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Gimme Back My Sundays!

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Everything posted by Gimme Back My Sundays!

  1. "The Baltimore Ravens?" said the guy that doesn't know anything about the NFL.
  2. Hey, I just checked out your blog and it turns out you covered the alumni game in which I played this past summer I was the kicker for Portville, and I appreciate you saying the 51-yarder had plenty of distance lol! Too bad I couldn't keep it straight, and at least it didn't go wide ri... never mind, I shouldn't say that here. haha, I enjoy your writing though, have a great day.
  3. It is definitely too easy for "reporters" to post half-truths at their whim, and it's equally dangerous in that overlap zone where bored fans such as ourselves scour the internet and uncover the stories. Everything must be taken with a grain of salt, especially when written by someone with little to no credibility. I'm learning this lesson as I see blogs written by wannabe Adam Schefters across the country serving up piles of lies day in and day out.
  4. That was fantastically awkward and cringeworthy. Gottlieb was asking him normal questions that one might hear in a radio interview and Mora was just dismissive, abrasive, and generally a douchenugget. Example (paraphrase): DG: What do you think of Philly fans that boo Donovan McNabb JM: I don't know. How do you expect me to talk about how people feel? Who cares? and... JM: I don't know, I don't live in the past, pal, even though you might. Any time somebody busts out a word like "pal", you know it's on like mahjong.
  5. Yeah, I suppose you could call him a journeyman as well. I was just thinking he has more in-game experience than anyone we have and could bring up a young QB. However, if he's not brought in for the long term, such a move could be seen as pointless.
  6. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/477221-denver-broncos-trade-of-kyle-orton-for-marshawn-lynch-immenent I don't know how much credibility is in this article, but I would personally like this trade more than a trade for draft picks to the Packers IF the FO feels a deal must be done with Marshawn. Grooming a 1st round QB next year behind a guy like Orton makes more sense than doing so behind a journeyman like Fitz. I also tend to lean towards not trading Marshawn at all, as he has been playing pretty well lately. What are your thoughts on this article, pretending for the purpose of stirring discussion that it is a legitimate possiblity?
  7. At least it won't be a Bills jersey's neckline that he's awkwardly holding onto while wondering who he should check down to next when they cut to the sideline shot. I like to imagine that he was trying to find the source of his "choking".
  8. Put Jamarcus Russell on a hard diet of sizzerrrrp and hoagies and we may have the OT that we've been looking for...
  9. Riddle me this: Ralph Wilson must bring in new coaches and excuse them of their duties with haste because he uses ticket and merchandise revenues to have surgeries in which he exchanges hearts with the coach of the day. Once the heart becomes weary, he must change coaches. This would explain both his apparent immortality and the reason that our coaches run the team as if they are scared old men reluctant to change lanes in city traffic. And also maybe also Dick Juaron's appearance. Long live Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.! Note: This is for joking purposes only. If you are offended by it, please remember: if we care more about the team's success than ownership and management of the Bills, the best thing that we can do is develop a sense of humor in order to cope with the soul-crushing obligation of watching our Bills every Sunday.
  10. Is there a more appropriate way to celebrate a "sack"?
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