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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. I agree...OchoCinco was Twittering at the Apple Store in LA a few weeks ago and no one knew who he was!
  2. 2001 was the 1st year of the TD era...lot of talented players were cut to get under the cap
  3. And you get a trophy for the most idiotic post of the year. The team is made up of players...all of whom contribute to wins and losses. What I'm saying (that any child would already understand) is that you can't legitimately give credit or blame to any one player for a win or a loss. Calling a player out for losing in the ultimate team sport is beyond ignorant. Calling them out for making a bad play is another story.
  4. For 1, BRUCE was let go after that season. We still could've made the playoffs the but a rash of injuries and a head coach that quit on the team stopped us. Add in the fact that Butler totally !@#$ed up the salary cap before he bolted for the Bolts, a flop was inevitable
  5. They were #1 in 1999...the year the diminutive one SUCKED like a cheap whore
  6. maybe if people would stop sucking off the little midget..or if they just realized that football is a team game and it's ignorant as well as insulting to a QB's teammates when you give him credit for wins and losses
  7. Yeah..it says he had the help of a #1 defense and a pack of Hall of Fame players
  8. I fifth it. Anyone in favor of the Bills moving is lower than sh--
  9. Maybe if you had a shred of common sense and actually read my posts, you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself.The same people trying to say Flutie led us to the playoffs in 99 are the ones saying Dilfer had little or no effect on the Ravens winning it all. A 12-year old would notice that I was just pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards that Flutie's worshipers are guilty of. Neither one of them was a big factor in their team's success...although Dilfer was actually more of a factor than the midget...because he wasn't playing like an idiot. As far as bringing up the 98 season, you should try re-reading everyone's posts. People aren't, for the most part, denigrating what Flutie did in 98 (except his choke job in the playoffs), but in 99. He actually contributed a lot to the team winning in 98...but in 99, the defense had to carry the load. We couldn't even rely on Thurman after that short little !@#$ got him injured at the beginning of the season.
  10. no kidding...keeps bringing up Flutie's "record" as a starter but when it comes to a QB who had a better "record", he won't give him the same credit talk about having your face in Flutie's crotch
  11. typical...because RJ sucked, Flutie was great Let's let you in on reality...they BOTH sucked! It's a team game and Flutie screwed up a lot in 1999...constantly tucking the ball and running when he had WRs WIDE OPEN downfield. Thankfully we had the #1 defense in the league to pick up the slack There's a few reasons people hate Flutie we actually watched him play without having our faces stuck in his crotch his fans portray him as flawless and give him credit for everything short of parting the Red Sea and don't give him blame for anything
  12. He won Comeback player of the year in 98...same year he earned the Pro Bowl....he was benched in the playoffs at the end of the 1999 season As far as contracts, Johnson had a 5-year $25M deal After the 1998 season, Flutie signed a 4-year $22M deal...paying him more per season than Johnson. Ralph was behind that contract extension...the same Ralph that some fools think hated Flutie and forced his benching
  13. you obviously didn't watch him no doubt..crap is crap no matter how you dress it up it's a team game and he wasn't the reason we made it in 1999 by any stretch of the imagination
  14. no doubt...during the bulk of 1999, he cost us some games and nearly cost us a bunch more. Thankfully, we had the #1 defense in the NFL covering his ass no kidding...he never threw the ball, it seemed. He had Andre and Moulds WIDE !@#$ING OPEN downfield and he chose to tuck and run...drives stalled that would've ended in TDs thanks to his antics He was great in 1998 and deserved all the accolades for that season...but he stunk in 1999 anyone who actually watched him play both years would take the 1998 Flutie over the 1999 Flutie no....what happened was, on the play before, we all thought Moulds scored when he actually went out just before the goalline. The crowd was going nuts and not that many of us noticed at first that he was out and the crowd was loud still from cheering when the offense lined up with a play designed to go to Thurman. Thanks to the noise, Thurman didn't get the play call correct and when Flutie turned to flip him the ball, Thurman was nowhere in sight..so the midget improvised yeah...I love how Flutie gets the credit for everything that the top defense in the league was responsible for his career looks better with senility, you mean doesn't hurt that he was blessed with the top defense in the league or had 2 future HOF receivers and a HOF RB on the team You know what I find hilarious? That people still think Ralph forced the change at QB. He LOVED Flutie...he was the one who had Butler give him a hefty raise after 1 season here. Wade made the change with Ralph's approval...nothing more. Wade would've switched QBs midseason because of how poorly the midget was playing but didn't want to upset the owner
  15. actually, we're featured Tuesday, not Monday http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/columns...ory/709289.html
  16. The realtor was at fault...she showed the house to the media http://www.wgrz.com/life/community/persona...tId=personaDest
  17. link? There was never any report that he was drunk
  18. apparently you do....he bolds a line in my post but ignored the word vicious...never knew jay-walking was a vicious crime LOL
  19. Out of those 3, Vick by a landslide. Anyone who purposely commits a crime is a far worse person than anyone who commits a crime by accident
  20. and considering the Bills laughed at reporters asking them if they had any interest, I think it's beyond idiotic to even think about this tool in Buffalo...but considering who started the thread...
  21. I just have to wonder if NBC will make Florio actually write something actually credible for a change
  22. You can write to tell him how stupid he is at smerulla@hamilton.ca http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/Cityan...4Councillor.htm
  23. especially considering the Bills laughed at the reporters asking them if they had any interest
  24. Demetrius was drafted...you know what they say about assuming things
  25. it's looking like the only people who would do that are the people who would switch to the Hamilton team anyway...so what's this idiot trying to prove?
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