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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. TO has been a problem in locker rooms, reportedly (though he's been an exemplary teammate here thus far)...never in any real trouble with the law Vick's a convicted felon
  2. last I heard, the Bills were interested in bringing in Michael Vick apparently they need to replace a tackling dummy damaged in minicamp and are hoping Vick would be qualified for the job
  3. Maybe this was a case where 2 players had it http://www.buffalobills.com/team/roster/Je...2a-2b58d67a6294
  4. @richeisen ...and Ralph is a great owner, a well-deserved honor for Mr. Wilson and the fans of Buffalo! 4:57 PM Jun 4th from web in reply to richeisen another of his tweets
  5. As much as the old lady is at fault for making a false accusation, why did the police not put Corey in a line-up? Seems to me that a police line-up would be necessary in a case like this. Everything I've read suggests that there was none...the police were lazy and negligent if that was the case.
  6. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1...6e-3ece041f05df actually... If they were truly sold out, then season tickets wouldn't still be available for sale. Right now, no INDIVIDUAL tickets are available for those games..but after the Kid's Day game, whatever tickets are left will be released for individual sale. That's the way it always happens every year
  7. so considering the Bills already refuted the claim, people are posting just for the sake of it...gotcha
  8. I hope all you people complaining about the Ralph have the money to put in for this new stadium. Ralph isn't asking for a new stadium...he likes the one we have...and so do most of the fans who go there. Taxpayers certainly can't afford it...we're already one of the highest taxed regions in the nation
  9. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=u...e&uid=11537
  10. I think he's referring to premium seating....at $315 per individual ticket
  11. ok....so you paid through the nose for so-so seats
  12. I don't see how any real Bills fan could hate Norwood...he was a solid kicker who always gave his all...just happened to miss a kick that was outside his range and shouldn't have been put into a position like that. In no particular order 1 Willis McGahee 2 Jason Peters 3 Doug Flutie 4 Rob Johnson 5 Bryan Cox 6 Bill Belichick 7 Tom Brady 8 Vince Wilfork 9 Greg Lloyd 10 Al Davis
  13. How's that badmouthing the Bills? For all anyone knows we'll be a strong team and the Bears will suck...and as far as handing him the job? Hardly insulting to anyone...if the Bills were telling him he was going to get the job automatically (unlikely...they might've expected him to win the job but he's not such a marquee player that he commanded that), it would be more complimentary to Pisa than insulting to anyone.
  14. where's he bad-mouthing the Bills?
  15. The Dallas paper and WGR are full of it (no big surprise with WGR) http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/693909.html
  16. another good one http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Bills-Almost...i/dp/0671748505
  17. Don't know why anyone would hate Bruce choosing Cottrell but as far as Ralph choosing Berman? You must be living in a cave if you think Bills fans think the same of Berman as they do of a lot of the people at ESPN. People like Mortensen may be jackasses but Berman has always been the man
  18. No team has actually said they want to hire him as of yet but going by that argument, if OJ Simpson or Rae Carruth finished their sentences and wanted to come back in the league, do you think that should be allowed, too? I truly can't understand how you seem to think that someone who intentionally and willfully tortures and slaughters the best friends of a little kid isn't worse than someone who unintentionally killed someone in a car accident
  19. seeking employment is one thing...but why does that employment have to be in the NFL? He was an average QB on his best days anyway and was going downhill before he got caught. I'm sure there's something else he's qualified to do....you know, other than a life-long criminal. The league's image and bottom line would suffer if he's reinstated...protests, riots, possible death threats...and if you don't see any of that happening, it's time to broaden your scope ...I've seen a lot of people who want to see him dead and while I think death is too good for him, I can certainly understand why people wish that
  20. If they wanted to send a message, they could've actually prosecuted him instead of let him plea bargain his way out of serious prison time For one thing, there were some pretty serious results on what Vick did...unless you hate animals or little kids (a lot of little kids lost their best friends to this psychotic monster), I don't see how that can be ignored. For another, when the intent is as heinous and sickening as Vick's intent was, a message has to be sent. Serial killers start out like Vick
  21. He only got a third of a prison sentence if it had been 1 dog...he was responsible for torturing and killing hundreds of dogs..they seized 70 dogs that had been brutalized when they busted him. He got nothing more than a slap on the wrist as far as jail time. And as far as money, considering all the money he made off of his organized criminal activities, it's kinda hard to justify feeling bad for him. Now THIS is a sentence more appropriate http://www.itchmo.com/man-receives-102-yea...ed-charges-3856
  22. While it doesn't excuse what Little did or what Stallworth did, DWI resulting in manslaughter is an accident..it's the result of some serious ignorance, yes, but still not intentional. Vick knowingly and willfully broke the law for a period of 6 years. He knew he was breaking the law, lied about it, and got a slap on the wrist for it because he plea-bargained his way out of a real sentence. Honestly, I think his celebrity is a big part of why he got off so easily. If the prosecutor hadn't been afraid to do his job, Vick would still be in prison
  23. http://www.petitiononline.com/Banvick1/petition.html He went to college...didn't he get a degree in something other than basket-weaving? No one is saying he has to do anything menial...but he was in organized crime for over 6 years...someone that low doesn't deserve the privilege (it's not a right) to make millions of dollars to play a game. The prosecutors shouldn't have accepted the plea deal....he'd still be taking it up the ass from Bubba for another 10 years if prosecutors hadn't decided to do that. He was a average QB on his best days, anyway...he was a more successful criminal. As far as 100% certain, you got the lotto numbers, too?Here's a little food for thought...a lot of the sick criminals like serial killers and the like started out by torturing and killing pets Not everyone forgives and forgets. Maybe you and some of your friends might be sheep like that but I think most people aren't like that. Hell, there's plenty of people who want him dead. I think any team that signs him is gonna have to pay for extra security just to ensure no one shoots that loser.
  24. He's a convicted felon. Goodell has been known, so far, as the Commissioner most dedicated to cleaning up the league's image...if he ever reinstates a convicted felon, how can he ever be taken seriously again? He'll look like a hypocrite...and let's not forget the public backlash that will happen to whatever team is stupid enough to sign this guy...protests, riots, and God knows what else.
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