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Everything posted by The_Philster

  1. stats are for those who either don't watch the games or simply don't understand the game
  2. That was when he actually threw the ball. Reed and Moulds were frequently open when the midget chose to run instead of throw. Drives stalled that would've ended in TDs thanks to that crap.
  3. when you consider it's a remake of an old show, a lot of people knew the basic plot before it even aired
  4. I'd prefer to have him surprise everyone and turn it around...but then, I'm an actual Bills fan...not a quitter
  5. If you're not rooting for an 11-5 regular season at this point, you're no Bills fan
  6. How's that Flutie blow-up doll working for you? The number 1 defense in the NFL was the reason we went 11-5. If you actually think QB play was a strength in 1999, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you. We could've skipped the Wild Card Round altogether but your midget hero !@#$ed up too much for the defense to bail him out a few games
  7. Lisa http://www.buddytv.com/articles/Image/Smal...girl%281%29.jpg Diana http://outlandinstitute.files.wordpress.co...-badler-v_l.jpg The new space suit http://www.sfuniverse.com/files/2009/05/v-02.jpg
  8. Give it up...you'll never convince Flutie fans of the facts. RJ sucked, but so did Flutie and everyone who watched the 1999 season that doesn't own a Flutie blow-up doll can see that. When Moulds and Reed were constantly open and the QB refuses to throw the ball, it's poor QBing to say the least.
  9. The Bandits won a world championship in 2008 so no
  10. As I already stated Read Felser's book The Birth of the New NFL You'll see a lot of why he's in the Hall of Fame. If you wanna be ignorant of the facts, keep it to yourself Or maybe Polian learned to control his temper after he was canned here? Nah...couldn't be it
  11. Yet our strength and conditioning coach is in advertisements as far as developing a conditioning program in health clubs
  12. Colts first...then he finished up with the Steelers
  13. Well, like I already pointed out, word was that Butler's wife wanted out of Buffalo for a while. As I recall, when Butler got Ralph's initial offer, which was a raise over what he was getting, he didn't respond to it at all...even to say it was insulting. So his mind was likely made up before the season. So basically, both of these two great GMs were lame ducks their last years here...Polian because he was fired before the season but allowed to finish the year...and Butler because he had already decided not to re-sign with the club.
  14. For one thing, it's called contract negotiations...you always offer low...the other guy wants high and you come to a compromise. For another, there were aspects of a GM's job that Butler didn't do...like contract negotiations with free agents and league meetings. Butler wanted to be left to doing the personnel job but be paid like he was doing more.
  15. Last year, around midseason, they added a tarp over the tunnel that they only pulled down for pregame announcements. After that, it was thankfully retracted and left alone for the remainder of the game and only got in the way of a few of the fans who sit near the tunnel. This year, after some jerk threw a box of popcorn at TO after the Saints game, they pulled it down towards the end of the Browns game to presumably prevent that from happening again...completely understandable. Yesterday, they retracted it after pregame like always, but then pulled it back out early in the 2nd quarter and left it up during the game, much to the chagrin of the long-time season ticket holders who were paying to sit there. I had sent an email, as did many other season ticket holders, last year about it and we got no response. After getting home last night, I sent out another about this new garbage and just got a phone call in response. They're claiming it's an NFL mandate that went into effect last year that they only yesterday put into effect completely. The customer service rep was nice about it...said he understood why fans were upset about it...even seemed to understand why some fans dropped their seats because of it (it wasn't the only reason, but some fans were already frustrated about stuff and said that was the last straw). I know a bunch of other long-time season ticket holders who were talking about giving up their seats yesterday because of that thing. I just think, besides the fact that it takes away from the gameday experience in that section, they screwed up by not making the reasoning for that monstrosity public before they screwed over their season ticket holders.
  16. Butler left because he had already planned to...he was fired with a few weeks left in his contract because he refused to negotiate a new contract with Ralph. Word is that his wife wanted to leave Buffalo long before and there were even rumors of tampering by the Chargers. AJ Smith left because he had his stuck in Butler's rear Read Felser's book The Birth of the New NFL You'll see a lot of why he's in the Hall of Fame
  17. do yourself a favor and read this http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Birth...99211510/?itm=1 Maybe you'll learn something...if not for the efforts of Ralph Wilson Jr, the NFL wouldn't be where it is today. Sure, maybe someone else might've stepped in and done something similar....but this isn't a might've situation...Ralph was a driving force in strengthening the AFL and helping to force the merger...that much is fact...and every NFL fan owes him a debt of gratitude for what he did.
  18. considering that the ceremony is to present him with his Hall of Fame ring (which he deserves without a shadow of a doubt...to suggest otherwise is beyond idiotic), booing during that ceremony would indeed be classless
  19. and my point is...when the naming rights agreement with Rich Products ran out, he renamed the stadium Buffalo Bills Stadium...the Erie County Commissioner and the NYS governor chose to have it named after Ralph. The fact that he hasn't sold the naming rights again isn't the point...HE didn't name it....get your facts straight
  20. Do you have proof of your allegations? A rumor came out well over a year ago that there was already a plan in place to keep the team in Buffalo after his passing. Unless you have definitive proof that the rumor is false, you're blowing hot air. He didn't name it after himself, genius. The governor of New York and the Erie County Commissioner chose the name
  21. that loser isn't even on the ballot
  22. Fitz is the better option right now because he makes quick decisions...when Trent makes decisions quickly, he stares down the receiver the entire play
  23. AVP, getting thrust into the coordinator role 10 days before the season started, didn't have time to make a lot of changes to the playbook...he's working with what Schonert left him. As far as Schonert, he had a horrible track record as a QB coach so I was never sold on him becoming the offensive coordinator in the 1st place
  24. yeah...it does
  25. Faceman looks a little scruffy...Templeton Peck wouldn't be caught dead with that 5 o'clock shadow...and BA needs to bulk up some
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