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Wilson's Ears

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Everything posted by Wilson's Ears

  1. I'm glad to see they went "big" with the first pick and went defensive side of the ball with the rest of the draft. I'm not concerned that we didn't draft a QB cuz we are officially on the clock in the Andrew Luck sweepstakes... Let's just hope he doesn't pull an Elway & Manning and refuses to play for the team that drafted him. The best thing to look forward to next year will be the new uni's...
  2. You're dreamin' if you think Cowher is coming here. We won't see the likes of a quality head coach until floppy eared Wilson leaves this world. And when that happens, we are out of town... Sorry to bring you back from your fairy tale...
  3. the smart thing to do here is trade out of the number one spot. we need players, and a lot of em'. one guy will not make the difference. i just don't see a clear cut guy that is deserving of the number one pick.
  4. ralph will order the top pick be traded away for peanuts so he doesn't have to pay a hefty top pick contract. it's the only way he can keep this circus act going just the way he planned... even though they probably would be better off trading out of the number one spot to get more picks. this team is far from a top draft pick away from ever tasting the playoffs again. spend little, make money, who cares if we win... ralph's motto
  5. "I'd rather beat the Chargers this year than win the Super Bowl," ...nice quote Ralph...

  6. for all our sakes, i hope jimbo buys the team and keeps it here. i just don't see it happening. this is a money hungry league with too many jerry jones's out there. no way they would go for it when a team in los angeles for example, would further line their wallets...
  7. Wait, this is a home game? In Toronto?
  8. "You have to know what buttons to push and when to push them. Right now I want to let Ralph Wilson be the proud owner of the Buffalo Bills." ...Jim Kelly http://www.wgr550.com/pages/8523169.php Yep... Ralph is definitely proud, and taking it right to the bank and to his grave... He has totally sold out this franchise for a few bucks. I just wish someone had the balls to call him out on it in a face to face interview...
  9. i totally agree... he had the chance to continue what polian built in the 90's but decided to save a few bucks by firing him... wilson is undeniably the root cause of this franchises failure. when, not if, this teams moves bills fans will have the "almighty" ralph to blame. this toronto series is a total joke and a smokescreen to eventually move the bills. if you can't see it you're kidding yourself. will never understand how this dumb ass got elected into the hall of fame.
  10. this is awesome... the greatest winless team ever...!!! this is how bad it has gotten here. pathetic... thanks ralph
  11. tough to win a championship without making the playoffs... if wilson did call a news conference, he would be blaming the city, the fans, the economy, the snow, you name it... he has always been a worthless puke of an owner. i hate jerry jones with a passion. but that guy wants to win and i would be willing to throw a lot of money out there and bet the cowboys will taste the playoffs a lot sooner than wilson's idiots
  12. i totally agree... problem is, next year they will more than likely contend again... lord knows if we can ever say that again here in buffalo
  13. we could overhaul the entire roster and it wouldn't matter because ralph wilson is on the can't cut list
  14. the football gods would only be smiling on us if they would drop down from heaven a knowledgeable football guy that knows how to run a franchise. or send us another bill polian who would work for peanuts. that's ralph's price range
  15. who cares about the opponents record... if we beat all those teams, the combined record is 26-24... this is the nfl... we just suck, and suck bad... no hiding it... all starts at the top, and won't change any time soon.
  16. ... and with our front office "braintrust" in charge, they won't get the pick in on time. and/or pick a running back
  17. are we cursed? absolutely... we are cursed with the worst owner in the nfl... for 50 years... and counting, and counting, and counting...
  18. The answer to that question is an emphatic NO...!!!
  19. the only positive for me was that the game wasn't on where i was... as result, i spent four hours not thinking about how many times i wanted to punch wilson in the nads...
  20. what does spiller have to do? first of all he needs to get some carries. don't care if the o-line stinks or not, he's a top ten draft pick. lets see what he can do. we're obviously not going anywhere, why wait with this kid. if he's not where they want him to be right now, that doesn't say much about our "front office", once again...
  21. nobody is talking about how "it should be done" in today's game. all teams win games they shouldn't. the point is, new england will continue to win games like this because they know how to evaluate talent and pawn that talent off while they still have value. unlike some teams we know. bottom line is, as long as wilson is alive, this team will continue to look like a clueless mess from top to bottom. he has had no clue for 50 years of ownership. he absolutely "lucked" his way to four super bowls only because he had the best gm in the history of the game in polian. and the only reason polian got the job in the first place was because he was in the cheap to free salary range. same deal as the russ brandon experiment. only difference was that polian actually knew football. there is no question that we presently have the two worst owners in all of professional sports. golisano can't spell hockey, and wilson has always been a cheap skate bum. the guy cries broke all the time but refuses to sell the naming rights to the stadium in his name. that 10 million could certainly have been used for a real front office many years ago. and why was it that polian was fired... because he didn't want to pay him what he was worth. which about sums up his useless existence as an owner...
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