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  1. DC TOM STL RICK LA BOB MINNESOTA JACK MIAMI BILL Anyone here still live IN Buffalo that has an opinion? No? Okay. See you at the next game, Tom...no you'll be in DC, crap. I guess us teenagers need to carry the team then, while the grown folk complain about them.
  2. Take a job outside of the city. Just be a silent observer. I love people weighing-in from 400 miles away, it's great. They come back 3x a year, but they have ways to change the team!! Shhhh.
  3. There should be board controls on people commenting who live outside the greater WNY area. You don't buy tickets or contribute to the economy. All good now?
  4. I'm from Buffalo. I'm not taking pot-shots from St. Louis. That's not crossing a line...that's dead on.
  5. I'm 33 and 100% positive that if I was standing in front of you, you wouldn't be speaking like that. But, you're a tough talker behind a computer screen. And i bet you're either A. unemployed or B. working in one of the 1000s of amazing careers Buffalo has to offer. So I'm pretty sure it's time to go handle the dinner rush at whatever chain restaurant you work at in the Galleria. I know, I know people from Buffalo think PF Chang's is classy, I get it.
  6. I'm not surprised. It's not the first time they've heard it. But it's hope crushing. Hope: brought to you by the Bill's PR and Season Ticket Sales teams. They should all get bonuses for selling-out games after 11(12) years of no playoffs. Kudos. Also, remember Seymour Knox III. That man would make visits to the building of the "crossroads" in his pajamas, even as he was dying --my father was a foreman on the job. He realized a dream before he died. What's Wilson's final gasp? The signing of T.O.? The stadium is named after him?
  7. I actually put myself in category 1 there, Chief.
  8. He was not 80 for the super bowls-- DO YOUR MATH! He was 80 for the Music City Miracle, and he didn't care then either.
  9. there are two types of posts on this site: 1) unoriginal arguement that was piggybacked off of topics that have been talked about over and over and over ad nauseum. 2) people making cutting, unclever remarks about the aforementioned posting of recycled topics. Sorry, no one is going to come out with anything on these boards more groundbreaking than Edwards v Fitzpatrick or Should we start Spiller or Lynch?
  10. I thought about it. But I figured I was only allotted a certain amount of text because I just got on here a week ago. And I did read the other the other posts about Ralph being the problem, but it seems everyone continues to flood the boards with blame aimed at other areas of the team.
  11. Oh nooooo, I haven't been on a Bills message board long enough to garner attention! I have been a Bills fan for 30 years. I definitely have to justify my fandom with a super awesome avatar and a "veteran" status to get my point across. All that says to me is you've been saying a lot of nothing for the past 3,000 posts--including this recent gem. Thanks for the contribution Big Cat, way to go!
  12. Take these phrases out of your vocabulary: "they need to bench (current QB) for (2nd/3rd string QB)" "we need to trade for (high profile player bills will never trade for) "our O-line blows" "we need to just play lynch or spiller or jackson for the whole game" "we need to run more" "we need to pass more" "we never blitz" "we never throw down field" "where is the play action?" "we only throw check down passes" "why didn't we draft (player who is doing better with another team, simply because they have a better organization)" "starting ANY sentence with: "if we just had, if we could just or if they had just one more..." These are all excuses for the main, glaring, obvious problem with the Buffalo Bills. They have a 91 year old owner. Let me say that slower and more deliberately...they have....a 91! year old owner. Picture all of the ,if any, 91 year olds you know? They don't know what day it is, they cant even drive anymore. Yet, we have a man RUNNING A FOOTBALL TEAM IN THE NFL. He doesn't care anymore about the organization. In fact, I can bet he's napping right now. Do not expect a competitive organization until that man sells the team. When you're a player, Buffalo is where you go to collect a check for a few years with little expectations of winning. So you can sit on these boards and debate what's wrong with the team blah blah blah blah drafting/coaching/QB etc etc etc, but it's all just WHITE NOISE and ignorance, if you don't look at A. the culture of the team and B. who's running the show. No one is at the wheel!!! PS. I hope this QB change has you watching/attending games for a few more weeks! It's definitely going to change the organization for years to come.
  13. it's basically a west coast ivy league school
  15. Believe me. I don't care if he throws 180 and a TD. If he looks shaky, indecisive and bewildered, and throws 180 or 200 and 1 TD, I still want him gone. Let Fitzpatrick finish the year out.
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