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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. They'd be willing to do that anyway...especially Darryl
  2. There will be a draft in 2011...the NFL has already said so and it does seem like they'll retain the same draft order in 2012 if the lockout lasts the whole season There's no such thing as scabs or replacement players in a lockout. A lockout happens when employers refuse to pay employees...a strike happens when employees refuse to go to work and the employers have the option of bringing in scabs
  3. 2 things anyone who thinks the Bills are trying to fail is completely ignorant anyone who thinks they're gonna tell me to stop going to games can !@#$ off
  4. Most of my crew does the same...trying to get the rest to do it. But even before we had more dumpsters around, we always bagged up our trash those are usually guys that asked one out but got turned down...the girls generally have boyfriends who can handle their alcohol...or are simply smart enough not to get trashed at every opportunity
  5. Guess I was mistaken, then...cool
  6. I'm not positive, but I think they may be prohibited from broadcasting online...so the NFL can get more of your money 97Rock is live while the 103.3 is synced with Time Warner
  7. This talk of replacement players doesn't fit. In a lockout, a company (the NFL) shuts down most of their operations...no chance of replacement players in that scenario. Replacement players only come into play in the event of a strike
  8. Here's one more reason not to tank it to get the top pick to draft a QB In the 51-year history of the Buffalo Bills, the team has developed exactly 1 starting QB...Joe Ferguson....though I suppose a case could be made for Lamonica
  9. Winfeld-Vikes Spikes-49ers Nic Harris-Panthers Coy Wire-Falcons Milloy-Seahawks TO-Bengals
  10. might show a passing interest in the Packers and the Browns, but I'd never spend another dime on the NFL That being said, unless fans abandon the Bills, we won't be losing them...there is a plan to keep them here and the only thing that could derail that plan is a loss of fan interest in the team
  11. nope...anyone who believes anyone is saying that is a total idiot I own up to the fact that in the USA, people are innocent until proven guilty....not my fault you're not an American.I believe Big Ben did it and I think it makes him worse than Vick...but he was never even charged with the crimes let alone convicted and to punish him based on public opinion is irrational. Vick WAS convicted of a felony so his punishment should be more severe...but he got a slap on the wrist from the NFL...only suspended a few games as opposed to life as any convicted felon should be. If you're convicted of a felony, there are plenty of professions you can't get a job in...playing a sport for millions of dollars NEEDS to be one of them.
  12. while I'm sure there's a certain amount of outrage, you can't really compare the 2 Vick was convicted of a felony Big Ben was not only not convicted, but never even charged with any crimes...even though most people do believe in his guilt
  13. The biggest issue isn't the sick crimes he committed, but his lack of remorse. Anyone who can say "It's unfortunate this happened to me" as many times as he has is beyond forgiveness.
  14. because she was wearing a flesh-colored mesh top up to her neck. Apparently she's a 34D
  15. JP was better...he was inconsistent but had the occasional good game Trent stared down receivers BEFORE THE SNAP and has played scared much of the last two years. I know the O-line has sucked, but as an NFL QB you can't let it affect you
  16. I agree...some people just are too stupid to post. If anyone thinks a GM can fix a mess with one draft and hit on every pick, I want what they're smoking. I was genuinely excited to see Buddy come back as a scout and loved the promotion to GM as well...how anyone could want him fired so soon is beyond reason
  17. and that's likely because he has better lawyers now than he had before...he was definitely on the scene when his old buddy got shot...and I still think he had some part to play in the shooting itself
  18. There was no salary cap during the 49ers dynasty years...it started in 1994
  19. I don't recall the Packers of the 60s, Steelers of the 70s, 49ers of the 80s, or the Cowboys of the 90s ever being referred to as cheaters...usually what people would say is "damn, they're good"
  20. Well said....I do my best NOT to think about them except when we play them. Facts are, they've been cheating for years...definitely something fishy with the "Just Give It To Them" game and Spygate is well-documented. While there's no denying they're a strong team, but the cheating makes everything they do suspect as long as the people involved are still with the team
  21. They've been cheating ever since Kraft bought the team or shortly thereafter. Evidence? "Just give it to them" If Shawn Jefferson can come down out of bounds and short of the goal line but still be given the 1st down by 2 officials on the spot, that tells me they were on the take. Then you add in that ridiculous pass interference penalty on the Hail Mary play and I don't care who does it...it's a black mark against that team and the league as a whole..cheating is never the answer
  22. and here I thought no one actually lived in caves...lol...you can't tune into any Top 40 radio station without hearing one of her songs
  23. Not even God will forgive someone who's not remorseful for the crimes he has committed so anyone preaching that Vick should be forgiven...you're insane. His favorite phrase has been "It's unfortunate this happened to me," a phrase he's used on at least 3 separate occasions in talking about his crimes...the only thing he feels bad about is getting caught...he thinks of himself as a victim. When he's apologized for his actions, you can almost see the strings being pulled....he's being told what to say with a script in front of him
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