stupid mistakes. While the result of one of those mistakes had the worst possible outcome, I can't rank him as a total scumbag because it was unintentional -yeah, that is a little nitpicky...but a lot of family pets are treated as, and thought of as, part of the family...some act almost human sometimes..lol...my cat loves watching football but is so-so about hockey. Point is, a lot of pets are loved just as if they were human sometimes. I'd wager some of those pets that Vick massacred were loved like that...and some of the pit bulls that were rescued from him are loved like that now
  17. How many people here are starting stupid threads suggesting that we'd embrace him? How many articles were written saying that he's a possibility for us? Vick's being vilified because he's the one in the news and people are actually saying things as stupid as " we would welcome him with open arms"
  18. I think your first sentence is rather ridiculous...I think what happened was that he didn't realize he had had too much to drink when he got behind the wheel. I know I've come close to doing that and I'd wager a lot of people on the boards have done so as well. Difference is, most of us learn from even coming close to driving while over the limit. I got pulled over on a random check last year but I had 3 drinks over the course of 4 hours and all 3 of those were in the first 2 1/2 hours of the night...blew a .01...but that's because I was smart enough to know when to say when...like most people are. Leonard Little was pretty stupid..and why his license wasn't revoked is a mystery. I know 2 guys that were busted for DWI before...1 lost his license for a year and was prohibited from leaving the county for a year without permission. The other, after a plea down to a DWAI, lost his license for a year as well as having to take a class. Considering Little actually not only hurt someone, but killed them, he definitely should have lost his license AND served some jail time as well. Even though I think he deserved to go to jail, I can't condemn the man as if he meant to break the law like Vick did. If someone breaks the law by a genuine mistake, I find it a lot easier to let it go than with someone who repeatedly breaks the law purposely for over 6 years. I'm not trying to say that dog's lives are more important than those of human beings...but I sure as hell can't just dismiss then as unimportant like some have here. Nor can I pretend to think that Vick paid enough for his crimes. I don't think 2 years is close to enough time in prison...and I'm pretty sure that the families whose pets he stole, tortured, and murdered don't think it's enough either
  19. Those are both mistakes....the 2nd one is even more stupid since he did it a 2nd time...but committing a DWI isn't generally a premeditated crime like what Vick did
  20. He spent over 3 times as much time committing these crimes as he did serving prison time for it. He got off easy. As far as him getting employment, no one is saying they don't want him to be able to do that (well, except a bunch of people who want him killed that I've seen elsewhere)..but why should he get to earn millions for playing a game again? Let him stick with the construction job He got a slap on the wrist for running an organized criminal activity....a mistake is what Leonard Little did...what Stallworth did...you can't commit the same vicious and sick crime repeatedly over a course of over 6 years and have it said that you made a mistake. A mistake is something that you don't intend to do
  21. no one is saying that those stats are proof that he will develop...they're just proof that he could develop because those players all did with similar stats...don't try accusing people of saying things they didn't say...dishonesty is a disgusting character trait
  22. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22844052/?GT1=10755
  23. either way, it was his criminal organization...which makes him as guilty of the crime as any of the people he had working for him in most people's eyes I have to wonder how the people defending Vick would feel if it were their child who was crying uncontrollably because he/she can't find Fido. Since obviously they don't give a crap how it affects other people
  24. put to death? no....that's too good for him..plenty of other stuff that he did to those poor animals that would be punishment fitting for him...and it wasn't 1 dog...it was hundreds of them that he tortured and murdered as far as the family dogs, you apparently missed the facts...probably all that hero worship of a mediocre QB is blinding you to them finally more name-calling...it's juvenile and cowardly to call someone names from behind a keyboard...all I'm saying is the same things that thousands of other decent human beings are thinking when they're disgusted by a criminal who did what he did...nothing more. Hell, I've heard and read a lot more extreme than I've said and while I don't feel the same way they do, I can't blame them for feeling like they do...he's scum...if he was on fire, I wouldn't piss on him to put the fire out
  25. Oh brother...now here we go with the "raised around dog-fighting argument." He KNEW it was illegal and he kept at it for over 6 years. In what warped way is it ok that he continues to commit a crime for that long? It's not like he was too stupid to understand that it was wrong. He knowingly committed crimes for over 6 years...he's getting off easy getting out of jail so soon. If your parents were car thieves, does that mean you should be stealing cars when you get older? And he didn't just mess with someone pet...Little Timmy's dog Fido disappeared and while his family is consoling the boy and putting up posters trying to find Fido, Vick is torturing and murdering a beloved family pet. It completely blows my mind that anyone can defend someone who did that as "he made a mistake" or "he was raised around it" If something does happen to him, so what? Did he feel bad about what he did to Fido? I can understand feeling bad for someone who commits a crime when it was a stupid mistake and he's doing what he can to straighten his act out...but when you're knowingly and willfully involved in organized crime for a lengthy period of time...I think you need some serious punishment...and a 2-year jail sentence was a slap on the wrist...not a real punishment
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