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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. no...that was shut down a few years ago....and the Jills are much better than the Titans cheerleaders...besides having better taste in teams, they've got more class...they wouldn't have Billy Buffalo try to get the fans to ignore the Titans cheerleaders while they were dancing...classless move by the Titans, IMO. Anyway, we had a set of gorgeous twins on the squad in 06....and much hotter than the Titans girls
  2. don't forget OJ and Lawrence Phillips at RB
  3. because decent human beings can't root for a killer. I'm convinced some people would cheer on Charles Manson at WR if he could catch the ball
  4. I didn't see Marshawn...but a lot of current Bills were right down there on the field taking it all in in person...Trent, Lee, Langston, Denney, Moorman, Lindell...those are just the ones I saw.
  5. Doh! Completely skimmed over him. Nice catch. Either way, it's been over a decade that WRs have been waiting longer than they should have. The one positive to Andre not getting in on the 1st ballot as he deserved to was the fact that he would've gone in with John Madden....would've been hard to sit through that blowhard while waiting for Andre to be presented
  6. He'll get in...it'll just take time. They're notoriously slow at inducting WRs...the only WR I see getting in on the 1st ballot for at least the next 5 years is Jerry Rice. Andre and Cris Carter should've already been inducted and Tim Brown is up for the Hall next year alongside Rice. Paul Warfield was the last WR to get in on the 1st ballot...in 1983! http://www.profootballhof.com/history/Eligibility.aspx The only notable WR up in 2011 will be Jimmy Smith...Reed, Carter, and Brown will be in long before he gets even a sniff of the Hall, IMO.. As far as Cortez Kennedy, he isn't even eligible until 2011...so it was kinda silly that he was brought up, IMO.
  7. @stuckincincy That's way more than 140 characters
  8. If you've seen him in the past 2 years, he's an imposter.. I started wearing a Poz throwback in 07
  9. I've been in the tunnel end zone (123 my 1st year, 121 my 2nd and 3rd years, 122 ever since)for my entire 14 years as a season ticket holder...love it...only thing I'd change is move closer to the field
  10. Because more people are working at noon on Monday and more people can watch at 10pm
  11. The one panelist (who says he's from Buffalo) claimed that if Owens acts up, we Buffalonians will be all over him, not because he's acting up or not performing, but because he's black. Rome and the other panelist both seemed to be rolling their eyes on that stupidity
  12. I love mine...did a big steak on it the other day...easy to clean with the removable plates and easy to use
  13. I use this one myself
  14. He'll be there for both tailgates whether he makes the game or not...he's undecided on whether he's going to watch the game or not...at most, he might catch the 1st half and then head back home since he works Monday
  15. Here's the link Kenny gave me http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&..._&encType=1 I'm guessing it's that lot just off to the right of the pin
  16. no doubt. WECK will turn into WGR lite while he's on...why do people think Schoop turned into such an arrogant obnoxious prick after going to WGR? He learned it from his 1st co-host there...Dickerson
  17. depends on the poster...there's a few posters that no one with any common sense should take seriously...I won't name any names but one of the worst has a buddy named Shaggy
  18. The Bills already got their extra revenue from the whole series...it's not like the Bills are losing out on any significant money by real football fans avoiding a game where you can't tailgate. That being said, I might go this year but haven't decided yet
  19. speaking of camera magnets, the 1 time I forgot to record inductions that I was there, I made it on TV...I was sitting with Kenny, his wife, Scotty, and Scotty's painted head. We got a call just after we got on TV
  20. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=92636
  21. big difference is that athletes and other celebrities spend a lot of time with Twitter. A bunch of them use Myspace as well but not many use Facebook...Twitter is something they can use to communicate with fans directly but it doesn't require as much effort on their parts as Facebook and Myspace do
  22. Starting with Thurman's induction 2 years ago, they moved inductions from mid-day to evening...so chances are that won't be a problem
  23. The induction is definitely something to be there for. I've been there for Billy Shaw, Marv, Kelly, Lofton and Joe D, Thurman, and now Bruce and Ralph
  24. If anyone doesn't think Canton will be Buffalo South this weekend, tell them to turn themselves in because the drugs they're on have to be illegal. In 2002, when Kelly went in, we totally took it over and they even knew we would beforehand, moving induction ceremonies into Fawcett Stadium for the 1st time...we had strong presences in 03 for Joe D and Lofton and in 07 for Thurman. With Bruce and Ralph going in, combined with the Hall of Fame game, we'll have control of everything there this weekend. The only ones who might even try to challenge will be Pissburgh with Woodson going in
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