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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. show me where I or anyone else said anything in favor of Johnson..your post is beyond idiotic...who the !@#$ cares about comparing the two? Is that the only argument you Flutie worshippers can come up with? He was better than RJ..so !@#$ing what? No one is denying that...still doesn't change the fact that your hero was a crappy QB in 1999 Get your head out of Flutie's crotch and stop insinuating that people are saying things they aren't. As far as Williams and TD choosing RJ over Flutie, when one guy says he won't do what he's told and the other says he'll do everything he can to make things work, what do you expect? Good God...do you spend every night with a Flutie blow-up doll, too?
  2. You obviously didn't watch the 99 Bills if you thought Flutie would've put up more points...the defense carried that team and anyone who saw the Bills that season without their head firmly in Flutie's crotch knows that
  3. They'd likely say none of the above if that were an option, though
  4. nope...he had no interest in it as far as it being discussed at the time, not a single credible source came out and said it was Ralph's call...only that he approved of it
  5. Horseshit! Ralph gave permission for the decision....nowhere have we ever seen any reliable proof to those allegations. The only person who ever said it was Ralph's call to my knowledge was AJ Smith, who hated Ralph enough that he didn't even accept an interview for the GM job after Ralph let Butler go. Let's let you in on some logical thinking here Do you know who was behind Flutie's big contract? It was Ralph...he insisted that Flutie get a big reward for 1998...made sure he was getting paid more than RJ. Now, there are people who claim that Ralph hated Flutie...I'd love to get hated half that much...stupid! Everyone knew that Ralph loved Flutie and Wade knew it, too. Anyone who watched the 99 Bills (and had a clue about the game) knew Flutie was playing like crap...but Wade never made a switch even though they had claimed in preseason that Flutie and RJ were both the #1 QB. Considering how much the boss loved Flutie, Wade was afraid to make the switch, especially considering the defense was playing well enough to make up for Flutie's shortcomings most of the time. End of the season, we actually got a meaningless game at the end of the season and Wade had a great excuse to put Flutie on the bench, saying that he was resting him, but was actually giving RJ a look to see if he could do the job. RJ wound up having a great game and Wade was able to take that and get Ralph's permission to make the switch. Now, as it turned out, Flutie had been playing his way out of that long slump he had in the middle of the season so the move looked stupid...but when you consider that Flutie stunk for so much of the season, that's what they were going off of. I can say with 99% certainty that was exactly the way it happened
  6. For one thing, he did play well in 98....but anyone who remotely understands the game of football can see he stunk for a good portion of 99. As far as Flutie being successful, for one thing...consider the competition. For another, we had the top defense in the league in 99
  7. just to keep someone from making a bigger fool of himself than he's been doing for the last several years...
  8. couldn't agree more...she seemed to be dogging it at the end
  9. Capriatti got hurt..which is why TO and Krupa are back in
  10. something you Vick lovers seem to forget...your hero already got a lot of 2nd chances...some of you were probably in favor of Butler signing Lawrence Phillips, too. Thankfully, that dirtbag will never be a Buffalo Bill..the Bills have already stated that
  11. no kidding...especially when it was told to us from the start what the whole Toronto thing was about in the 1st place
  12. Who committed a murder? The only person convicted of that is Rae Carruth and he's been out of the league for quite a while. As far as covering one up. For one thing, no one knows how much Ray Lewis really knew for sure. For another, as already pointed out, Lewis' misdemeanor conviction happened BEFORE GOODELL BECAME NFL COMMISSIONER! Try to keep up. Tags wasn't known for being really tough on troublemakers the way Goodell has been so far. The NFLPA would never allow him to go back and re-punish players that Tags already punished. Vick IS the worst criminal in the NFL...he ran an organized crime ring for over 6 years..there could very well have been human deaths involved as well...no one knows for sure..but considering he stole family pets and tortured and slaughtered them, it certainly wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility. Anyway, it's pretty well-known that a lot of serial killers started out the way Vick did...that scumbag got off easy and people could wind up paying for the fact that the prosecutors took it so easy on him Thankfully, the commissioner seems to have a conscience and some common sense...he's leaning towards keeping that scumbag out of the NFL at least another year. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AgH5...o&type=lgns
  13. Here's a solution...DON'T !@#$ UP IN THE FIRST PLACE! But while it is kinda messed up that the appeal isn't heard by someone different, it's not like changes can't be made in the punishment...Brandon Marshall got a 3-game suspension last year, appealed it, and it was reduced to 1 game I have 2 solutions for you get a barf bag start ignoring the real world and live in a fantasy world in which it's written into law that you can do any job you want to even if you're not qualified (and a hardened criminal isn't qualified to do a lot of jobs)
  14. Bills since 93 (1st time I really started following the NFL) Bandits since 05 (Championship in 08) Sabres since 96 Penn State since the mid-80s (Championship in 86 and in 94 (!@#$ Nebraska....PSU would've beaten them)
  15. He's a convicted felon...end of story There's plenty of professions you can't get a job in after being convicted of felony. The NFL needs to be one of them. Goodell has been harder on troublemakers than the other commissioners...if he lets someone in the league who knowingly and willfully committed vicious crimes for over 6 years, it'll be hard to take him seriously again. As far as Little and Lewis, for one, both their incidents happened before Goodell took over as NFL Commissioner. For another thing, Lewis was convicted of a misdemeanor and Little is guilty of killing someone because he wasn't thinking clearly and got behind the wheel while over the limit. No one expects everyone in the NFL to be a choir boy but there needs to be limits...and anyone convicted of a vicious felony crime is over that limit.
  16. Nothing would make it worth considering having that piece of crap on the Bills. As a member of the Fish (not like it would happen...they have Pat White, anyway), it would definitely bring new life to the Bills' hatred of the Fish...but I don't think even Bryan Cox had to fear for his life. A lot of people wish Vick dead
  17. actually, minimum salary is over 300K a season for just a rookie http://proathletesonly.com/news/front-offi...8-2012-seasons/
  18. I'm pretty sure toddgurley was referring to the Peters of 2008...the one who left at the end of the 2007 season and didn't show up until the eve of the 2008 opener and proceeded to sleep walk through most of the season
  19. you mean '06 and '07...people were definitely suggesting he get benched in 08...when he sucked because he didn't try
  20. same one...he's keeping himself active on various boards so he still has a place to post when another board bans him
  21. Good God what a long offseason with such stupid posts
  22. Thank you for that brainless post. Vick's a piece of crap and the Bills laughed at the reporters who asked if they had any interest in this scumbag. That !@#$ will hopefully never play another down in the NFL again Besides, he was an average QB on his best days and we don't need to have people picketing at our games because we signed the biggest scumbag since Rae Carruth...we get enough flak on OJ, whose crimes happened long after he became a Hall of Famer
  23. part of that has to do with when you book, too. I think Best Western was closer to $80 a night back in late January..my group is at Motel 6 just across the street for about $50 a night per room...I booked the day of HOF announcements
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